

Tending Animals



Black Wine

Butchering Vulo

Preserving Fruits
& Vegetables

Carving Horns


Cleaning Fish

Curing Skins

Dressing Meat

Dyeing Cloth


Making Botas

Making Cheese
& Butter

Making Jerky
& Smoking Meat

Milking Bosk

Making Perfume

Making Candles

Making Soap

Tharlarion Oil

Making Rope,
Twine & Thread

Weaving Nets

Seasonal Chores

Weaving Cloth


Algerian eye stitch:
(also goes by the names of Star stitch and Star eyelet stitch.)
This is a stitch often found on repcloth work, pulled work and forms of counted thread work. Worked on even weave fabric, it is made up of stitches arranged in a square. The trick to neat central holes is to be sure that when you insert the needle into the fabric that the needle is taken down in the center and reappears through the fabric on the outside of the square not the other way around. With each stitch pull the thread slightly so that the fabric distorts slightly as it this tensioning action that creates the holes in the center of each stitch.

One of the oldest stitches, cross-stitch is used mainly on even-weave fabrics, where the threads can be counted. First, make a row of even, diagonal stitches. On the way back (as if you were reading) cross the stitch to make a "x".

Arrowhead stitch:
It is often used as a filling. Part of its appeal is its regularity. It is a stitch that lends itself to patterning. Many patterns can be developed using it either on its own or in combination with other stitches. It can be worked in vertical, horizontal or diagonal rows and is simple and quick as it consists of a pair of single stitches worked at right angles to each other.

This is a vital task, especially in the winter. You can make gloves, mittens, hats, socks, scarves, etc. The instructions are simple, and it is easy to make your own patterns to add embellishments or make different items.

Casting On
Step 1: Make a slip knot on the shaft of one needle. This counts as your first stitch.

Step 2: Place this needle in left hand. Hold other needle in right hand to control the yarn. Insert point of right needle, from front to back, into the slipknot and under the left needle.

Step 3: Hold left needle still in left hand, and move left fingers over to brace right needle.

Step 4: With right index finger, pick up the yarn from the ball.

Step 5: Release right hand's grip on the needle, and use index finger to bring yarn under and over the point of right needle.

Step 6: Return right fingers to right needle, and draw yarn through stitch with point of right needle.

Step 7: Slide point of left needle into back of new stitch, then remove right needle.

Step 8: Pull ball yarn gently to make the stitch fit snuggly on needle. You have now made one stitch (called casting on), and there are two stitches on left needle (slipknot is counted as a stitch).

Step 9: Insert point of right needle, from front to back, into stitch just made, and under left needle. Repeat Steps 5 through 9, 26 more times, until you have 28 stitches on the left needle. This completes the cast-on row, which is the way all knitting is begun.

First Knit Row
Step 1: Hold needle with stitches in left hand; insert point of right needle in first stitch, from front to back, just as in casting on.

Step 2: With right index finger, bring yarn from ball under and over point of right needle.

Step 3: Draw yarn through stitch with right needle point.

Step 4: This step now differs from casting on: Slip loop on left needle off, so new stitch is entirely on right needle.

This completes one knit stitch. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 in each stitch still on left needle. When the last stitch is worked, one row of knitting is completed. You can add or subtract stitches to make the item smaller or larger, or reverse a stitch to make a "pearl".

Binding Off
Step 1: Knit the first 2 stitches; insert left needle into stitch you knitted first, and pull it over the second stitch and completely off the needle. One stitch is now bound off.

Step 2: Knit one more stitch, insert left needle into first stitch on right needle, and pull it over the new stitch and completely off the needle. Another stitch is bound off; don't work too tightly. Repeat Step 2 until one stitch remains; now cut yarn from skein, leaving a 6" end. With needle draw end up and through last stitch to secure it. Thread yarn end into yarn needle and weave end into several stitches to secure it.

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