The One-Rune Pull

This simple form of rune reading provides 
a quick answer to a specific question. Pull 
a single rune from your rune pouch. Look at 
it. If you pulled it out sideways, turn the 
stone once sunwise (clockwise) to orient it. 
When working with rune cards, mix the deck, 
and then draw a single card, laying it facedown. 
Turn the card over from right to left, as you 
would turn the pages of a book, to make sure 
you keep the original upright or reversed 
orientation of the card.
 Read the meaning of the rune. The answer to 
your question may be an obvious yes or no. 
Take a moment to evaluate the meaning of the 
single rune in relation to your question. 
Journal the rune you selected. If it doesn't 
make any sense at all, then ask another question 
or try again later when you feel more receptive.
 The One-Rune Pull also works well for yes and no 
questions by simply interpreting an upright pull as 
"yes" and a reversed pull as "no." If you pull one 
of the runes that is the same either way, then either 
interpret it or pull another rune.
 When doing the One-Rune Pull reading for another 
person, you, the reader, pull the stone or square 
out of your rune bag. As mentioned before, your 
runes are personal, for only you to touch and use. 
This is especially true with runes made of stone, 
wood, or metal, as they acyually become energetically 
 When using rune cards, have the questioner mix the 
cards and pull one out. This is the only rune reading 
method in which the questioner pulls the card. Most of 
the time the questioner simply mixes the deck, making 
an effort to imprint the rune cards with the energy 
of the question, and then the reader lays out the cards.

Rune Layouts

Two Rune Pull

The Three Norns

The Triple-Rune Challenge Layout

The Body, Mind, and Spirit Reading

The Four Dwarfs Spread

The Five Rune Spread

The Persona

The Five Elements

The Runic Cross

The Career Mirror

Mimir's Head

The Eight-Spoked Runic Wheel

The Grid of Nine

The Loving Cup

The Four Quarters

The Tree of Life

The Cosmic Axis

The Celtic Knight Cross

The Futhark Layout

The Runes


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