Welcome to the web pages 
of the Class of 1959, 

our 45th-year Reunion?
(Saturday, June 19, 2004)

Class of '59 and Friends.
    .. . ..
      This is how we have shared where our roads 
           have taken us and how old friends and 
                  classmates can get in touch.
At last!!! 
With apologies for the delay, 
The Reunion Photo Gallery Links
Five pages of pictures and recollections from
the June 19, 2004 Class Reunion
An update and photo from Clint and Mary Anne Seward
Photos from the 2003 NHS Football Reunion
What's New: Reunion Notes | How It Works | Let's Keep in Touch
| Take the Classmates Quiz | Test Your Memory of . . . |
| Of General Interest:  - Recent Contacts - Suggestions -- 
NHS Notes - In MemoriamView Classmates Located |
    —Homepage last updated:  March 12, 2005—
Why a Classmates Page of Our Own?
Classmates shouldn't have to pay to keep in touch!

Most Recent Additions:
– The Reunion Photo Gallery –

1) 'Opening Ceremonies'    |   2) 'Around the Tables'    |  3) 'Circulating
4) Saturday Tour of Old Nyack   |  5) The Sunday Farewell Breakfast

Also: the 'Where's Waldo' poster collage,
featured at the reunion, now being reconstructed online
with 200+ faces of the Class of '59 pre-1959!

A letter from Mr. Rowland
An update and photo from Clint Seward and Mary Anne

Looking for Reports and 
Photos from the Class of 

45th-year Reunion???

Apologies to everyone!
Photos HAVE been coming in. 
I just haven't found the time to put them together.
Until now--Thanksgiving (I was away from home much of the summer)
Paul and I still haven't been able to IDENTIFY everyone pictured.
But we're sure you'll correct us where we're wrong and
Help us with names where now there are just
Question marks (?)

We hope there are still some more photos out there
that you'd be willing to share. Still needed are
photos of some of the tables, as well as
shots of the Nanuet & Blauvelt kids!
Also welcome: miscellaneous
photos, comments on 
or recollections
of June 19!

Copies of photos may be sent to Dennis, as e-mail attachments to
[email protected]
or as hard copies to: 
235 No. Union St.
Delaware, OH 43015

And NOT to worry if some of your photos seem too dark,
with people lost in the shadows or in the glare of the flash.
The computer (PhotoShop) can do a nice job of compensating.
Here's an example (original above, compensated below):


Also sought: Moments to Remember
Your comments and recollections
of the reunion as a whole or favorite features or moments.

Modesty forbids including the much appreciated 
portion of messages thanking the organizers by name, but here are 
some comments already received on the reunion as a whole:

Reunion Notes and Comments
  • Here's a March 11 update and an earlier Christmas note from Clint and Mary Anne Seward (The Christmas note should have been posted months ago!—my fault.) But I'm posting both now with this link to a photo from the 2003 NHS football reunion that Joe Paone sent in more recently. The photo allows Clint and Mary Anne to join the gallery of NHS reunion pics—different reunion, but the same spirit! 



          "Yesterday my physical therapist told me I am on my own:  no more therapy sessions are needed beyond one more on 31 March. 
            I now walk almost normally with only a cane for stability.  I walk reasonably well without a cane and do so around the house.  If I walk every day and keep up some selected exercises, I have no reason to expect anything other than full recovery.   I am presently walking about two miles total every day.
            The doctor also told us yesterday that there is no sign of the cancer, so that is also good news. 
            Thanks again for your kind thoughts and support over the past year."    —Clint  (March '05)

    A Christmas Note
           "I just got the greatest Christmas gift of all.  My doctor called.  He read the CAT Scan from last Friday and said the results were "Absolutely Great." He can no longer see any signs of the cancer tumor. Needless to say, Mary Anne and I are flying high.
          . . . I have graduated from the wheelchair to arm crutches and this lets me do about everything close to normally. I may yet be walking at about the same time as our grandson William."
            So, Merry Christmas, and thanks for your kind thoughts and concerns."     –Clint  (Dec '04)

  • "Cookie and I really enjoyed looking over the pics on the website -- it was worth the wait.  Again, great job, many thanks again."

  •                  --George and Cookie (Gallo) McGregor ((Nov '04)
  • "Many thanks . . . for all the effort put into our reunion and now the wonderful follow-up.  I apologize for being so tardy in expressing my appreciation. 

  • You most certainly have "outdone yourselves" with this recap!  Looking at the pics is most enjoyable - rekindling many good memories. I hope saying thank you is not a conclusion.....but also an encouragement for you to continue the connection among all of us. I am sure many of us look forward to.......the 50th?  How can that be when I am still only 39????" (Nov '04)  --Carole Ferguson Schneider
  • Below is the letter Paul received from "Uncle Joe" Rowland. His stories suggest that our NHS teachers may have fared better on foot than behind the wheel. The stories may have been prompted by the fact that Mr. Rowland felt no need for the cab ride Paul was arranging for him after the reunion and set out (alone) on foot to Mr. O'Rourke's house quite some distance away.  Paul had to trail the intrepid J.R. down Piermont Ave. in the dark, calling the cab on his cell phone as he went. He eventually bundled Mr. Rowland into a taxi and returned to the Nyack Grande to pick up Senorita as well. As Paul notes, "the Rowland sense of humor is still as sharp as is his memory."  --DP  (Jul '04)

  • .
          Your generosity is exceeded only by your good looks.
          I really enjoyed the reunion and feel honored by being invited.  I'm glad you invited Senorita's sister.  I think they are alone in the world and since they have to walk everywhere, I think she feels better if she has a companion after. Senorita did take driving lessons once.  The day of her exam she was driving down Sickles Avenue when she ran into one of those construction things they erect for traffic.  The instructor told her to forget about driving as someone will always drive her wherever she needed to go. 
        Dr. Roody was one day driving in Piermont with Miss Haynes when she remarked that the road was very uneven.  Miss Haynes told her that was because she was half on the sidewalk, half on the road.
        Miss MacLaren one day drove uptown - did her shopping and went home by foot.  When she got home she couldn't find her car and called the police to report her car stolen. 
        Again, thanks.  It was nice seeing all the people after 45 years.  Thank the Lord somebody invented name tags.
    .                                                                                             --Uncle Joe
  • My wife Lucille and I had a great time at the recent reunion! She loved meeting all my classmates. Thanks sooo much for a job > well done and especially the fact that I saw myself in class pictures for Nanuet Grammer School that have been "lost to the ages."   --'Dr. Bob' (Eckerson)

  • .
    I want to thank you for sending me the items from the class reunion I was planning to attend but a family party got planned on the same day and it was something I could not miss. I enjoy the web site and look at it often and if there is another reunion I will be there.  --Donna (Costino) Lynch 
  • All the hard work really paid off.  You even engineered the weather.  The party was well run, the food was good, and everyone really enjoyed seeing each other after all these years -- I have never seen so many "Oh my God's" and hugs.  It was just great.  --Judy Kross

  • .
  • I hadn't seen classmates in 45 years and words can't express the overwhelming feelings of nostalgia I experienced; as well as the joy, happiness and fun we all had being together again. My sincere thanks. --Sandy (Kolb) Smith.

  • .
  • It was so good to see all of our old classmates again - in such a nice place, with good food and music - and the collage of all of us was such fun.  You should be so very very proud of what you did - you created a lovely night for a lot of people. --Judy (Cooper) Guido

  • .
  • Mary Jane and I had a terrific time last Saturday evening. It never would have happened had you not started the website, So I think all of us there owe you a big debt of gratitude!  You also did an excellent job filling in as "MC".  I was glad that the music did not start soon after dinner. People really seemed to want to just talk (myself included). The music would have been a distraction. Did it eventually start (we left at around 9:45)? See you at the 50th? --Dave Palmer

  • .
  • Well, I said it Saturday afternoon at the hotel, Saturday evening when the party was starting, Saturday evening when the party was in full swing, and Sunday after breakfast, but I just can't say it enough. Thanks, guys!  --Paul Cherecwich

  • .
  • Just wanted to thank you and everyone else who worked on the NHS Class of 59 Reunion. ...a great job at a very reasonable price. My wife and I had a wonderful time meeting old friends and classmates that I haven't seen in 45 years. I know it wasn't an easy task.                         --Bob & Sue Lieval




You don't have to join a club or pay a fee. Just send a message, short or long, telling us how  to get in touch, where you are now, and maybe how you got there. You can always return and add to or change what you've given us.

Also welcome: Information concerning the whereabouts of other classmates you may have been in touch with. Better yet, ask them to visit the page and tell us themselves.

