This site is only for promoting neopets and making others interested in it. This site has nothing to to with the making of Neopets. All pictures from the site were gotten from the official neopets site  and therfore the pictures all belong to neopets, not Neo City Central.
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The 411 on Attacking Pteradactyls.
That's right, in this classic Neopets game you actually get to shoot Pteradactyls!  Is that easy or what?  Well, actually, there's more to it than that...

Well, let us just start with the basics...

You are a nice little yellow pteri that is just minding your own business, when for no reason whatsoever, a swarm of terrible Pteradactyls comes flying straight at you, trying to steal all 4 of your poor pteri extra lives.  Luckily, some strange individual armed this pteri with a pteri shooter!
Okay, so the pteri shooter isn't very good at killing those savage beasts, but you're in luck!  When you defeat Pteradactyls, every once in a while a colored hoop jumps out of the ptera-carcass.  Those colored hoops are weapon upgrades, and each color means a different type of weapon upgrade...

Tell me more about weapon upgrades!

Each color you choose has a special pathway.  If you choose to collect only blue circles, you will get: rainbow gun, ???, Sparkshooter 2000, The Boro-Vanisher, and the Double Fisted Phaser.  The Blue pathway is very powerful, though not in the beginning when you have the rainbow gun.  The green circle pathway is very difficult to collect, and to tell you the truth, I have never collected it the complete way!  I do not recommend it to beginners, but rather to experienced Pteri masters, just out of curiosity. The red pathway starts you out with pteri shooter, then pteri blaster, then healing springs special, then blastaway ray, and then to the end, allthewayway.  This way is powerful, but doesn't cover a very large area of pteris (in other words, it isn't very wide), I recommend it, but not very highly.  The last pathway, the red pathway that blinks white starts you out with tadow, then to thatsawrap, and then to Mr. Bones.  Yes, this way is very short, but I recommend it tremendously.  It shoots out bones in all directions very quickly, killing Pteradactyles all over the screen, not in just one area.
How could there possibly be more to it?

How's an enormous, blood thirsty grarrl for you?  You see, just to make this poor pteri's life even more miserable, every once in a while, a huge, red grarrl pops onto screen, taking away at least one of your lives in the process...pesky, but unfortunately you can't kill it.

If there are any gaps that need filling in my Pterattack guide, please neomail me at kaley0413.

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