The young boy stooped down to look at the marquise of the department store, that he towered above. Bending down into a crouching position like a kid above an ant hill, he put his enormous hand onto the buildings glass and brick wall, as his hand pressed; against it, windows shattered sending tiny flecks of glass down to the street below. traffic was stopped in all directions as terrified people fled their cars, but right now, the blond hared giant boy was examining the model sized building, he could try to look in the windows of the ten story structure, but everything was so small, if he wanted to, he could easily push a hole through the wall. he saw the tiny people running away down the sidewalk, a lot of them disappeared beneath the marquis that shaded the main entrance. the boy figured that there must be a lot of people in the structure before him, he grabbed the marquis between his thumb an forefinger, and ripped it off the wall, plaster and metal gave way, revealing the glass entrance, as he pushed his hand into the entrance, he could see the tiny people trying to escape his hand. he grabbed a handful, some clung to his hand to avoid falling, others were grabbing on to each other, he brought his hand before his eyes and watched the panicking ants, slowly he closed his hand, it felt like a hand full of green peas. he could almost hear the screams, in a pleasing way, they almost popped, like a packet filled with catsup. as he opened his hand, it was spotted red, with twisted bits of what looked like brown white and red mangled clay. a few of the surviving ant people, sought to run to the outside of the boys hand, to avoid another death grip. the boy smiled and flicked them off his hand, with a shake. then he stood up, the building was just above his knees, he crashed his hand through the roof, bricks and mortar showered down inside, it gave him the reaction he wanted, crowds started pouring out the door, by his bare feet, some would look up and scream, others would push those in front of them down, causing a pile up of bodies, the boy smiled, and let the first surge, pass his giant feet, then lifting his leg he placed his foot onto the swirling mass below. and slowly lowered his foot, they tickled him, he could feel the panic as those under his great foot realized they would soon be mashed to jelly into the concrete. some tried to crawl up onto his foot, from between his toes, as he bared down harder, the tickle stopped moving, red spurts gushed from below his heel and the ball of his foot. he lifted his foot again, another surge rushed out the store door. the boy placed his heel on the ground lifting his arch and toes over the escaping mob, again he slowly lowered his foot, the bottom of which was slippery with gore, and clinging articles of clothing, twenty more were trapped beneath his foot, he crouched down again to get a closer look at the damage his foot was doing, a policeman with a gun ran as close as he could and fired a fuselage of bullets, the boy didn't feel anything, but was angered by the nerve of this tiny person, he bumped the policeman gently with his toe, the officer fell backwards, the boy broke the legs of the helpless victim, the wormlike squirming excited the boy, who then placed his toe directly over the head and shoulder of the tiny man, as he put his weight on the figure, he pushed his toe forward, leaving a long red steak on the ground. standing up again to his huge height, he was beginning to tire of this game, the ten story block sized department store below him was severely damaged, the boy would finish off the job, by sitting on it, and letting it collapse to rubble beneath him. as he sat on it, it crumpled like a multi layer wedding cake, dust and smoke, water and fire and tiny people jumping from the windows of the collapsing walls, this was great fun, and there was still so much to do before him. the city was his. continue reading |