What Happens to the Information
The link below will take you to a page of forms that will transmit your contact information and a message (optional) to an e-mail account for sorting and posting to a special 'Contact Information' Web page*. Your should then see a page confirming transmission of your information. Just hit the "Back" button on your browser twice to return to the Class of '59 Website.
  *To provide greater privacy the Contact Information page is NOT linked to the homepage here. You will be provided with a protected Web address (URL) giving access to that page. 
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Note: You can specify portions of contact information that should NOT be posted to the 'Contact Info.' page (e.g., mailing address, phone number, etc.) Just check the 'no' box below any information you don't want posted. It will be kept on file offline only.
A Note on those pesky pop-up ads . . . and what they buy.
Pop-ups are the price we pay for free hosting of Web pages with virtually no limit on size. They collpapse to minmal size after about 10 seconds.  But a pop-up ad appears every time you load or return to a page. That's why this Home Page is really about 10 pages stitched end to end.  No pop-ups as you go from one to the other. .

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The contact information sought here will enable old friends and classmates to contact you and will facilitate planning for reunions

Let us know where YOU are . . .

. .
Here's My Contact Information:
Click here to go to the Forms

.NOTE: Comments or bios should include your name--
the forms arrive as 'anonymous' e-mail,
with no return address


. .
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And you thought they were just plain folks!?

Can you guess--or remember, if you've visited this page before
--which of your classmates . . . 

      • Ran in 10 or more marathons? Now there are three of them!!! But which one ran in 10 marathons AFTER retiring from teaching, including one in Dublin just last year (2000)?  Which one has run in 11 marathons and the Pike's Peak Ascent?  And which one ran ten marathons between 1977 and 1988; nine in NYC and one in Paris? 

      • .
      • Skated in Ice Dancing competitions at the national level with future wife Dottie?

      • Has a business (and citizenship) in both Colorado and Ireland?

      • Has a sideline as a paid umpire during the cricket season?

      • Builds his own race cars and has driven in Nascar events at speeds of 180+ mph?

      • Report effects of the Seattle earthquake? (One was hanging onto the computer monitors at work? The other visited Seattle just before the quake—and felt the effects even after returning home? )

      • .
      • Worked for 12 years as a non-denominational lay minister in Indonesia?

      • .
      • Showed a classmate how to catch a trout by tickling it on the tummy?

      • .
      • Organized the 1969 and 1979 reunions??

      • .
      • Had novelist and passenger Kurt Vonnegut begging to ride with someone –anyone–else?

      • .
      • Was married by (not to) the Rev. Norman Vincent Peale?

      • ..
      • Has lived with her husband for more than twenty years in Sydney, Australia?

      • .
      • Used psychology to defeat hysteria upon finding a body in the kitchen cupboard of an old house?

    For Answers click on ?

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Long-term memory is supposed to be the part that persists even after you can't remember where you put the remote control five minutes ago. So here's a chance to test some really l-o-o-o-n-ng-term memories of things that a classmate has remembered or asked about.


This question came up after my daughter and her teenage friends watched the video of George Lucas's 1973 hit movie, "American Graffiti," with its sound track evoking the world of pre-Beatles pop music. They say the music of our youth becomes the sound track of our lives. But how does  your sound track compare with the one George Lucas, or your classmates (or your kids) think of as the sound of pop music in the first golden age of rock?      --DP
| Go to the page. |

This question was prompted by a note from Pete Johnson with a query about our graduation—sort of.  It seems he found himself in full deja-vu of one piece of our June 1959 graduation night, but without a clear recollection of the whole to confirm the 'vu.' See how your memories compare with others on that subject. 
| Go to the page |

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. ..

Messages, notes or inquiries can be posted here concerning our recent REUNION, contact with NHS classmates, former teachers, this Website, or similar matters of general interest. 


Want to check on who was at the Reunion?

Check out this page on the list of attendees, --
and on classmates we still do not have contact with.
The list of missing classmates is down to just 44 now.  Take a minute to look it over if you haven't already done so. Any lead's a place to start. 

Recent Contacts
With or without the aid of contact info. from this Website, classmates around the country have been getting in touch (or trying to), exchanging news, even visiting one another on their travels. Some of this I learn of in notes to me, notes I’d promised to review, excerpt, and share with others. Christmas break was a nice time to revisit the warm and encouraging e-mails I‘ve had from many of you who’ve kept in touch. So here’s a warm thank-you: a sampling of what I found, going back a year or so. Updates--and additions of items I've missed--are always most welcome.     --DP
Ginny Hoffman Morthland: Ginny writes from winter quarters in Tucson, AZ: "Had a reunion with Garet Church last month. He was here for a winter break....has kids who live here....will spend more time here when his wife retires in June. We had a great time catching up over lunch !! I keep thinking I should go up to Phoenix and find Tom Schade and Carol Stefan!"  March. '04

Bob Zehner: A reunionite all the way from Down Under? Could be. Bob writes, It's less of a long shot now, and if he can arrange to take care of some businness back here in June, he'll be there for the reunion on the 19th. February  '04

Clint Seward: "We had our football reunion for several classes at Chuck Christopher's house (he is class of '58).  A nice get together and it started us thinking how nice it would be to have a class of 1959 reunnion. Marvin White, Howie Miller, Dave Palmer, and George Galione were there, and it was so much fun just seeing how everyone was and what they are doing." Sept. '03

Dennis Prindle: "College reunions this year also prompted renewed contact with NHS classmates Jon Perry  and Mitzi Single Nelsen, the same folks my wife and I had met up with two years previous. Jon and I teamed up at the Cornell reunion in Ithaca, hoping that we might meet NHS and Cornell classmates Judy Kross and Ginny Hoffman Morthland  there as well (no such luck). Ginny had already indicated chances of making this reunion were slim. But  then Mitzi's Vassar reunion in Poughkeepsie the same weekend facilitated a nice Sunday lunch and a long talk on my way to Rockland County. Makes an NHS reunion next year sound like a good idea."   June '03

Mike Foley: "I recently visited with Dave Palmer in NYC--he graciously put me up for two nights while my wife was having back surgery in Lennox Hill--and we had a fine evening reminiscing. Yesterday [2-2-03], on our way back to Poughkeepsie from NYC, my wife and I stopped in Nyack for a brief look-around and had lunch in a restaurant on Main Street  that, as it turns out, used to be the Town Hall and police station; in fact, the cell in which Georgie McGregor and I spent an uncomfortable night is now their wine cellar.  I know that he would get a kick out of the story."    Jan.'03

Judith Olsen Shellenbarger: "Been trying to find my old "pals" Connie O'Keefe and Lois Parietti. I found Ginny Partridge on this site, so that was a nice surprise!  Just recently have been in touch with Eileen Goldblatt (by e-mail). We were room-mates at New Paltz State. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me!"   Jan.'03

Eileen Goldblatt writes that she learned of the NHS '59 Web page from Sandra Kolb Smith when "my mom was in Nyack Hospital and I kind of walked into her [Sandy's] office ...she didn't recognize me, which was SO NEAT." .Sep.'02

Dennis Prindle "Exchanged visits last year ['01] with Jon Perry, a friend and classmate of mine all through Upper Nyack, NHS, and Cornell.  After Jon visited here while placing his son Adi in a local college, my wife and I stayed with Jon and his lovely wife Mary while visiting Ithaca. Then had a delightful lunch with Mitzi Single Nelsen en route to Nyack and a visit with Warren and Sue Wicks, who took us out on the town in Nyack. More recently: Hoped to connect with Ginny Hoffman Morthland while visiting in Portland, but Ginny by then was off for an extended visit abroad."   Aug '02

Harry Von Thaden reports meeting up with Paul Ingrassia while on vacation. "We just met with him, here on Cape Cod."  July '02

Paul Cherecwich "Received a phone call from Bill Brown a few months ago. We had a good time reminiscing."  July '02

Ginny Hoffman Morthland and Herb Swain got together playing some golf in Portland. Ginny writes: "What a kick, after all these years. He's quite a golfer. I also saw Janet Chaize and Carole Ferguson last October ['01] when I went back to NY for my nephew's wedding. We met midway down the Garden State again, for lunch and lots of talk. Janet loves working at St. Thos. Aquinas College (I think) there. She's in touch with Judy Cooper, and has seen Michael Seliger." April '02

Bob Zehner reports meeting briefly with Halstead Welles in NYC while Bob was visiting from Australia, and snapped the photo of Hallie that appears with Classmates Located below.  Nov '01

Mary Ellen Berne Galbraith: "I am in touch with Nancy Norris Emerson, who lives in Colorado.  We last got together over Christmas in New York and are due for another reunion this summer."   May '01

Lots more e-mails to review. Clearly this is going to require a lot more : 

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Suggestions for the Website:
A VIRTUAL (online) YEARBOOK? Well, here's a start anyway!
Bob Zehner had asked about scanning senior photos from the 1959 Tower to post on the Website.  Good idea, I thought. (A few classmates had mentioned they'd lost or misplaced their yearbooks--or were having trouble putting faces with some of the Classmates Located.) The problem with scanning was all those photos overwritten when people signed them . . . until Bob found a solution. Pooling his yearbook, wife Ruth's, and eventually mine, we found we had clean copies of most everybody. 

