Neo City Central! Tips, Solutions, Help, Submissions and More!!
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Get Stronger!

Here are some tips. Most of them are pretty obvious but anyways:

1. Go to the training school or the Academy. You'll have to pay in Codestones or Dubloons. This is the most popular way.

2. If you have the 9 labratory map pieces, go to the Lab Ray daily. Anything can happen, but you can increase you stat by a max of 5 points!

3. Do the Brain Tree Quests. After accepting his quest, do the Esophagor's Quests twice to get the answer.

4. If you get a quest, always try and complete them, unless its an Earth Faerie Quest.

5. Play Grundo's Gym! I know it was taken off the site, but you can get there by clicking
here and it still gives out NP!! After passing 5 levels, you will get 1 stat point and LOADS of NP!

6. Visit Coltzan's Time. To find out when he increases what, click

7. The most expensive and fastest way is to get a Cool Negg. They are around 150,000 each!!
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