Boy in the City, Scene four continued
Page 8
         The man  was wearing a business suit, with a red tie. As the boy lightly increased the pressure, the white shirt turned red. In a quick squeeze, the figure flattened and burst with a flash of red. The boy picked up five people, closely observing his new catch, three men and two woman, he rolled them over in his hand, first toward the inside of his hand, then he tilted his hand, rolling them almost off, to his left. They tumbled over each other, he noticed that some shoes had come off. It didn't seem fair that they were all dressed, he picked up a man, feet first, the small body dangled upside down from his fingers. He gave the figure a slight shake, the jacket slipped off, the figure was still wildly swinging it's arms. The boy brought the figure back down to his palm, head first, the body tilted back under his fingers, like a cigarette but, the boy snubbed the figure to a pulp, before the others, in his hand. The woman screamed, the boy heard it, and it excited him more.he tumbled a man on top of the other woman, and picked them both up between his thumb, so that they were in a death hug. "now give her a kiss" he squeezed their heads together, a spray of blood as their skulls smashed. Awww, too bad, she had a real crush on you, the boy laughed at his own joke. He threw the remaining couple aside, they died from the fall. Turning his concentration back on the subway tunnel, he reached in, the opening was barely large enough to fit his hand into it. He felt something soft in the inner chamber, and pulled out a hand full of people. He dropped the crowd onto the asphalt, and hammered them with the ball of his fist. Twelve in one shot. It was late in the afternoon, and the boy had to admit that he was getting hungry. What could he do, playing with the victims was one thing, but eating them? Still what else was there. The boy closed his eyes and seemed to recall a voice, coming from somewhere telling him, "do what you want to do, and do what you have to do, and enjoy doing my work?there was more, but the boy couldn't remember.
        The row of apartments blocked the boys path, each was about twenty stories tall, they stood in formation, for some reason they reminded the boy of dogs; German shepherd sized buildings, standing still in three rows, four deep. Each was a broad standing structure, thick in mass, brick and glass, just above the boys kneecaps. All were remarkably identical, like they were stamped out, one after another. This was a major complex. The boy figured the buildings to be older than some of the skyscrapers he had leveled. Those were mostly metal and glass, these were all made of bricks, with smaller windows. This is going to be fun thought the boy, he liked the way the brick structures crumbled. Surrounding all the buildings were the parking lots, filled with large m&m sized cars. the boy placed his foot in the parking lot, compresing about twenty vehicles beneath his weight. The people were trying to escape in their cars, but the parking lots were hopelessly jammed, even if the boy hadn't blocked thier path. Pedestrians were fleeing from the structures in droves, still there was no way they could totally evacuate their buildings in the short time they had left. The boy took another step closer, wiping out another twenty vehicles. It would be easy to step on the buildings bringing them down with his foot, but he wanted to do something different. He crouched down to get a better look at the crowds swarming around his feet. This was just so neat. The little people were so easily dashed. He crushed them with his hands, then with his feet.their reactions were pretty much the same, as he reached for them, they fell and screamed. Some tried to evade him, and suffered the worse for bringing themselves to his attention. These he would make special work of. One man fancied he could escape by dodging the boys hands. When he was caught, the boy proceeded to tear him apart. First the arms were plucked off, then the feet, then the legs. The boy squished the rest of the body with his thumb, then he put his thumb to his mouth. It hardly had any taste. That's it, the boy thought, I'm hungry. He was now standing straight up on his knees before the structures. On his knees they reached up to his waist. The boy found another person, this time a woman. You're the first, he thought as he quickly popped her into his mouth. She had the consistency of a raisin , he used his front teeth to split her. Then he swallowed. He plucked another screaming victim from the parking lot. As he brought the tiny figure to his mouth, he could almost imagine it screaming, Noooo. This one he mashed with his molers, and got a splash of warm fluid on his tounge. I'll never get full this way, thought the boy, he dragged the edge of his hand like a scoop before the entrance of one of the buildings. He counted ten people in his hand. then he leaned his head back and dropped them struggling, directly into his mouth. The held them there for a long moment enjoying their squiming in his mouth before he decided to chew.They made a good mouthful, and he chewed way past the last kicking and struggling of his victims. The warm blood tasted good to the boy's tounge. Their clothing was swallowed with the carcasses, The clothing left a stringy after taste. I'll have to do something about that, thought the boy.
Down at Toe
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