So with Bob scanning pics and me attempting to put them together much the same way they were in the yearbook, we have a virtual (online) senior class photo gallery.  Found I could reconstruct some overwritten pics on my computer by 'erasing' the writing--except when it's on the hair, face, neck, etc., where the results varied from mediocre to too atrocious to use. Still looking for clean copies of the missing or badly doctored photos  (e.g., Pat Pollard, Pat Thompson).

Links to senior pictures are included with the Classmates Located entries below.  A link to the relevant yearbook page follows the entries for those appearing on that page. To view all 25 pages of senior pics click here to go to the first page (each page links to the next at the bottom of the page): http://www.geocities.com/nhsclassof59/Tower-8.html

—D.P. July '02
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NHS Notes

November  29, 2003. Congrats are in order for the Nyack Indians football team. After beating Poughkeepsie 47 to 20 in the class A sectional finals, they won the regionals by beating first Cornwall, 41 to 7, then Amsterdam, 28 to 11. Then (Thanksgiving week, 2003) it was onto the state finals at the Syracuse Carrier Dome, where they "creamed" Corning East 43 to 0. This team has become the county's "elite" football program.

For those who have wondered what's happened to the old building and grounds of NHS (now leased to the vocational BOCES), we have this from Sandy (Kolb) Smith, Nursing Instructor at Nyack Hospital across the road from old NHS.  Sandy writes:

At our last Nyack Hospital operations meeting the new CEO was sharing a future dream of how he'd love to expand across into the NHS grounds. Of course I don't want this to become a reality since I experience a beautiful sunrise (NHS and Hudson in background) through my office window every morning.   —Sandy (3/4/01)
For more on old NHS today, w/ photos, check out this page on the awesome NHS Class of '55 Website: http://nyack55.com/nyackhs_now.html
Sandy also provided this:.
Update on NHS faculty —my Uncle Howard (Sleight), your (JV) soccer coach is living in Southern Pines, N.C. Recently made a full recovery from severe stroke. Still indulging in art and golf.

Having remained close to NHS faculty through her own contacts plus family connections, Diana (Heath) DeGroat shared these notes with us:

[EDWARD SCHWEIKARDT and Son].  I was recently in touch with Eric Schweikardt, who is helping to organize a Class of '55 reunion.  He sent me a list of missing classmates.  Unfortunately, I could not help him, but it was good to hear from him.  Last time I saw him was at his father's funeral.  I don't even remember how many years ago.  His first wife, Alice Dauer, is a good friend of mine.

I had also stayed in touch with GENE ROSS, English and Social Studies teacher, until her death three years ago [1997].  She had lived with my mother until my mother went to an assisted living home in New Jersey.  Gene died two days after she attended my mother's funeral.  She had taught in Nyack High School for something like 47 years.  She had been retired only a year before she died.

I also hear from AL BENINATI and his wife at Christmas.  They are living in Balston Spa, New York.  He left Nyack to teach at SUNY New Paltz.  My husband  had several of his students for student teachers in math.  He left New Paltz  for Dar es Salam in (Tanzania) Africa. They were there for several years, then moved to upstate New York.

Talked to Alice Dauer Jackson recently--class of '56, I believe, but always kept up on news from Nyack.  She said SENORITA RAMIREZ still lives in the same apartment in Nyack at Rockland Gardens and teaches CCD classes at St. Ann's Church.  Mr. Williams the math teacher is still around.  He had married Miss Ganley's sister. 

I had heard from JOE ROWLAND in 1997, when my mother died.  When he retired, he sold women's coats at Macy's in Nanuet. Then he moved back to his home in Saratoga Springs.

Also remembered that RAY WRAY had played Santa Claus at malls in Rockland and Westchester county after he retired.  He really looked quite authentic. He entered a contest in Good Housekeeping and won honorable mention for his portrayal of Santa Claus.   Oct '01

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..............................In Memoriam................................

As reported by Diana Heath DeGroat, William Desmond, who taught English and coached some of us at NHS, died June 30, 2002.  Warren Wicks and I knew him principally as a trout fisherman (a master angler) and a friend of Warren's family who occasionally took us with him fishing in the Catskills, where the Wicks family had a summer cabin. This notice was posted online by Mr. Desmond's daughter.   --DP
From: HOLLY DESMOND, NHS '1973       Jul 9 2002 

My Dad, William M. Desmond, died after being quite ill for two months. He remembered his students and the young men he coached always. He could recall each and every basketball/baseball game right down to the smallest detail. He remembered "you" 

September 11: A Time to Remember

Word reached us following September 11, 2001 of the loss at the World Trade Center of Stacey Ann Sennas McGowan, managing director for Sandler O'Neill Partners and daughter of our classmates Fran (Nikola) and Semo Sennas.

Semo and Fran responded with the following message to our expressions of sympathy and a desire to offer here a link to the tributes to Stacey which appeared in the New York Times 'Portraits in Grief' series ("Stacey S. McGowan: Known by Her Embrace," November 11, 2001). 


Thanks for your kind words. We, of course, are devastated with Stacey's loss.  However, she will be in our hearts forever.... There is the STACEY SENNAS McGOWAN FOUNDATION set up in her memory.  The goal is to encourage outstanding young people in our community.  The foundation will probably be awarded yearly to a lacrosse scholar/athlete in the county.  We dont mind at all if you put the info about Stacey and the foundation on the website.
--Fran and Semo

The Stacey Sennas McGowan foundation gave out $5,000 worth of scholar-athlete scholarships this spring.  Laura Cahill Graham is heading up the foundation, and Suzanne McDowall Higgins is Vice-President.

Everyone's response has been truly heartwarming.  Almost $20,000 was raised last evening 7/27/02 at The Basking Ridge Country Club  where friends and family gathered for the annual "Crushfest"  (Staceys nickname given to her at BC)  A very spirited auction of donated travel, sport, etc. packages.  A 10-day trip to Ireland went for $4,500.  A wonderful evening of Staciness.  Please keep us posted, and yes, I did receive your recent update.             --Fran

Following are links to:

  • Our original posting on the events of 9-11

  • ('A Time to Remember').
  • The New York Times article, 'Stacey S. McGowan: Known by Her Embrace'


    While it has proven difficult in some cases to confirm the year of death, the following classmates have been reported as deceased:
       Richard Steyerer    David Sanborn
       Patricia Thompson Roy    Bruce Hyman
       William Skelly    Ed Zanato
       Gerald Gordon    Anthony Knapp
       Peter Warner    David Lemm
       Carol Ann Simmons    Helen Dickow
       Gail Millar    Armand Beard

    Special thanks to Bob Zehner, who retrieved (and retyped) the text of memorial services, which may be viewed by clicking on the following links, for David Sanborn and Patricia Thompson Roy

