Ivors early drawings
The works on view here, and on the following pages, are from my private sketchbook.  I did these drawings, with no intention of showing them to anyone. Many of these sketches are crude, rough and unfinished.  They are personal and up until now, private.  In these pictures I was able to vent my anger and frustrations, I drew scenes that were the most violent scenarios I could imagine, with no holds barred. They were all done completely from my imagination. Believe it or not, I am still holding back some of my drawings of extream violence. I am also holding back my erotic drawings. I submit these in an edited version, still I think these are the most powerful drawings I have ever done, that is why I am now revealing them to the public. If you have questions, and want to contact me for commission or perhaps to purchase my works, I am reached by E-Mail at:  [email protected]
Ivor presents Mega Boys World,
      Drawing pages
In most instances you may click on the Image for a larger full page view
Foot down, pencil
Walking Feet, pencil
Edit, Stomp, Pencil
Edit, Bump, Pencil
Edit, Hillgrab, pencil
Edit, Medium shot, colored Pencils
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click for more drawings, page 2
Warning, the next drawing page has some really  gory pictures, you might want to skip it if you are squeemish. You have been warned.!
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