Neo City Central! Tips, Solutions, Help, Submissions and More!!
This site is only for promoting neopets and making others interested in it. This site has nothing to to with the making of Neopets. All pictures from the site were gotten from the official neopets site  and therfore the pictures all belong to neopets, not Neo City Central.
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So You Wanna Help Out?

A lot of people have asked me if they can help out around the site. Don't believe us, then check the Guestbook! Anyway, it's great that you are willing to help. Our goal is to make you satisfied by giving you all the tips and info you need about Neopets. If your willing to help, it means we have accomplished our goal.

We can only give you access to the site if you have been on Neopets for over 2 months, and have made a website on geocities. I will need to see the website before deciding. Even if you haven't made a site on geocities, you can still get your name listed in the staff section. Here are some jobs available, in which you don't need access to the site:


Unreleased Pet Monitor: If you come across a pet not listed in the Rainbow Pool, neomail us here to give us the URL of the pet.

Advertiser: Until we get our site listed in the Search Engines, this job is open. Just go on the Neopet Chatboard and advertise the site a few times.

Chat Room Moderators: We need quite a few of these. Just go on the Chat Room to see if everyone is cooperating, and not speaking rudely.

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