Ivor presents Mega Boys World
[email protected]
        Ever since I was in grade school, I held a facination with giants. Be they in literature, in comics or in the movies, if there was a giant involved, I was hooked.� I kept these interests to myself, only rarely letting the world know. Obviously there was on occasion giant material available, but I felt alone in my passion.� I along the way developed a modest artistic talent, but the world never saw the visions that I had created for myself. I draw of the giant I wished to be, when I was ten years old. My fantasy world has been� a secret obsession.� Little did I realize that others might share my� interest.� Then came the internet. Things I only dreamed of were now exposed by others. I still hold my vision to be unique, but I know I am not alone.���������� I have created a world on paper that reflected my anger, my frustration, my imagination, and my  fancy ��������������������������������������������������������������������� My vehicle of expression utilizes young children. I choose this because  of their inhibitions, and their boldness, and yes their casual cruelty.� I imagine that if the good Lord sent an angel of distruction, it would be in the form of a child, beautiful and awesome.� My work depicts such angels.
������� The work I produce is shocking. I can only compensate for the violent tone, by looking into my soul, and acknowledging that the evil done to the victims is just.� The workings on paper are that of my alter ego; unfettered by� societies conventions.� Whereas I can not step on a large roach, my creations don't think twice about downing a city.� I abhor cruelty, yet my creations can casualy pluck the limbs off a helpless victim.� I feel comforted by justifyuing my giants actions telling myself that the little people are the murderers molesters and scum, worthy of their fate, doled out by the true innocents, the giant children, who might have been victims themseves,�� All you good and sensitve people out there,������������������������������������� �������������
�BE��� FORWARNED !�������������������������������there is violence and bloodshed and cruelty� ahead. If you have ever fancied� what distruction a behemoth giant� might be capable of, enter at your own risk.������������������������������� I have set up links to view my drawings and paintings,� another to sample my photo montage work, and a third to read my� Giant fiction.������������������But only those� (over 18) with a desire to see Ivor's Mega Boys World, should enter.���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
click on any drawing for full page image
Step into my� World
�� The scriptures tell of a time, near the end of the world, when the race of evil people, called the Amalikites, will be choosen for extermination.� Their demise will be terrible and final.� Here then is my vision, the destruction of the Amalikites, in their cities of Sin.�� Pity them not, for they provoked the Wrath of the Lord...
Over 18? these links will take you to Ivor's mega Boys World, , expect extreme violence!
Links: Ivors  drawings
13. 14,
Links: Oil Pastels
3, 4
1, 2,
Links: Ivors Photo Montage
6, 7,
3, 4, 5,
Page. 11, 12, 13,
2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 14, 16, 17,
Story :Giant Boy in the City. 1, 6, 8, 15, 18. you are visitor number
I have provided a safe place to view my� family friendly fine art,and beautiful paintings and poems,� All are encouraged to visit my non giant pages. More links will be provided soon.
as of March 20th, 2001
Because  I have run out of Space,
Because I have so much more to show
    I Proudly present my newest
Montage work, my newest Drawings, and my newest Stories,
Ivor presents the next Generation;
Ivor Presents Mega Boys World,
                Volume Two                 
Site is under construction, but Growing every day.
Click on link below
Ivor Presents: Glen's Pages of Wonder and Beauty
Link to family safe drawings, paintings, poems..
page updated April 12th.  2003
New Drawing page added, Awesome. Warning, Violence of the squshing  kind
New Story Pages  added, The Boy In The City concludes with pages 15-18
New Montage Page added,
New Oil Pastel page added
Cool Link: If you like Japanese Anime, try this neat web page, It has a illustrated story of a Giant young boy. It's mostly in Japanese, but you can find your way around it, and find a lot of great pictures.
         click link to:
New!  Old group down, New group open
Join  me at MSN for, Ivor's Mega World and see my new works!
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