The late morning sun was climbing higher in the sky, as the boy waded along the channel that separated the city from the mainland. Up and down the river, the boy could see the numerous bridges and spans that allowed traffic to flow in and out of the city. some were simple railroad bridges, while others were complex multi level constructions, as intricate with their woven spans, as piano strings. The water of the river was only up to the boys ankles, the bottom was soft and mushy silt, the boy was careful so as not to slip. As he approached the first fairly large bridge, he looked down upon it, it's tallest spires were knee high. There were four lanes in each direction, and the cars were like matchbox toys, only smaller. most were the size of his thumbnail. A bus, the length of his index finger. Traffic was beginning to jam, as the drivers saw the huge boy approaching, the boy smiled as the cars started to swerve, even before he got near. This is so cool, he thought. The boy nudged the structure with his ankle, the trestles swayed, as if in a fierce storm. a few cars actually flew off the bridge, plunging into the river below, the boy nudged the bridge again, a little harder this time, the center portion rocked like a swing, cracks formed all across the base of the structure, and the two towers that supported the span, showed the slightest signs of bending. by now all traffic had come to a halt on the bridge, the boy bent down and could see the tiny people abandoning their vehicles. They were so small. The boy lifted his foot out of the water, and brought it over the bridge, so that he easily straddled it. A long yellow bus was right below him, he bent down and lifted the bus up. he held it close to his face, the driver gunned the engine futily, holding the bus in the middle, between his thumb and forefinger, he gently pressed, the windows shattered as the metal sides collapsed inward, crushing the helpless riders. casually the boy tossed the bus into the river at his feet. it bubbled and sank quickly.the boy again lifted his foot, only this time he set it directly on the bridge, as he bared his weight upon it, the steel cables snapped, portions of asphalt and iron collapsed into the waters. Could the bridge support me?, the boy wondered, not a chance!. the center part of the span, snapped throwing all the cars into the water. The boy continued to wade up the river, noting how the houses were getting larger and taller. On either bank of the river, there were warehouses, docks, and shipyards. the largest of the buildings were still only the size of shoeboxes, the boy was heading up the river where the "tall" buildings were. coming down the river was a large tanker, it must of been a half a foot long, to the boy, who splashed down into the shallow water to get a better close-up look. It was gray and rust colored, and had two smoke stacks that billowed gray smoke. It couldn't maneuver very well, and it couldn't go very fast. Even lying flat on his belly, the river wasn't deep enough to cover his back, the boy smiled as the water he displaced, rushed up the banks, knocking down some of the smaller wooden buildings. The water felt good however, against his bare skin, and it cooled him off a bit. The boy grabbed the freighter and lifted it clear of the water. the props were spinning wildly in the air. As the boy clutched the boat tighter, the metal crumpled like a tin can, the boy grabbed the rest of the ship with his other hand, and pulled it in half, the crew spilled out into the waters. squeezing tighter, the metal compressed like tin foil. The boy scooped up a group of people that were bobbing in the water, he squashed them easily. his hand was red with the remains, he rinsed in the water which also turned red, and discarded the crumpled ship, it quickly disappeared beneath the murky waters. |