The killer slammed the phone down, and cursed aloud. His first chick, the one with the brunette hair and big boobs looked at him with pained concern. "I couldn't get through to him, my damn line won't connect." He had been counting on Earl to get him a ride out of town, but the damn idiot skipped town himself. "what will we do?", the brunette asked, snuffing out her third cigarette this morning. The killer was dialing another number. The blond was hastily emptying the top draw, into her small suitcase. "Where the hell do you think you're going? Asked the killer. "I'm getting the hell out of here" she curtly replied. This was too much for the killer, who leaped from the bed, and grabbed her thin arm. "You are gonna stay here, with me, if it's the last thing you do" he hissed in his menacing voice."Ow, stop it, you're hurting me" she replied. The image on the tube, drew their attention. Damn, said the killer, will you look at that! The Damn thing is passing the city of Game Aura. It's just thirty miles away! The commentator on the TV was talking in breathless sentences, " The destruction caused by the giant is immeasurable, every where he turns, buildings are flattened, thousands have been trampled, our on -scene reporters tell us of massive destruction, nothing we have done has been effective in slowing it down.. This amazing footage, taken a half hour ago, shows the creature who up till now had been coming upstream, coming onto land. The hand held camera image showed a street level view of some corner, suddenly, bricks and concrete blocks fell, crushing the pedestrians, the camera swerved upward, it looked like a leg lifting, giant toes and a dark shadow, lots of falling debris, then the screen went to static. The Commentator flashed back onscreen, "Our Furer has ordered the army to deploy a weapon that it had been working on secretly for the past two years. Our hopes are with you General, in the meantime, an immediate evacuation had been ordered for the city of Seadome. Here with the traffic report is our communication central. The killer had heard this before, "all roads out of town were blocked. There were breakdowns on all major thoroughfares. The bridges and tunnels were clogged, as people abandoned their vehicles. Martial Law had been declared by the mayor. Looters would be shot. And now a word from our sponsor" The Brunette glanced out the window. They were on the next to the top floor, and had a penthouse apartment with a magnificent view of the city. Down river, the sky was darkening, as billows of clouds, from the south arose, a Smokey reddish hue. " I think I can see something, but I'm not sure" she said. "You can't see sh*t replied the killer, It's over thirty damn miles away!" The blond was nervously fidgeting with her lipstick, watching the television, she gave a empty laugh, Hey boss, you'd like this, they just showed the thing stamping on a cop" Should step on all of them, Piss on them! Replied the killer. They were eighty flights up, and the damn elevator was broken. Shouldn't we try to get to our car and get out of here? Asked the blond. We are going nowhere! We are perfectly safe here, the killer snapped back with irritation in his voice. There was something about the image, the Giant, it was a boy. Familiar, the killer thought to himself, what the hell was it?. |