The Four Dwarfs Spread

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Ideal for discovering how you really feel 
about a relationship, job, spiritual path, 
or any emotionally charged issue, the Four 
Dwarfs Spread describes the four primary 
underlying desires in relation to your 
 Based on the tale of the magical Brisingamen 
necklace, this four-rune spread represents the 
four dwarfs, who in Norse Mythology become the 
four directions: north, east, west, and south. 
One day when Freyja, the Norse goddess of love, 
happened to find the stone threshold of the 
subterranean world open, she went in and found 
the four dwarfs, Alfrig, Dvalin, Berlingr, and 
Grer, forging the magnificent golden necklace 
called the Brisingamen. The necklace was more 
wonderful than anything Freyja had ever seen, 
and she asked to buy it. The dwarfs told her 
they would part with the necklace only if she 
would lie with each of them for a night. When 
the four-night exchange was complete, Freyja 
was the owner of the magical Brisingamen.
 The story of the Brisingamen represents 
Freyja's shamanic journey, on which she joins 
with the elements and, by doing so, perpetuates 
the seasonal cycles. The priceless necklace 
represents the stars, as they progress through 
the night sky, and also the undying fertility 
of the Earth.
 Begin the reading by getting into a receptive 
state of mind. take a few deep breaths, calm 
yourself, and focus your attention on an 
emotionally charged question, something you 
really care about. Next, mix the runes slowly, 
and then pull four runes, putting them facedown 
in a row on the rune cloth in front of you. Turn 
the runes faceup, one at a time, and place the 
first rune at the top, at the north point of the 
layout as shown in the diagram. Position the 
second rune at the right-hand, east point; the 
third rune in the left-hand, west position; and 
the fourth at the bottom, south point.
Rune #1:
 The topmost rune denotes your past desires in 
regard to the question. The past desires of your 
ancestors may also be reflected in this rune. 
Rune #2:
 The rune to the right reveals your present desires 
and exactly how you feel about the question right now.
Rune #3:
 The rune to the left describes the desires and 
feelings of others, and how these desires affect 
your question.
Rune #4:
 The bottom rune symbolizes your heart's deepest 
desire, that which you keep hidden from the world. 
This heart's desire will grow and blossom within 
the next four months, if the fourth rune is positive.  

Rune Layouts

One Rune Pull

Two Rune Pull

The Three Norns

The Triple-Rune Challenge Layout

The Body, Mind, and Spirit Reading

The Five Rune Spread

The Persona

The Five Elements

The Runic Cross

The Career Mirror

Mimir's Head

The Eight-Spoked Runic Wheel

The Grid of Nine

The Loving Cup

The Four Quarters

The Tree of Life

The Cosmic Axis

The Celtic Knight Cross

The Futhark Layout

The Runes


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