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This site is only for promoting neopets and making others interested in it. This site has nothing to to with the making of Neopets. All pictures from the site were gotten from the official neopets site  and therfore the pictures all belong to neopets, not Neo City Central.
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Bumper Cars

The game can be played in 4 player, but you only get NP in 1 player mode. Objuect of the game is basically to ram the other cars.

1. Only hit the other cars on their side or front. If you hit them on the back, your car will move a bit back. Then the computer will back its car to yourfront doing damage and possibly ramming you into a wall.

2. Always get  the wrenches and the engine. The invincibility is good if your health is low but you don't get points when invincible.

3. Whenever you see a mine, go behind it and be careful not to come to close to it. Soon, a computer player will come charging towards you, it will go on the mine and BAM, 20 points of damage to him, possibly killing him.
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