Boy in the City, page 16 |
When he first saw the giant in person, terror gripped him. The form was still fifteen miles away, but it loomed on the horizon, taller than the buildings, higher than the clouds. The military had suffered a major defeat. Sirens pierced the air, Get out of town, avoid the main roads, get to a basement shelter, do not use your automobile The image on the screen went dark, as did all the lights in the apartment. The power lines were down. The panic had fled from the voice of the brunette. She spoke with a slow resolve. Perhaps she knew she was dead. "Will you look at that thing, Jeez, It's nude. Look at the size of it's-" Will you shut the fu*k up, replied the killer. Oh, lord cried the brunette, It's a boy. It's the boy! A shadow of recollection jerked inside the killer. He swung his gun and aimed at the brunette. "I told you to shut the Fu*k up" he shouted. The blond fell to whimpering, the killer lowered the gun. It would have been merciful had he used it. Three fifty. The giant had miraculously left the killers building standing! Maybe it was going to be OK, maybe the giant was tired of playing, and was going to go away, leaving the killers building untouched. Wouldn't that be a laugh. Just an hour earlier, the killer thought it was the end. The boy smashed the three buildings surrounding the tower that the killer occupied. The building shook violently as the boy brushed by. Furniture was knocked over by the violent lurching, the book case and it's contents crashed to the floor. The windows shattered and the killer saw the wall of flesh, stained with blood and gore. The boy's hands like huge umbrellas, the fingers thicker than silos, ripping and grabbing buildings, with incredible force. The building shook from air pressure alone. The shaking of the ground with the boys footsteps threatened to bring down the structure. The killer watched riveted as the boy plucked a naked woman from the building across from his. It knocked off the top floors, as if looking for something. The killer watched as the giant hand, held the person in it's grip, between two enormous fingers. A red jet sprayed from between those fingers. The body, or what was left of it was discarded, from the height of the ninetieth floor. Both women lay shaking, in fetal position on the jolting floor. They were both doped up. The giant appeared to be leaving, perhaps it was hungry, or maybe it was taking a nap. In any event, the ground stopped shaking. The sky was already dark with thick choking smoke. The sun was descending, the city was shadowed in a hellish darkness. Silhouettes of buildings were punctuated by small fires that burned unimpeded. The ruins of skyscrapers, broken spires of metal and glass, were all that was left of the once proud city. The tower where the killer lived was the only structure left intact. There was no communication, the sirens were silenced, the killer and his two women were isolated on the eightieth floor. That's when the shaking began again. The Boy was returning. |