

Tending Animals



Black Wine

Butchering Vulo

Preserving Fruits
& Vegetables

Carving Horns


Cleaning Fish

Curing Skins

Dressing Meat

Dyeing Cloth


Making Botas

Making Cheese
& Butter

Making Jerky
& Smoking Meat

Milking Bosk

Making Perfume

Making Candles

Making Soap

Tharlarion Oil

Making Rope,
Twine & Thread

Weaving Nets

Seasonal Chores

Weaving Cloth


For butchering, start with a live vulo. You can go into the pen and catch the vulo by the feet.

Hold the vulo by the feet and stretch the its neck. Place a flat board on the head and pull until the head comes off or use sharp knife to cut it off. Slaves if you use a knife, get permission first.

After the head is off, let the body flop around. This will allow the vulo to bleed itself. Be careful not to get in the way. It will go all over.

Once the vulo is done flopping, hold it by the feet and dunk several times in very hot water -- not boiling. If the water is boiling, the skin will melt off. Take all the feathers off as fast as you can to avoid having to dunk it too many times. During plucking, if the feathers are hard to pull, dunk again.

Save, dry and store the feathers for use in making pillows and such.

To remove the tiny pinfeathers, turn the now plucked carcass over a low flame to burn them off. This is a rather smelly part of the chore.

After that the innards must be removed. This is done by reaching into the body cavity and pulling out everything. Save the gizzard, heart and liver for use. The rest should be tossed in the sleen bucket. Remove all and toss it. The vulo is then rinsed again. It can be stored whole for roasting or cut up for frying.

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