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The Women of the Venoms
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The VenomsFilms would be no more than chopsocky guy flicks if there were no women casted in them. And for a guy its refreshing to see some sexy women on screen. But they are not just there for looks. They are very crucual to the story plot. You see, the women of the Venoms aren't just eye candy. They help our Venoms when they need it the most.

Yeung Jing Jing befriends Lo Meng in 2 Champions of Shaolin In 2 Champions of Shaolin, Lo Meng is befriended by Yeung Jing Jing. Almost killed by the Wu Tang, Lo Meng meets Yeung. She takes him in and treats his wounds. When he has healed she teaches him the art of boomerang dagger throwing. After learning, he exacts revenge against the Wu Tang men. They soon marry. Yeung Jing Jing is the only women to marry a Venom onscreen. The ruthless Candy Wen Xue You will not find love scenes of any kind in the VenomsFilms because the VenomsFanbase was so big with women. There were stories about women killing themselves out of infatuation. Taking that into consideration, another woman of the Venoms is introduced in this film - Candy Wen Xue. This woman is bad and is hired to assasinate Meng's wife on their wedding day!

Kid With the Golden Arm featured a woman of the Venoms unlike the rest. Pan Ping Chi played alongside all the Venoms in this film. She held her own pretty well. She carries a sword and is not afraid to use it - taking on both Iron Robe and Silver Spear's henchmen! And when Wei Pai's character is injured she escorts him to a place of safety. When he dies , it is Pan Ping Chi who finally kills Golen Arm and exacts sweet revenge.

Pan Ping Chi takes on Iron Robe and Golen Arm all alone

It is impossible to forget the performaces by the mother and daughter (Annie Lui On Lai and Wang Lai) portrayed in Magnificent Ruffians. These two played mother and sister to Lo Meng 's character Kwan. Kwan makes a promise to protect his family at any costs. Mother and Daughter team - Annie Lui On Lai and Wang Lai - in Magnificent RuffiansHis attractive sister catches the eyes from Lu Feng and the rest of the VenomsCrew. This makes Lo Meng real jealous of the men looking at his sister. The mother and daughter team insist that Kwan not fight, that nothing good could can come from it. These characters do a great job showing how families are directly affected by the world of violence. In the Deleted Scenes from Magnificent Ruffians, we get a powerful Euology by Kwan's sister who reprimands the VenomsCrew for their needless acts of violence and how anyone involved with them will meet a sad and bitter end.

Choh Seung Wan in Killer Army
In Killer Army, Philip Kwok's character befriends a prostitute played by Choh Seung Wan. She makes way for the refugee to find work at the brothel. She aides him in his escape to the mainland. But she also is threatened by Wang Li and his henchmen to setup the Venoms in the end. She meets a violent death in the end, but not before being able to help the refugees as best she can.

Kuo Chui meets a formidable adversary in July Chu in the movie Ninja in the Deadly Trap. She is an undercover ninja assasin hired as a maiden to the general's palace. She uses her attractive looks to get inside. When the time comes to kill, she tries to poison Philip Kwok. When he suspects her, then they fight a violent death till the end. July Chu is the only woman to give Philip Kwok a run for his money onscreen.

The deadly July Chu in Ninja in the Deadly Trap

Invincible Shaolin introduces Hui Ying Hung, Niu Niu and Yau Chui Ling as girlfriends to the VenomsCrew. Two of them are fruit peddlers and the other a house maiden. During the battles between the North Shaolin and South Shaolin schools, these women provide a world of peace and happiness in a world otherwise clouded by vengeance and death. They also give hope to the Venoms that there a life of violence is not the only way to live. They show it is possible to live in a world of friends, laughter and peace. The warlord General Fu knows this and manages to keep them quiet until the end. Had the Venoms listened to these women they would've seen that the true enemy was General Fu.

Hui Ying Hung, Niu Niu, Yau Chui Ling in Invincible Shaolin

The VenomsFilms would not be the same without the presence of such talented actresses. The Venoms were a talented group of individuals. The women of the Venoms contributed in their own special way to help these films become classics so many years later. Remember at that time it was rare to see women play leading roles let alone supporting ones. Their beauty, charisma, elegance, strength and hardwork continues to shine and will never be forgotten.

Venoms Sitemap

Featured Films

2 Champions of Shaolin
Avenging Warriors of Shaolin
Chinatown Kid
Crippled Avengers
Five Deadly Venoms
Flag of Iron
Invincible Shaolin
Kid With the Golden Arm
Killer Army
Legend of the Fox
Magnificent Ruffians
Masked Avengers
Ninja in the Deadly Trap
Ten Tigers From Kwangtung

My Tribute to Chiang Sheng

Philip Kwok Interview: Brotherhood of the Wolf

Women of the Venoms Video Tribute

Wang Li: The Sixth Man

Music Samples & the Venoms

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Venoms: Philip Kwok, Chiang Sheng, Sun Chien, Lu Feng and Lo Meng