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10K A Day Plan

Right this plan is really not for filthy rich people. I (Meridell Elite) actually have 117k slowly drifting away as Tyrannianlord is forcing me to LEND him np :( *sigh*

Free Games

Right, here is a list of FREE to play games and how much np they will get you if you are an average player.
Extreme Herder is a very easy game. You have to save the petpets from the bad guy yada yada yada. This game takes a while per day, but gets you around 1000np everyday, so its worth it! Plus this is one of the only neopets game I think is fun:P
Magax Destroyer is easy peasy. Like Extreme Herder, it takes a LONG time to play. This game will get you around 800-1500np everyday.
Potato Counter is like a toddler's game it's so easy! All you need to get 300np per day in this game in only 1 minute is to be able to count! I'm sure all of us here can, so go for it!
Those are np ones, and here are some more that I cant be bothered to put info about;) Carnival Of Terror, Korbat's Lab, Meerca Chase, Pyramids, Swarm, Tug O War and the new game Ultimate Bullyseye which is one of the two neopets games i think are fun!


Healing Springs - Sometimes you get potions that you can sell!
Tombola - I never win but good for you if you do and even if you dont you acasionally get given some np just for trying.
Omelette - The prices for these things are going up and up so everyday be sure to go here!
Snowager - Snowager times are coming soon on the website. If you go to the Snowager when hes asleep, you can get toys neggs and more. If you go to the Snowager when hes asleep and he blasts you, you get him as a battledome challenger! So really, its good both ways.
Coltzans Shrine - Go to the shrine everyday and you can win loads of things (Colt's times will be up on the cheats section soon)

Other Games

Here are some games you can play that have a price but are likely to get you some np:
Wheel Of Excitement, Wheel Of Mediocracy, Snow Wars, Kiss The Mortog, Scorchy Slots, Scarab 21, Poogle Racing, Poogle Solitaire (cheats on cheats page), Gormball and Dice-a-roo!

Other Things To Do

Here are some more essential things you must do to complete this guide:
Withdraw all your np from shop till, deposit all money into your bank account, try to make some cash by investing in shares and sell all your items you don't use.

My Biggest Tip

Right, here is my tip to you all, be good on neopets, dont use cheats, and do your best 0:) YEAH RIGHT! Here is the tip:

Go to the Shop Wizard and search for Codestone and do containing my phrase in the box below. Then put 2500 for the max np amount. Keep pressing refresh and if you find a codestone less than that amount, quickly buy it and price it at 2639 in your shop. That is a very good way of making np. Once i bought a codestone for 1 np!

With this guide, soon you will be ROLLING in it!!
Ps. Please be sure to give me some np when ur filthy rich hehe my username is Vegejo:)
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