The boy stood up again, volumes of water poured off of him. I think I'll walk along the side of the river, thought the boy to himself, I'll dry off a bit. The city is up ahead, but for now, I'll have some fun with these little buildings. Stepping onshore, he placed his foot carefully onto a waterfront warehouse. it collapsed to splinters beneath his foot. His next step hit a water tower that gushed it's contents before falling. and all the while people, hundreds of them scurried from before his massive form. The boy shuffled his feet, watching smoke and dust lift, from wherever he placed his foot. The stack of power lines, at the generator plant, sparked and glowed blue and pink as they fell under his foot. The high voltage gently tingled him, but no more. Cars speeding along the freeway were flattened like roaches, picking up a car, the boy was delighted to see the driver and his passenger dive out the door onto his hand. The boy crumpled the car and discarded it, being careful not to let these two people get away. They stood almost a quarter of an inch tall, and the boy could make out that one was a man, and the other a plump lady. she screamed when she realized the boy was looking directly at her. The man pulled a gun and quickly emptied it, as if it could even be felt by the boy. The boy carefully lifted the man out of his right hand, where the woman was lying, she had lost her balance and slipped. the boy held the man out over empty space, at the boys shoulder, it must have been at least seventy stories high. The man would have been lucky if the boy just dropped him to his death. Instead the boy placed the man gently on the ground, he set the woman not far from the man. carefully. The woman was screaming all the time. Then the boy stood up to his full height. I'm gonna squash you slowly, thought the boy. The man was trying to make a run for it, when the boy lowered his toe, breaking the mans feet.He tumbled over. The woman screamed some more. the boy moved his foot just a tiny bit, placing his toe directly over the mans rump, then he slowly pressed down, the man squirmed, a red puddle forming from his mashed lower limbs.The boy, lifting his toe again just a little more, he placed it over his victims belly and chest. He could almost hear the little man screaming "no, nooo" more blood actually gushed, drenching the woman who could only watch and scream herself. Was the man dead yet ? the boy lifted his foot away to look at the mangled pulp with two arms and a head. It reminded him of some of the bugs he had mooshed, only now there was this pretty red. The boy kneeled down, "lets see what your brains look like" he thought, as he placed his thumb directly on the head, he pushed down, it easily gave with a pleasing pop. the brains, it seems were a light pink, like shrimp. The screaming lady was paralyzed with fear, there was a spot of brown, and yellow. You are going to stop screaming right now! said the boy, pinching her between his thumb and index finger. I'm going to see what happens when I squeeze you like a tube of toothpaste. She gave way to moosh, between his fingers, as a jet of blood spurted,drops of it sprayed the boys face. He wiped it off, and then placed the red on his finger, to his tongue. there wasn't enough to taste, but the boy was starting to get hungry. The boy at first didn't notice the apache helicopters that were combat ready, approaching him. Well, thought the boy, it looks as if they are finally going to try to stop me. He grinned, after I take care of these, then I'll do some real damage. |