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This is a game where you can win Thousands of NP Or lose 600 by trying!

The Cards and Prizes
Race to Riches Scratchcard 
You'll get this over 80% of the time. Don't sell it, scratch it, you could win 10000 NP!

2,500 NP
5,000 NP
10,000 NP
Quiggle Toy
Terror Trove Scratchcard
Hmm...i suggest you sell it for a profit of around 150 to 200 NP! Then again, if you are lucky you can get a level up
2,500 NP

5,000 NP
10,000 NP
Level Up
Quiggle Toy

Faeries Fortune Scratchcard

All except the snowballs are good prizes. You can sell it for 1250 NP but I reccomend scratching it.

5,000 NP
10,000 NP
Level Up
Random Artifact

Peak O Plenty Scratchcard

This card is worth 10000 if you sell it, and it can give you 10000 if you scratch it. So sell it and you are guaranteed money!

5000 NP
10,000 NP
Level Up
Rare Artifact of Terror Mountain
Icetravaganza Scratchcard
Definately sell this!! IOTs worth 95000 NP!! If you are a real daredevil,  scratch it, but before you do, check how much the Jackpot is. If its under 150000, sell it

50,000 NP
Rare Artifact of Terror Mountain

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