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    Names are alphabetical by last name as of 1959
    Click on the message icons for links to a personal page
    with additional content that varies:  personal news, bios, highlights and reflections
    A link to the yearbook page with Senior Pictures follows the names of those appearing on that page
    Backlin, Lorraine Lester
    Albuquerque, NM 
    In brief:  "On the faculty of the U. of New Mexico as a law librarian 27 years; three kids; single since 1985. I've done a lot of caving on the east coast, and long distance mountain running out here in the west (11 marathons, Pike's Peak Ascent, some ultras) until around 1992.<Classmates quiz. I volunteer at the zoo and aquarium here in Albuquerque and travel around the state in a "zoo to you" van with other volunteers visiting schools, libraries, nursing homes, etc.  Animals and kids keep me sane." Continued  on Personal Page.
    Barron, James
    Jersey City, NY
    Graduated Seton Hall University in '63 then MS from Syracuse in '64. Spent next 3 yrs in Lima, Peru coordinating ETV project with Columbia Univ Teacher's College and US Peace Corps for the Peruvian Ministry of Education. Joined WNBC in '67 and then NBC network in '77 as a unit manager for News, Sports & Entertainment East Coast for 3 yrs finally settling in the News Division as a Production Manager until '90. Did a stint at Lifetime TV in production then returned to NBC Network Operations NY as Manager, Videotape Manpower. Supervised commercial integration for NBC prime time programming (1995- 2001). Had only brief holiday visits to Nyack over the years to see family and saw a great many changes. Decided to retire early but do a little freelance consulting on the side. Married/divorced years ago. No kids. Single, alive & well in NJ.
    Beck, Pat Shannon
    Pearl River, NY
    Been living in Pearl River for the past 40 years.  Cliff and I have been married 42 years.  We have one daughter and 2 grandsons.  We are both retired from The local utility co. (Orange and Rockland). Classmates quiz:   Pat organized the 1969 and 1979 reunions with Fran (Nikola) Sennas
    Beman, Richie 
    Alcove, NY 
    .Yearbook photos: Ackerson - Beman
    ..... . .Berne, Mary Ellen Galbraith
    ..... . .East Hampton, NY 
    "My husband John and I have retired from National Westminster Bank PLC and are presently living in East Hampton on Long Island.  I am in touch with Nancy Norris Emerson, who lives in Colorado.  We last got together over Christmas in New York and are due for another reunion this summer." 
    On hearing that she and Bob Writer signed onto this page on the same day: "What a small world that you should hear from Bob Writer on the same day....we were next door neighbors in Nyack from kindergarten until our college graduations."
    Bibbins, Willa Mae 
    Central Nyack, NY
    Bradshaw, James
    Ladson, SC 
    . .   Brillant, Doris Ragusa
           Tampa, FL

    "Where did the years go ... we couldn't wait until graduation and here it is, social security years! I have been one of the lucky ones .... Most of my working years have been with different law enforcement agencies.... Married just once and for forty years, 2 adult children, and five grandchildren ranging from 12 down to 2 years of age, and yes, they keep me busy."
    Les Brown 
    New City, NY
    Brown, Linda Caliman 
    Spring Valley, NY
     Brown, Bill
     Durango, CO
    "Have only kept in touch, at all, with Reggie Flemming, in Evergreen, CO and Harry Von Thaden, in Congers.  I haven't had any other contacts with classmates till today.  Maybe we can put together a 50-year reunion. 
    Worked for the same company for 38 years making reproductions of French furniture.  Started in Manhattan, then moved to Colorado, and presently in Dallas.  However, I still live in CO and commute to Dallas when necessary.  My son from my first marriage is now running the company."
    Byrnes, Gerald L.
    Sidney Center, NY
    "As a patient at Nyack Hospital I was attended by an English nurse (Julie) who later became my wife. We married at the Grace Episcopal church in Nyack and now have 3 sons, all born at Nyack Hospital. We now live in Sidney Center, N.Y. and have 4 grandchildren. I retired from Philips Electronics in 1998 after 31 years. . . have been to Europe many times to visit with Julie's family and to tour. . . . I keep busy as V.P. of our historical group and  treasurer for our local humane society (Julie is president)."
      .... Yearbook photos:Berne - Brown
         Cacciamani, Barbara Colgan 
         Spring Valley, NY 
        Cacciamani, Mary Anne Seward
        Acton, MA
    ."Still happily married after 37 years, three kids, and two grandkids (so far)."

         Caruso, Frederick C.
         Centennial, CO

    In brief: From Rockland Community College’s first graduating class to paratrooper, to journalism, marriage and a career-start in Montana, to a family-run international business and dual Irish-U.S. citizenship <Classmates quiz. For the full story, see Personal Page, w/ photo . Also a Web page w/ details on Fred and the business at: http://www.carusogroup.com
         Chaize, Janet Kopac
         Blauvelt, NY
    "I have been married to Bill for 39 years and have lived in Blauvelt for 37 years. We have two sons Billy & Brian and two grandchildren Tyler 8 and Emily 6 (who also live in Blauvelt). We spend a lot of our time going to their ball games and activities. I have been working at St. Thomas Aquinas College for the past 20 years.  As you can see, I don't like change... 
    Think we will have a class reunion? Sounds good to me!  (I ran into Gunther Pfingst awhile ago and was thrilled that he recognized me after 40 years!)"
        Cherecwich, Paul,  Jr.
        Salt Lake City, UT
    "One of the high points of my life was when one of my kids visited Bob Zehner in Sydney.   (Bob and I met in kindergarden.) "
    Continued, w/ photos, on  Personal Page.
    ..Yearbook photos: Cacciamani - Cherecwich<
    Church, Garet
    Woodstock,  NY
    "Married 38 years and the father of four, I've run ten marathons since retiring from teaching.  Currently adjuncting at New Paltz and travelling whenever I can (I write this from sunny Tucson where two of my kids live).  I ran the Dublin Marathon last October!" <Classmates quiz.
    Ciancimino, Sally Balch
    Westport, CT 
    Ciullo, Roseann Pandoliano
    Pomona, NY
    In brief: "Presently living in Pomona, NY.  Divorced in the 80's; married again in '96. My oldest daughter is a teacher and ski instructor for the Cornwall School District;  one granddaughter going on 10. Youngest daughter (32) just got married (big wedding!). Husband Vinny, former physical therapist, is retired. I still love my job (16 yrs.), Special Needs Consultant w/ nutrition and beauty co. I get to help people and I love every minute of it. Presently working on starting a food pantry for the needs of our employees."
    Ciullo, Virgilio 
    Camarillo, CA 
    In brief: Vergil's open letter covers life and travels from military service to business, law school, public service and meditation, including twelve years in India. What folllows is by way of introduction: "I would like to express my thanks to Paul Glaisek, who contacted me out of the blue a couple of months ago, and to all of our classmates who have taken the time to organize the reunion, set up this simple means of communication, and share something of their lives with us. I haven't had much contact at all since '59, have read all the postings and am somewhat in awe of the fine group we interacted with-- realizing in retrospect how fleeting that time at Nyack High actually was and how little it afforded to really get to know more than a few.  It seems for you also that it didn't get less busy afterwards." .Continued on  Personal Page.
    Collins, Sally Parietti 
    West Nyack NY 
    Cooper, Judy Guido
    Pelham Manor, NY
    In brief:  "For almost 20 years I was Executive Vice President for a couple of colleges— I got tired of it all, and 8 years ago became Vice Pres. for Finance and Management of the national service association for all the not-for- profit theatres in the country.  I love it because I've always loved theatre and dance." Continued on  Personal Page.
    Costino,.Donna Lynch
    Sparkill, NY
    . Yearbook photos: Church - Coyle
    Cymore, John P.
    Tulare, CA
    Dallow, Rich
    Cherry Hill,NJ 
    "Greetings to everyone. Where does one start to summarize 45 years? After college Judy and I were married and have two great kids. Our son lives in Minnesota and our daughter lives in NJ not far from us. We have one grand daughter who is 9 going on thirty. 
         As far as work goes I spent several years in the Army chasing around the world. We lived in KY, WA, VA, and NY.  Also in Germany, Canada and Iran. Got to spend a couple of years in Viet Nam. After the service we moved to Minn., then FL and finally to NJ. We've been here going on 18 yr. Work has been mostly with wholesalers in industries including liquor & wine, cosmetics,  fragrances, & pharmaceuticals. For the last several years I've been doing consulting and am currently working for a subsiduary of Fuji Film."
    Decker, Aloysius J., Jr.
    Central Nyack, NY
    "Family: Married to Patsy Collins in 1967.  Daughters Kim, single & 35 and Kate, 30 married to Art.  Proud Grandfather of one year old Kolby. Education - Member of the first Graduating class of RCC in 1961.  BS in Biology from Fairleigh Dickinson in 1964. 
    Career: Worked in the same facility for over 40 years and for 4 owners, starting out as a chemist with Schwarz BioResearch.  I retired from Becton Dickinson, the second owner of the facility, in 1996 as Radiation Safety Officer but continued working for ICN Pharmaceuticals the new owners who sold the facility to MP Biomedicals in 2003.  You might call me a true 'stick in the mud.'
    Thinking about retirement but not quite ready.  By the way, you don't glow in the dark after working with radioactive material for 40 years and it's safe to shake hands when you see me.  Also, my children are perfectly normal and don't glow in the dark either. Other: Volunteer Firemen with the Central Nyack Fire Dept. for over 40 yr., serving as Chief in 1974-75 and as Chief in 1974-75, and as Treasurer for over 30 years. I've slowed down a bit but remain active." .
    Deed, Martha L.
    North Tonawanda, NY

