Towering over the buildings, the boy decided that he wanted to see what the tiny people looked like, naked, before he squashed them. He got his wish when he ripped the top off of a penthouse apartment, high above the city. There, in what must have been the bathroom, was a lady taking a bath, unaware of all the destruction going on around her. She was startled and screamed, as she saw the ceiling ripped off by the boy's giant hand. The boy was pleased with his find, and he lifted her as gently as he could, to get a closer look. He set her into his palm, and brought her up to his eyes. As he held her in his palm, she screamed, the boy held her close up to his eyes, to see her naked figure, up close. She had blond hair, that was still dripping wet, her skin was a light pink, and her breasts were nicely proportioned. He could even make out her tiny nipples. She was very pretty, and the boy got excited looking at her. He gently touched her with his right hand, she tried to push his finger away all the time screaming in fear and panic. He could hardly feel the details of her soft skin, she had trouble standing on his hand, she lost her balance and fell over backwards. Carefully taking her between his thumb and index finger, he brought her as close as he could to his eyes, her kicking and struggling amused the boy, he set her back down in his palm, she fell again, and them tried to regain her footing. She twisted her leg, and couldn't stand anymore, the boy put his finger on her, gently, without exerting too much pressure, she once more screamed in fear. The boy them rolled her over. He enjoyed toying with her. You behave yourself , or this will happen to you, the boy plucked a man from the ground, and proceeded to tear his arms off. a fountain of blood spurted, showering the lady in red. Then the boy took the mans two legs in his hand, and tore him apart, like a wishbone. His intestines spilled out before the woman, who screamed in horror. Enough, said the boy, he placed her on the ground, placing his foot above her, and brought it down slowly, but at the last moment, instead of mashing her, he shifted away, and crushed someone else, rushing by. The boy decided to sit down, demolishing the shops in a strip mall, beneath him, The lady still had her wits about her, and tried to crawl away, but her broken leg wouldn't allow her to get far. Once more he picked up the lady, this time he placed her on his lap, and watched as she struggled to maintain her balance, she grasped and groped whatever she could get her tiny hands on, This tickled the boy who totally enjoyed the sensation. The boy casually picked up those who were within his grasp, and squeezed their heads, further staining his red fingers. This was too much for the lady, she lost her grip, and fell from between his legs, it wasn't that far a fall, but it was too much for the tiny form, she fell to her death. Too bad thought the boy, that was fun, oh well, time to move on. The boy placed his foot above her lifeless body, and this time lowered his big toe, smashing her, into the concrete. He stood up again and looked around, half the city was demolished, thick plumes of smoke filled the air. There's more where you came from, thought the boy, many more. Smiling, he turned his attention to the tallest remaining building....... |