Neo City Central! Tips, Solutions, Help, Submissions and More!!
This site is only for promoting neopets and making others interested in it. This site has nothing to to with the making of Neopets. All pictures from the site were gotten from the official neopets site  and therfore the pictures all belong to neopets, not Neo City Central.
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Cheat is a very fun game. Almost everyone who knows how to play cards has a trophy in cheat! Here are some tips:

1. If a person has less than 4 cards, and they play them all in 1 turn, accuse them becasue they are cheating 90% of the time.

2. Remember that there are only 4 of each card in the game, so if you have 4 fives and play all of them, and the computer plays 1 five after, they are cheating.

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