    "I moved to western NY in 1981. My parents still live in Nyack. (Many of us received our diplomas from my dad when he served on the Nyack School Board.)  I look forward to hearing from others — Is anyone else a psychologist?"
    Continued, w/ photos, on  Personal Page.
    DeGroat, Robert
    Wappingers Falls, NY
    .. ...... .  .Yearbook photos: Crowe - Deligny
    Dellolio, RoseMarie Manion
    Manahawkin,  NJ
    Del Pizzo, James
    Stone Ridge, N.Y.
    Married Sue Soman, Pearl River, class of 1960, 35 happy years ago. Moved to Stone Ridge in 1972. It was the wilderness; now it looks like Rockland in the late 60s. No children yet...
    Doherty, Jack
    Newark, DE 
    Graduated from the University of Virginia in 1963, served in the U.S. Navy for several years, and then worked for Dupont in Wilmington, DE and in Canada until I retired at the end of 2000. Currently manage a small consulting firm specializing in the Human Resources and Compensation fields.  Happily married for 40 years, with 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren. Play tennis and golf, and volunteer with the Boys and Girls Club of Delaware.  Looking forward to seeing my classmates at the reunion. ..
    .Eckerson, Robert J.  MD
    Vernon, NJ
    [Bob is no lovger at this address. Does anyone have contact or an address???]
    "After a stint in the Army (paratrooper and, later, 'Green Beret') I became a Clarkstown 'cop,' retiring in 1983. While I was a policeman, education became a "driving" force in my life and I collected (5) college degrees, then went on to Medical School in 1983. Now am a 'doc' here in no. NJ.  I'm presently married to a North Rockland Grad, Lucille Zagarese. 
    I enjoy streetrods and muscle cars. [ Classmates Quiz ] Build and drive them in my spare time; have even driven Nascar at over 180 mph. I fish and hunt, too. As one of the former Nanuet 'bunch,' it's great to be back in touch!!"
    Esmay, Michael 
    17 Van Houten Street
    Upper Nyack, NY 10960
    Tel: (845) 358-0933
    e-mail: [email protected]
    Evans, James 
    Vienna, VA 
    "After four years in the Marine Corps I attended NYU and graduated with a BS in Accounting.  Worked in the private sector for 24 years as a CPA.  From 1978 to 1990 I lived in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan.  Established a management consulting firm and opened offices in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Bangkok, and Hong Kong.  Sold the business and moved to Virginia in 1990 with my wife Salmah.  Salmah is from Malaysia and is an executive with Hilton.  I have been with the U.S. Department of Education since 1992 where I currently Chair the Accounting Integrity Board as a member of the Federal government's Senior Executive Service.  We are both workaholics but find time for lots of international travel.  I am enjoying what I do and have no plans to retire for at least another five or six years.  I'm posting this to the website in October 2004.  Sorry I missed the reunion this year.  Hope there will be a 50th."
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Dellolio - Esmay
    Ferguson, Carole Schneider
    Manahawkin, NJ
    "Graduated from Hartwick College in 1963 and married in the same year.  Moved to Philadelphia and taught school for 2 years while my husband finished Seminary.  Moved to Manahawkin, NJ and put down deep roots—we are still there!.  Taught High School Science in our local sytem and retired in 2000.   We have three children: Scott, who owns his own production company; Beth, also in event production; and Carolyn, a music teacher in our local school system.  Look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.".
    Flynn, Tom 
    Wesley Hills NY
    Foley, Michael
    Poughkeepsie, NY
    In brief: "Despite my seeming indifference for the past half-century, I have recently been subject to overwhelming attacks of nostalgia, and would love to hear from others.  Over the years I have touched base with Dave Palmer, Dan Menaker, Semo Sennas, Georgie MacGregor and one or two others, but only briefly and intermittently.  I'm ready for a reunion (although I might have to appear in disguise until I could check everyone else out)." Continued   on  Personal Pag.
    Galione, George 
    South Nyack NY
    . ......Yearbook photos: Evans - Galione

           Gallo, Eileen McGregor 
           Stone Ridge, NY
    Glaisek, Paul
    South Nyack, NY
    In brief: "Married to Kris (a teacher at Nyack HS) for 36 years in July and have lived in South Nyack for 30 yr.   We have two children. . .  Ran the Izod company (LaCoste) for 16 yr., got tired of all the travel, went with Levis (Koret division) for 16 yr., then became an independent agent. Retirement within the next couple of years sounds good. . . I have free time and, if I had some help, I would love to organize another reunion." Continued  on  Personal Page.

    Glaisek, Rose
    (Professional name: Kami Martin) 
    Goldblatt, Eileen
    Eileen writes that she’s retired, "after teaching 35 yr. in the Suffern system...had to keep devoting more and more time to my folks. . . heard about the Web page from Sandy Kolb Smith...my mom is in Nyack Hospital and I kind of walked into Sandy’s office . . she didn't recognize me which was SO NEAT... am in touch with another gal (from NHS)…not our year, though...Virginia Sandberg Smith.".
    > > > > > > >
    Gonzalez, Balbina (Beany)
    Thiels, NY 
    . ......Yearbook photos: Gallo - Grandstaff<
    Greco, Frank 
    Long View, TX 
      Heath, Diana DeGroat
      Wappingers Falls, NY 
      "I  guess I am the Miss Keene [NHS librarian]... of the class; I graduated from SUNY Geneseo with a library science degree.  I worked in a high school and then in a junior high here in Wappingers for three years, then became a stay-at-home mom for our two children, Doug, now 33 and Kate, now 28." Conversations with Diana . . .excerpted from answers to my questions (DP): Continued on  Personal Page.
    Hecht, Joel 
    Montvale, NJ
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Greco - Helmke
      Hoffman, Virginia Morthland
      Lake Oswego, OR 
      UPDATE: With husband Dave, Ginny has lived nearly 40 years in Oregon, collecting two sons, a career in microbiology, two grandchildren, and a 47’ trawler along the way…See her Complete bio on  Personal Page.
      Classmates quiz: Ginny reports feeling the effects of the recent Seattle earthquake:  "We also did "shake, rattle and roll" here a bit when Seattle did.....scary!  We had been in Seattle the weekend before. . . was glad to be back here where it was a little gentler!"
    Hungerford, Jim
    Orleans, MA 
    "Graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson with an Elec Engineering degree. Co-founded a Manufacturers Rep company in the Boston area selling hi-tech Capital Eqpt. Very active in boating, downhill skiing (as long as the knees hold out). Three grown children and 2 grandchildren. Left Nyack in 1980 and moved to the Marshfield MA area (south of Boston). Looking forward to working another 5-7 years and retiring on the Cape. Visit Nyack once or twice a year to see relatives. Would be interested in helping to arrange another class re-union."
    Hyatt, George 
    Poughquag, NY
    Ingrassia, Paul 
    Howell, NJ
    "Graduated villanova 1963. After a stint in the air force, trained and raced standardbred race horses for the next fifteen years up and down the east coast. Currently live in Howell, NJ with my wife margot. We have three children, Gregory, Nicole, and Matthew."
    . ......Yearbook photos: Hoffman - Ingrassia
      Johnson,  Peter T.
      Arlington, VA 
      I graduated from Univ. of Virginia in the School of Architecture with a degree in urban and regional planning.  (Entering U.Va. with me was Jack Doherty; the two of us started school together in kindergarten in Tappan, and at Virginia we even pledged the same fraternity).  During my undergraduate years, I met my future wife, Bess, who attended a nearby women’s college; we married 38 years ago in New York City.  After college, I stayed in Virginia and now live in Arlington near Washington, D.C.  I have two grown children: a son, Tallman, who lives in Arlington, works on Capitol Hill and will be married next month; and a daughter, Ann, who teaches school and lives in Manhattan.  While nearly half my career was spent working for municipal planning and zoning agencies in Norfolk and Fairfax, since 1984 I have been purchasing and rezoning property for a number of homebuilding firms in the D.C. metropolitan area.  I’m looking forward to the reunion and seeing everyone.  My heartfelt appreciation to Dennis for developing the web page that brought us all back together and a special thanks to Dennis, Paul, Clint and all those who worked so hard to make the reunion a reality.  See you there...
      Classmates quiz: Married by the Rev. Norman Vincent  Peale.
    Johnson, Al
    Valley Cottage, NY
    Jones, Pat Wise
    "I live about 80 miles north of Seattle, WA.  We moved out here about 6 years ago.  Quick stats - married career 30-year Navy man - we lived all over the world while he was in - he 'retired' in Memphis, TN area several years ago.  My job was transferring to Pensacola, but we chose not to go there. Continued on  Personal Page. . . . Classmates quiz: Oh - definitely felt Seattle earthquake - was holding onto monitors to keep them from crashing down.  Have been  through other earthquakes when we lived in Japan. Also lived in Europe-just volcanos there."
    Juni, Art 
    2 Demarest Ave.
    Nanuet, NY
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Inkpen - Kaplan
    Kennel, Henry 
    Upper Nyack, NY
    Kenyon, Mark Timothy ('Tim')
    Osage Beach, MO
    Knieriem, Michael
    Irvine, CA 
    Kolb, Sandra Smith
    Otisville, NY 
    "Heard about the site from JKM [Jim Mann], we both called NHS about 2 yrs. ago seeking info regarding a possible 40th reunion... Lost track of Pete Johnson in the 70's, so it was great communicating with him again... Me, I've been married (23 yr.) to Courtney Smith (Dennis’s ex-neighbor! from Vine St. in Central Nyack).  I have 2 sons from a previous marriage—and inherited 4 stepchildren...  we have 6 grandchildren...".
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Kelly - Komonchak
    . . .Komonchak, Alice Hearn 
     . . Winter Haven, FL
    In brief: "After staying at home for 2 yrs. after college I started travelling and never did get back to NY. I've kept in contact with Alice Malankowski--now Herrell-- although with her in Oregon and me in Florida we don't see each other very often. My husband, Brent and I moved to Winter Haven Florida in 1990 with my youngest son, Zachary and we like it here very much. I am the Administrative director of outpatient Rehab for the WH Hospital and direct three programs for them.
    Not sure that I can  make it to the reunion; if I don't make it, I hope you all enjoy it and think of those who are not able to be there. If any of you are travelling to Central Florida give me a call."
    Kross, Judith
    Armonk, New York 
    "I sat in front of the computer with a big smile on my face as I 
    read the notes posted."
    Lang, Robert
    "I attended U of Scranton and rec'd a BS in Mgmt graduated 1963.  I married June Hartmann ( class of '61 )  We have five children, all married and a total of nine grandchildren.  I have worked in the insurance business as an investigator and for the past twenty years have been the sales manager for Shelter Enterprises Inc. in Cohoes NY.  We live in Schoharie, NY , near Howes Cavern. Look forward to seeing you on June 19th." .

