The sun had already reached the apex of the smoke clouded sky. The smoke was rising in dense plumes from the decimated ruins of what use to be office towers, now twisted metal, shredded dry wall, and shattered glass. The boy surveyed the extent of the damage he had already brought upon the city. He counted by pointing. Seven big skyscrapers down, a lot more to go, he left the tallest one standing, saving the best for last. There were still a lot of smaller buildings, plenty of them. The boy counted smaller buildings as those that reached from his knees up to his hips, buildings of fifteen to thirty stories.. Then there were the really small ones, little matchboxes. I really shouldn't take so much time playing with them,he thought, still he couldn't help it. It was so much fun. An incredibly detailed tiny town at his feet. He didn't stop to question the fact that he couldn't remember how he had got here. He just felt great. The very tallest skyscraper was over his head, but not by much, he could still raise his hands higher. The sky was darkening with the haze of smoldering ruins. "I'll have to make up some time by working faster". He spun in a karate kick, placing squarely the ball of his foot, into the upper center of one of the tall rectangular towers. He watched as his reflection in the glass windows rippled like when a rock is thrown in a puddle,The building shuddered and collapsed, with a shower of splintered windows and smoke. It was funny how it went down, almost like a guy who's hit, and doesn't realize it yet, only to collapse to his knees. Wheee ! he spun and downed another building, this one tipped over and shattered onto the adjoining structure, bringing that one down too, like a domino. Every where the boy placed his foot, cars, trucks, busses and people were mashed into the concrete, which in turn sunk beneath his weight. Craters and fallen buildings marked his path. Power lines, and light and telephone poles , formed a spider web like grid around his feet, all went down, ruptured gas lines were exposed to the downed power lines and they sparked like caps, to the bemused boy. The boy was surprised once, when he sunk deeper than he expected to, as the ground gave way beneath his foot. He had stepped on a subway tunnel. He placed his foot before the other, the pavement gave way like thin ice. He spotted little subway entrances running up the avenue. Every three blocks or so. Maybe I can catch a train, he thought, kneeling down to get a closer look at this underground maze. He giggled as he brought his head down close to street level. He could see the fleeing masses better up close. They screeched as his giant head lowered upon them. They were really puny, about seven sixteenth's of an inch tall, just big enough so he could see them in detail, down to their fingers, but still small enough to squash under his finger tip. And there were so many of them. He picked up one between his fingers, gingerly holding the squirming figure. It was |