The clothing left a stringy aftertaste in his mouth, I'll have to do something about that, thought the boy. He grabbed another handful, these he gobbled up quickly. As he chewed, blood would dribble from his mouth, he used his bare arm to wipe the excess from his lips. The boy still on his knees, decided to do in the buildings by just plowing into them. As he slowly approached the first structure, he saw people leaping from the windows. better to die in the fall, than be crushed in the collapsing building they use to call home. His legs touched the first building lightly at first, the bricks gave the walls a softer feeling, like a pie crust. He savored the sensation as the building collapsed about his thigh. The brick walls gave way, then the inner structures, these collapsed like cookie wafers, inward, revealing more furniture, crumbling drywall, and trapped people. Look Ma, no hands, thought the boy, giggling as he raised his hands above his head. Still hungry, the boy took another handful of people to his mouth. These he chewed slowly and thoughtfully. Then another. He kept the clothing in a wad in his mouth, rather than swallow it. The building actually tickled the boy as he plowed through it, he continued on his knees to the next building in the row. Like an unstoppable moving mountain, the boy laughed as each building collapsed. He noticed on top of the structures, what looked like little cups, a water reservoir he thought, he lifted one up, and poured the water into his mouth it was cool and refreshing, after the warm blood. Excellent, three on each building, about forty gallons each, he would be able to drink his full with his meal. After about eight mouthfulls, he was getting a little more picky. He spit out the chewed wad of clothing he had collected in his mouth. I can do without the clothing he thought, though peeling each, one by one would take forever. He picked up a little man, and ripped the shirt off, then the pants and shoes. He observed the tiny figure kicking in his fingers,. He compared the figure to himself. He could make out the tiny hands in detail, the figure was a pale flesh tone, the man had a lot more body hair than the boy. I'll just have to grow up, thought the boy, again laughing at his own joke. Just perfect in every detail. The boy brought the figure to his mouth, and virtually sucked him in like you do with spaghetti. It struggled and pounded at the boy's lips, as the boy severed the figure in half with his front teeth. Actually, naked was much better. The boy continued in a straight path, deliberately plowing the structures, against his thighs and belly, occasionally selecting delicate morsels from the surrounding grounds. He decided after sampling, that woman tasted a little better than men, though he couldn't say why. He tore the dress off of a particularly well formed screaming lady and examined her more carefully than the man. She curled up each time he tried to feel her with his enormous finger. She was pinker than the guy. He casually smashed anther building while looking at her. Hundreds of people crushed between the collapsing brick walls and his legs. He tossed the woman high in the air and caught her in his teeth, like a piece of popcorn...... |