    Latham, Mary ('Polly') Munkelt
    Doylestown, PA 

    I married Gary Munkelt (Pearl River HS Class of '55) in 1962 and lived in Pearl River until 1973. We moved to Doylestown, PA in '73 and have been here ever since. We have two children, Pam and Peggy, and three grandchildren.  I recently retired from being a shopowner in Peddler's Village, a small shopping village just outside of New Hope, PA.  I am currently working with children at an aftercare program at a local grammar school. I played tennis for many years but hurt my shoulder, so now I'm trying my hand at golf.
    I've enjoyed reading the news of our classmates and hope to hear from  them.
    Lehner, William T.
    Chesterfield, VA 
    Bill explains that, like many others, he was "in the military at the time of the 10th reunion," but appreciates the "hard work in rounding up this group, and I look forward to (the Reunion) June 19."
    Lewis, Elton ('Bud')
    Charlotte, NC
    I've always wondered about our class...very good memories and experiences. I'm here in North Carolina, Charlotte area. I married Nancy Chamberlain (class of '61) in '63. We were married for 37 years until she passed away 2 yrs. ago. We have 2 children, and 4 grandchildren thus far. I've been semi-retired since a layoff in 8/01. Don't have to work, but  like something to keep busy. I currently help my son with his drag car.
    Lieval, Robert
    Bardonia, NY 
    Employed by Orange and Rockland since November 1960, and transferred to Con Edison on 14th Street in NYC in July 1999 after the merger (the commute is killing me). Have met many Nyack High School Alumni working at O&R over the years. Expect to call it quits some time this year. Attended college nights and received an Accounting Degree from Dominican College in 1977.  I have 4 boys and live in Bardonia with my wife, Sue.  We will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary this year.  My youngest son is completing his 3rd year of college.   I look forward to the seeing everyone at the reunion.
    Logatto, Faith Shannon 
    Apopka, FLA 
    Married to Bill for 44 years . Have 2 daughters: Heather who is married and lives in 0coee, FL. She has a four-year old son and works for Disney. Elizabeth lives in Montgomery, NY. and works in a medical office. I'm a retired R. N. having worked at Arden Hill Hospital in Goshen for 20 years. Bill is a retired union electrician after thirty years. I am presently working with handicapped children at our local elementary school. My mom is still very much alive at 85 and is in good health. She lives here in Apopka one mile from Bill and I..
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Koster - Lenarz
    Malankowski, Alice Herrell
    Mann, James K.
    Boston, MA 
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Lewis - Markowski
    May, Peggie Hillegass 
    Barrington, RI
    "Married to Ron for 41 years with 3 sons, Carl, Kent and Michael...all married.  Carl and Stella, in Mystic, CT, have 3 children: Hopper 8, Maggie, 6 and George 2 1/2.  Kent and Paige are in San Francisco area married one year; Michael and Carrie in Chevy Chase, MD, Hope, 1 1/2 and one on the way.
    We moved to Barrington, RI, 31 yrs. ago. Ron an Orthopedic Surgeon, now retired.  I wore several hats, in addition to being a stay-at-home Mom: a docent at RI School of Design's museum of art; art teacher in the after school program; also on Town Council and active in politics. Had a Ship's Store for 10 yrs. selling boating supplies. Bought a horse 14 yrs. ago and began training in Dressage, fulfilling a childhood dream. Currently, I'm painting a lot and hope to have some shows. I love to ski, sail, ride and play tennis." (April 2004)
    McChesney, Donald 
    Boca Raton, FLA
    McDermott, Bill
    Vernon, CT
    "Married for thirty years with two children."
    McGregor, George 
    Stone Ridge, NY
    McKenzie, Bonnie 
    Tuxedo Park, NY 
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Martinow - McKenzie
    Menaker, (Robert) Daniel
    New York, NY
    ."After Nyack, I went to Swarthmore College, graduated in 1963, went to the Johns Hopkins University, where I got a Master's in English Literature, then taught for one year at a Quaker boarding school in Pennsylvania called the George School." So what can you do with an English major? Lots of things (read the rest of the bio to find out)--trom teaching English to checking facts at The New Yorker to heading up the Random House Publishing Group. Continued on  Personal Page.

    Some of us have come upon Dan's stories in the New Yorker, or his novel, The Treatment. Asked about these pieces, Dan replies, "They may seem like a long way from NHS, but actually NHS informs my sensibility (if I have one) every day."

    Nastri, Judith Johns
    Nanuet, NY
    "After college went to LA where I worked for American Airlines at LAX.  Was injured, helped a friend at a collection agency and opened Attorneys Trust Enterprises, a collection agency for attorneys.  Married, divorced, returned to NY and am currently employed as National Director of Credit & Collections for the Nassau Vision Group with 9 corporations across the US. After all these years I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone again!!!"
      Newhouse, Jeffrey, Dr. 
      Bronxville, NY 
    In brief: "It seems that school has never really stopped.  Four years with Mike Esmay at Princeton, another four at Harvard Medical School"  Then "a surgical intern in New York, a radiologist at Mass. General Hospital in Boston; in the Army (Walter Reed) teaching radiology, then back to the MGH for another decade teaching.  Moved to Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in '83 (teaching, again) where I still seem to be. I note - ruefully - that I was born here, and, if I'm not caareful, may die here... Academics has never stopped being fun; it's like having an endless stream of kids who keep you entertained and never ask for the car." 
    On watching Nyack change: "The town seems to do strange things..."
    cont. on Personal Page.
    Niederauer, Susan Colby
    Verona, WI
    .. ......Yearbook photos: McVeigh - Niederauer
    Nielsen, Elsa Hess 
    Upper Nyack, NY
      Nikola, Fran Sennas
      Upper Grandview, NY 
      "Greetings to the Class of 59--We have been married for 37 years and have two children, Stacey and Chris.  Two grandaughters, Casey and Ryan: 3 and 41/2.  Keep busy playing golf, tennis and platform tennis.  Semo, a Marketing Director for a small gift wrapping company.  Fran, officiates lacrosse and field hockey. (Lax on the college level.)"
      Classmates quiz:  Fran organized the 1969 and 1979 reunions with Pat Beck Shannon

