Piss on me? The boy thundered, No, I will piss on you! Holding the killer directly before his organ, the boy let loose a drenching stream. The little figure kicked and twisted in the blast. The killer coughed and sputtered and cursed again. " Damn you!" the killer screamed. No said the boy, wrong again, Damn You! Aw look, you're all wet, let me wring you out! With fierce rage, the boy twisted the killers small form in his fingers, He looked at the bloody ruins in his hand. Wanna see a neat trick I learned? Said the boy? He uttered the words, "alive again" and the killers twisted form, instantly returned to normal. The killers eyes opened and immediate recollection returned. He felt all the pain, and than it vanished again. Nooo, screamed the killer. You killed me once, said the boy, reveling in his power, now I'm gonna kill you a hundred times, each time it's gonna hurt worse than the last time. The boy balled up his fist, like a flying wall of bricks, and punched the killer, against his other hand, leaving a spot, like when a fly is swatted. "Alive again", said the boy. The killer reformed, dazed for a second, then let loose a string of obscenities. The killer was ripped limb from limb, revived, stepped on, squeezed like a toothpaste tube, spit on, chewed up, stepped on again, looking up, stepped on again headfirst, crushed in the boys hand, pulled apart with his entrails dangling, sometimes fast, sometimes slowly, feeling agony with each death. And upon each revival, more curses. What's the most terrible thing I can do? Asked the boy to his host. Ariel replied, " you can leave him revived, in the worst of conditions" The boy thought a moment. The revived killer spewed another string of curses. "Kill me already you little S**t, kill me you turd, get it over with! The boy smiled. That would be it, The sadness in the boys soul did not reveal itself as he spoke to the killer one last time. No, I will kill you and revive you again but I will not end your miserable existence, you will be trapped, for all eternity in the bowels of hell itself, alone and tormented. This is what I think of you, this is what you deserve. The boy almost gently set the tiny figure down on the ground, turned his back, and squatted over the cursing killer. You treated everyone in you life like crap, that was your choice, this is your end. The killer was staggered he fell backwards and looked up at the horrible sight above him. Deep from within the boys system, the remains, some digested, some half digested, of all the evil ones, eaten before, now found their way, back to the outside world. A composite of bodies, and waste material, dismembered arms, legs and torsos, slowly snaking their way down, in a foul smelling mass. To cover, smother and bury the killer. Some of the damned had survived the journey through the digestive tract, a horrible twisting mass of flesh and waste. The peutrifying mass gagged the killer who now, longed for the surcease of death, he felt his miserable life slip from him as the stifling weight bore down upon him, covering his body, and his face. The boy stood up, and looked down at his pile. Buried on the bottom of it was the killer. The sun was sinking below the horizon. The next day would bring sunshine, warmth and loved ones. A sob shook the boys body. It was over now, behind him. He stood to his height in the ruined city, he would head for the river, and follow it up stream, rinsed in the cleansing flow. He looked once more at the pile he had made by his feet, and uttered the words, Alive again. The End |