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Swarm Guide

1. I prefer to stay to the right side of the screen and shoot the bugs as they pass over me. This gives me a better chance of hitting those tiny, fast bugs at the top which give you 100 points when killed.

2.   As for power ups the blue speed and teal shrink crystals are the most common, I prefer shrink over speed since speed is worthless if you cant get around something, and shrink gives you a good chance of fitting between shots. Tan rebuild towers is pretty useless until the later levels but even then may not be worth grabbing since when you get any new power up you loose the one you are using. Purple extra life and orange power shot are almost equal in rarity and worth. Power shot will hit an enemy and then shoot from the enemy again so it can be used to kill enemies almost twice as fast as normal, especially when they are packed together. If you can try and get more than one power shot at a time, because it will shoot off again for each power shot that you have collected. - from friend

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