    Nolke, Drew C. ('Chuck')
    Winnetka, CA 
    "Regret that I won¹t be able to attend the 45th (reunion) but will be able to attend the 50th as we plan to expand our travels and art shows to the mid- west and east coast.
    It is always interesting to hear what has happened to the members of the class and what they accomplished in the 45 years since graduation."
    Norris, Nancy Emerson
    Colorado Springs, CO
    I may be the only member of the class of '59 who has taught in  five different states and two foreign countries.  Married to Ron Emerson (Col. USAF Ret) since 1963, we have moved around. At present we are living in Colorado Springs, CO.  Having retired from full time teaching, I am working part time for Regis University and Colorado State University as a student teacher supervisor.  With flexible hours, we travel a great deal and enjoy hiking in the mountains.  We have two great sons, Christopher and Kevin, both married and working and living in Manhattan
    Olsen, Judith Shellenbarger
    Port Orchard, WA 
    In brief: "Married in 1961. Lived  in Teaneck, NJ. Widowed in 1968, at age 26 ( 3 children ). Moved to Santa Ana, CA in late 1969. Married a widower (Native  Californian) with 2 children in 1970 (will be married 33 years May 2003).  Lived in Vista, CA for years ...Moved to Port Orchard, WA. [where hubby's a Construction Project Mgr]. He/we travel quite a bit.  We have 15 grandchildren ...scattered from CA to WA.  We live on 5 acres, about 20 mi. south of Port Orchard, and we love it ! Complete message on Personal Page
    Palmer, Davis
    New York, NY
    "After a post-college stint in the Army (officer in the Army intelligence Corps) and 30 years in various aspects of the world of finance (banking, government, the municipal bond market) I retired in 1996.  Since then I have divided my time between NYC and Jim Thorpe, PA where I own an old house. I was married and divorced in the 70's (no children) and have remained single since then. However, as a result of a blind  date last year there is a wonderful woman in my life again (thus proving that life does begin at 60). I have had limited contact with classmates over the years and  think a reunion would be a fine idea." Classmates quiz> No recent marathons, but Dave reports "running more modest distances  (4-6 miles) in Central Park."
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Nielsen - Palmer
    Parietti, Lois Esmay 
    Upper Nyack, NY 
      Partridge, Virginia Sniatkowski
      Ridgewood, NJ 
    "I live in Ridgewood, New Jersey with my husband, Bob.  We spend much time with my stepson, Lance, his wife, Lesa, and our granddaughter, Lexi.  Bob and I both recently retired, accumulating together 65 years teaching high school.  I was also involved for a short while in the editorial world. We both love sports; I am the geriatric rookie on a tennis team as well as a platform tennis team and have heard the comment, "You run pretty fast, for your age" entirely too many times. I frequently meet Fran Sennas "on the tour". 
    I am certainly impressed with the adventures and accomplishments of the class of '59 and look forward to seeing everyone (and hopefully, their name tags) on the nineteenth."
      Perry, Jonathan
      Freeville, NY 
      In brief: "My wife Mary and I had always wanted to serve oversees.  She had wanted to go to France, I to Eastern Europe, so we compromised . . . and went to Indonesia...  Life turned out to be much different, and yet much better, than I ever expected!"
        Continued, w/ photos, on  Personal Page. .
      Classmates quiz:  Jon  served as a missionary on the island (chain) of Java, 1979-1991.
    Pfingst, Gunther 
    Pearl River, NY 
    Pitman, Howard
    Clintondale, N.Y.
    Since NHS I spent 9 1/2 yrs in the Navy, married, had a daughter, divorced, came home to Nyack. Met and married 2nd wife in '70. Still married. Have a son. Have 6 grand-children. Am riding a '94 Harley Davidson Classic. Wife Phyllis rides own Harley, too.  Am head mechanic for a School Bus contractor. 
    Ready to retire! We like to ride our bikes to our destination. In 8 yrs we have logged 95,000+ miles on the bike. Would love to attend a reunion!!!!!!!
    Continued, w/ photo, on  Personal Page
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Parietti - Polhemus

    Porteous, Don
    Pocono Pines, PA
    "Greetings, all!  The nickel tour/bio...1 year at Haverford; Penn State BA in '63; a year (and a brief marriage) in Honolulu; back to NYC for a career in advertising and, ultimately, magazine publishing (with periods in Chicago and Atlanta). Retired in '97 after having been Publisher of several technical magazines (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, and PLASTICS WORLD)...made a fortune in the market...lost a larger fortune in the market...now trying to recoup. Joan (New Hyde Park, LI) and I are now happily living full-time in what had been our weekend home in PA. Son Scott is in Seattle, and daughter Christie in Oakland, CA. Looking forward to seeing many old friends in June!"
      Prindle, Dennis J. 
      Delaware, OH 
    "After bugging others to send us a bio-sketch, I’m forced to admit I'm just getting past the bare facts stage with my own. More can come later, but this for now..."    Continuedon  Personal Page.  Classmates quiz: "Vonnegut was not impressed with a sudden off-road maneuver that struck me as no more than quick thinking."
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Pollard - Rifenburgh<
    Quackenbush, Walter J. 
    Beaufort, SC
    Reynolds, Susan 
    Rochester, NY 
    Rogers, John C.
    Ridgewood, NJ 
    A very brief summary:  "Heidelberg College (Ohio '63); US Navy ('64-68); working in New York City and Washington, DC in telecommunications, MBA from Fordham; married with two boys, shifted career in 1985 and began consulting in health care.  Live in Ridgewood, NJ, about 20 min. from Nyack.  Consultant to medical group with offices at Nyack Hospital. It might be fun to have a reunion. Care to organize one?"
    Rucker, Betty Gilliard
    Nanuet, NY

    Santomauro, Rowland ('Butter')
    Port Orange, FL
    Rowland 'Butter' Santomauro sent this along with his Reunion response, noting, "Kathy and I would like to attend. Enclosed is a picture of my license plate from my car," proving, we guess, that you can take the boy out of Nyack, but . . . 
    Sauter, Ruth Zehner
    New South Wales 
    Classmates quiz: Living in Sydney since 1976.
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Rogers - Sawin
    Schade, Thomas 
    Phoenix, AZ
    I retired from Arizona State University in 2000 after 25 years as a professor of justice studies and an administrator in the College of Public Programs.  My wife, Carol, has her own company providing training staff to the banking industry.  We have a daughter and two grandchildren ages 2 and 6.  We spend
    much of our time playing golf and traveling.  Not having returned to Nyack since 1963, the reunion in June will be a rigorous test of my memory of faces as well as Rockland County geography.
    Follow-up msg. 3/25/04: I'm afraid I won't be able to attend the reunion as planned.  I would love to hear from my classmates via e-mail, however, and I promise to respond.  Best wishes to you all and I will be with you in spirit on the 19th.

    Schroeder, Pam Rhodes 
    Schroeder, Sumner
    Santa Maria, CA
           Scott, Maryann Jackson
           Missouri City, TX 
    "It doesn't seem like it's been 42 years since we graduated from NHS.  How time does fly. I live in Missouri City, Texas (near Houston).  Quite a far cry from New York State, but we love the weather and the people. I taught elementary school for a while, then became an Educational Co-ordinator here in Houston. Now I'm retired, but not from singing.  I still sing at private concerts and churches.
    So glad I found the Classmates Website.  Maybe now the class of  '59 can keep in touch."
    Seliger, Mike
    Orangeburg, NY 
    In brief:"This apple did not end up falling that far from the tree. Lived in NYC after graduating U.of Michigan in '63, moved back here within 2 mi. of Hickory Hill where I'd grown up and my parents still lived. (Father passed away about five years ago, mother still there.)  BA, Michigan; MA in Psychology, the New School For Social Research in NY; PhD in Sociology from CUNY.  Went to Woodstock, was at the Chicago Democratic Convention in '68 as a street theater person. Have spent time with the arts of Clowning, Mime and Storytelling; active member of New York's Storytelling community.  Would be delighted to hear what has become of everyone..." Continued on  Personal Page. 
      Sennas, Semo
      Upper Grandview, NY 10960
      "Greetings to the Class of 59--We have been married for 37 years and have two children, Stacey and Chris.  Two grandaughters, Casey and Ryan: 3 and 41/2.  Keep busy playing golf, tennis and platform tennis.  Semo, a Marketing Director for a small gift wrapping company.  Fran, officiates lacrosse and field hockey. (Lax on the college level.)"
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Schade - Sennas
    Seward, Clint
    Acton, MA 
    "Mary Anne and I are still soul mates, so we read each item on the web page. 
    "We are still happily married after 37 years, three kids, and two grandkids (so far).  We have our own business, together with our son, inventing high tech solutions for various problems.  We presently live in the Boston area." 
    Shuart, Marilyn Connolly 
    Maspeth, NY
    Siegel, Molly Jo Lind
    (Class of '59 but graduated a year early)
    Orlando, Florida 
    "Discovered the site and it brought back wonderful memories. My thoughts drifted not only to school days and life in Nyack but to great childhood friendships. Many of them began in 1st  grade. Except for a continuing friendship with Paul and Kris Glaisek which began when Kris and I had our babies in Nyack Hospital the same week, Feb. 1970, I've been out of touch with everyone else. 
    Although I graduated with the Class of '58 so I could enter college earlier, my true memories were always with the Class of '59.. .As I read the comments from everyone, I was delighted to learn what became of our classmates."
      Single, Michelle Nelsen
      Paxton, MA
      "Hello Everyone!   Congratulations to Dennis for coming up with this site and allowing us to connect again after so many years!  My story  is this . . ."   Continued on  Personal Page  with .udate.
    Yearbook photos: Serino - SIngle
    Sirko, Stephan
    San Diego, CA
    "Joined Navy with 3 years 9 months of svc., as Radio Operator. Graduated from Rockland Community College. Married Christine, have  2 children: Dawn and Stephan John. Retired from Ford Motor Company with 32 years of service.
    Lived in New York and New Jersey and now in San Diego 6 yrs. Enjoying retirement playing Tennis around 5 days a week. Downtown San Diego has a new baseball park called Petco. We can walk to the games from where we live, it's really exciting.".

