Neo City Central! Tips, Solutions, Help, Submissions and More!!
This site is only for promoting neopets and making others interested in it. This site has nothing to to with the making of Neopets. All pictures from the site were gotten from the official neopets site  and therfore the pictures all belong to neopets, not Neo City Central.
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1. I could write you the way to get through every level till the end of level 3. But there is no point, because you wouldn't be able to read it while properly. Besides, just stert from a corner, and slowly move in. This template kinda shows you want to do. The brown ssquares are the blocks and the red arrow shows you what to do:
2. I could write you the way to get through every level till the end of level 3. But there is no point, because you wouldn't be able to read it while properly. Besides, just stert from a corner, and slowly move in. This template kinda shows you want to do. The brown ssquares are the blocks and the red arrow shows you what to do:

3. Get those treasure chests, they are worth 10 points. However, if your almost done and there's one on the other corner, don't go and get it (unless ur on the first level)
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