The sky thundered when the Boy spoke. "You are here, I know you are. I'm coming for you now. I can smell you. I know what you did, I remember. Don't you remember? Come on out and play with me." The Blond shrieked at the killer, What did you do? Who are you? Don't yell at me bitch, the killer snapped, you're the one killed your kids, not me. He's looking for you bitch, not me. I didn't do nothing. The boy knelt down, and pawed through the ruins of the buildings around the tower. His eyes were level with the killers penthouse. The boy looked up, directly into the apartment and smiled. Oh Geeez, he's looking right at us shrieked the blond. That's enough, let's get the F**k out of here, we'll use the emergency stairs, let's go, now! The killers heart was racing, he made a dash for the door, as the boy's giant hand poked through the wall where the window was, the hand made a hole that ripped out part of the floor above and below the killers level. The fingers blasted through the brick and iron as if they were made of wafer cookies. As the killer pushed the blond aside, in his struggle to get out of the apartment first, he looked back and saw the fingers clutch the brunet. She didn't scream, paralyzed like a deer in a headlight, the boy lifted her to get a closer look. His voice thundered, You were there. You brought the shower curtain, I asked you to help me and you did nothing. It all came back to her, I'm sorry she cried. She felt nothing as the boy put her head between his finger tips. She was already dead before he squashed her brains out. She had paid her dues. The blond shrieked and made a dash for the bathroom, with a brush of his hand, the boy knocked off the entire upper level of the building. He looked down at the eightieth floor, exposed like a blueprint. The walls were still standing, but there was no ceiling. The boy thought it almost comical the way the blond ran into the bathroom, and without thinking, slammed the door. "I see you" he said, knocking on the outside of the door with his finger. He scooped down the wall. She shrieked again, trapped between the standing wall and the giant boy's hand. You've been very bad! His voice rumbled. He cupped his hand, and using it like a bulldozer, he scooped her to the edge of the remaining wall. As the wall disintegrated, opening a drop of eighty floors, she lost her balance. She was lifted by the boy, and placed down on the ground by his foot. I don't want you to get hurt with the fall he said. He raised himself up, and put his toe on her. She didn't even crunch as he bore his weight upon her. A pool of blood surrounded his toe. The killer seeing the boy distracted with the girls, made a dash through the fire exit, and virtually bounded down the spiraling stairwell. Numbers painted on the wall at each level told the killer of his progress. Seventy nine, Seventy eight, the killer was getting dizzy, his heart was racing, but he didn't stop. He would be safe, here in the heart of the building, Seventy one, Seventy, the building lurched sending the killer tumbling down to the next level. The darkness in the stairwell was suddenly illuminated by the evening sky. The boy had cleared away all the upper levels of the building. Just where do you think you're going? The sky rumbled. The boy reached down and picked up the trembling killer. The killers mind snapped, this could not be happening, it had to be a dream. The boy delicately lifted the killer by the back of his shirt, pinching only the clothing ,he lifted the killer to his face to get a better view. The killer screamed curses, You're dead, I killed you, I f**ked you, and killed you, I cut your heart out, you're dead you freak go away, piss on you, I did it before and it felt good, I'll do it again."The killer, wild eyed and insane, managed to undo his zipper, "you want another taste?" He mocked. The boy shut his eyes, he remembered the hurt, he remembered how ashamed he was, he thought it was his own fault. He wanted to cry again as the memories of recollection broke like a floodgate. Then another voice entered the boy's mind. A familiar voice, it was Ariel, his guardian. Before, Ariel told him to do whatever he wanted with these evil souls, now it spoke comforting words. " David", it spoke kindly, you are holding the pit of evil in you hand. See the power it still commands? You were not to blame, but evil is like that, it twists things to gain control. Now you have the strength, experience your righteous anger, use it against this evil, and then you will be free. |