    Stefan, Carol Devery
    Tonto Verde, AZ
    A reunion note from Carol: "I now live in Arizona - retired, in an area called Tonto Verde. It is east of Scottsdale, Az. We have a daughter in Winchester,Ma. [near Clint and Mary Anne Seward]  We are actually planning to visit her for Xmas. This is great that you are putting together this reunion! Really looking forward to it. --Carol." [Carol subsequently had to cancel reunion plans when other commitments intervened.]
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Sirko - Stokes
    Swain, Herb
    Eagle Point <, OR
    "After a rocky start I enjoyed a great career with IBM.Classmates quiz> Started ice skating, of all things, and got really serious with it, getting to National Championships for two years. Married my skating partner. We were ice dancers (see photo). No kids. Retired from IBM in 1995. My wife and I moved to Klamath Falls, Oregon. We now spend our time playing golf, traveling in our motorhome, and doing volunteer work, including trying to build an ice rink in this little city." Continued, w/ photos, on  Personal Page
    Thompson, Phil 
    Nanuet, NY
    von Thaden, Harry
    Congers, NY 
    "Married, living in Congers, 3 children, two grandchildren, have been in touch with Reg Fleming and Paul Ingrassia, Rich Dallow, Bill Brown."

    Waltzer, Adrian
    New City, NY
    .. ......Yearbook photos:Stoothoff - Waltzer
    Weissenger, Helen Hyrske
    Ivins, UT 
    How can we have graduated 42 yrs ago?...I'm only 25 !!! Looking forward to seeing everyone.  I have kept in touch with Maryann Scott Jackson for years. We live in southern Utah, retired and raising our grandson Tyler (age 17).  Married 38 years, Ted retired (St Regis Paper Co) Two kids, 5 grandkids and lots of grand-doggers!! Happy holidays. Helen.
    Welles, Halstead
    New York, NY 
    Too busy to retire--or send in contact information, Bob Zehner did it for him, tracking Hallie down in Manhattan in November 2001, where he snapped this photo. Bob reports that Hallie has had great success with his New York-based landscape architecture practice.
    Wells, Hugh W. 
    Fort Walton Beach, FL
    White, Marvin 
    Nanuet, NY 
      Wicks, Warren (Butch)
      Valley Cottage, NY 
    Classmates quiz:   How to catch a trout with your bare hands.
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Ward - Wicks
    Writer, Bob
    Manchester, NJ
    "I graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson in 1965 with BS in Electrical Engineering. Went to work for Dupont right after graduation.Worked as engineer, manufacturing manager, plant manager and ended up as purchasing manager for the last 10 years. Was offered golden parachute last month [Apr '01] and will retire at end of June. Also have a second career/hobby as journalist for the Asbury Park Press. Married my wife Rita in 1977. I have a daughter, Amanda who is 23 and a graduate of Fairfield University. I have been living in Middletown NJ for the last 25 years." 
    Zehner, Bob
    New South Wales 2030
    ."As you might guess, I've been somewhat removed from Class of '59 contacts for some years, but have seen Jeff Newhouse and Jon Perry and Danny Menaker at least once in the last five or ten years!!"  Continued on  Personal Page.
    Classmates  quiz:  "During the cricket season (Sept-Feb) I umpire (paid!) in the Sydney Grade Cricket competition!"
    [Check out the striped shirt—could he be in uniform? --DP]
    Web page: http://www.fbe.unsw.edu.au/staff/Robert.Zehner/
    .. ......Yearbook photos: Writer - Zehner
    One-time Classmates & Friends Located
    You won't find them with the senior class in your '59 yearbook, but the following persons were classmates at one time or had friends in our class and have supplied contact information enabling us to get in touch.  This implements a feature several of you suggested: make room for those who were our friends but graduated earlier, later, or elsewhere (after moving).
    Ward, Nancy Sullivan
      Class: '61
      454D Somerset Drive
      Pearl River, NY 
    "First heard about your efforts to contact people in your class from Janet Chaize.  We see each other at church.  Shortly after that, I was talking to Mary Anne and Clint Seward, who gave me more info.  We have always been in close contact —Godparents to each other's children, etc.
    (John) Stephen Ward is my brother, which is another reason that I was interested in your web site.  I will let him know about your efforts. Because of Stephen, Mary Anne and Clint, I know a lot of people in your class and am interested in knowing where they are and what they are doing."
      Wiggenhorn, Julie Winslett
      Class: '59 (left NHS 1957)
      Dahlonega, Georgia


    "Although I didn't graduate from NHS, I still have warm memories of the years I spent there.  I was surprised at how many names on this web site were familiar to me after all these years. I enjoyed a long career with AT&T and am currently a contractor working for them as a systems engineer.  I moved to Atlanta from Nyack in 1991 (company transfer). I'm married to Larry, who is a nature photographer, and have a daughter, Nicole Passadino, who is 22.  Five years ago, we built a log home in the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains in a quaint village which is the site of the first gold rush in the U.S.  I still miss Nyack and try to get back there at least once a year."
      Newhouse, Alison Dinsmore
      Class: '63
      Charlestown, MA


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    Why an NHS Classmates Page of our own?
    Thanks to Paul Glaisek's efforts, working through friends and relatives of classmates all over the country that we've not heard from, we've added nearly 50 'missing' members of our class to this NHS'59 classmates directory.  Word of our 45th Reunion really got around fast. (Over 100 classmates are now listed, up from 65 in November '03). And over 80% of those have said they were coming to the June 19 reunion!

    But the web page actually started in September 2000. I visited a couple of Dot.com sites that invite you to add your name to a register of classmates from your high school. You identify your school and class, give them your name and e-mail address, and then they show you a listing of classmates who have preceded you and volunteered their names and e-addresses in order to find out how the system works. Finally, you are invited to ask for more information and 'get in touch.' 

    That's when they reveal their 'membership fee'—$30.00 per year to contact even one of the classmates on their list.  Of course, you can just say no (most everyone does).  But stuff like that gets my dander up (assuming my dander's down).  Since I was thinking of building a similar (but no-tease, no-fee) page at the time, inviting former English majors to keep in touch with us at Ohio Wesleyan, where I teach, I couldn't resist.  I decided to try the same thing with old friends and classmates from NHS. 

    Starting with a few phone numbers I found online, and with help from Diana Heath DeGroat, Fran Nikola Sennas, Jon Perry, Mitzi Single Nelsen, and eventually many others, the list of names and addresses, and actual contacts with classmates, began to grow. And I think I know why. Forty-five years is a long time, but I think a lot of us have grown 'curiouser and curiouser' about our contemporaries from those days—where they might be now, and what they have been up to in the intervening two generations— yes, there are grandchildren in the picture now! 

    P.S.  I have to admit, I've changed my view of Classmates.com. Initially I viewed them as competition. But now I think the more of us that list our names there, the better. It increases the odds that classmates that none of us has contact with will do so as well--and join us on this page when I contact them. 

    — Dennis Prindle1

    —Homepage last updated:  March 12, 2005—
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