Talinar – (A World of Fable)


A world set in smoldering sands and malevolent magic


The world of Talinar would never fully accept life; however, life was never told of this.  A being known to few gods and even fewer mortals Talinar removed itself from the multi-verse.  It has existed before some of the younger immortals.  The eons of solitude have driven the once keen and near omnipotent mind of Talinar insane.  Though it has little care or concerns for any life who now  inhabit it.  Talinar's fits of rage and joy over the eons have destroyed the once utopian landscape.  Pockets of primordial magic have been unleashed over its lifetime and scared both Talinar and those who now survive on it still.  These events however are far in the past when gods walk the beautiful shorelines and lush forest of Talinar as the Paradise it was.  The reality of today is far different.  Where great oceans once flowed deep salt flat remain, craters where lake once called home, and clay steeps are all that remain.  The forests are all but gone poisonous swamps filled with giant monstrous creatures dot the world in their place.



1-1 History of Talinar


<The Paradise>

The Beginning – 30,000

-The gods roamed Talinar.

-The gods plant the seeds of life, and harvested the crop of rebirth

(The races first emerged)


<The Foundation>

30,000 – 400,000

-The gods left Talinar ~50,000

            (It is unsure when the gods left, as they never directly interacted with mortals)

-Talinar went insane ~200,000

            (The reason is unknown even to most of the elder gods)

-Rage Magic first appeared ~230,000


-When the gods left their most faithful followers gained divine favor. ~230,000

            (Mortals Acquired Divine Magic)

-Talinar’s will infuses the landscape with blood magic ~250,000

            (The Blood Fury First Appeared) – (Sorcerers first Appeared)

-Talinar shifted closer towards the sun. ~300,000

            (This changed the planets lush climate and killed many inhabitants)


<The Fall>

400,000 – 1,000,000

-Up to the beginning of the fall civilizations stood strong.  With the shift in climate and increase in the Blood Fury it has begun to collapse.  Once great cities are now ruin, forests erode into poisonous swamps, the oceans begin to dry up.  ~450,000

(Talinar is beginning to die)

-The races finally tame Rage Magic ~600,000

            (The Wu’Jen Appear)

-Those of the Blood Fury declare war on the remaining inhabitants ~???

“The Grand Purge”

-The Deep Races retreat underground to avoid the Blood Fury. ~700,000

            (The Underdark is sealed to the Surface)


<The Redemption>

1,000,000 – Present

-Talinar has been torn asunder with war.  Those who have survived “The Grand Purge” fiercely guard the last areas capable of sustaining life.  The material wealth of Talinar is gone the time of “The Foundation” is all but forgotten save the eldest and wisest of sages.


-Your history begins.... Now!-

Family & Status

Ancestry & Birthrights


Honor in Talinar



Races / Clans

Clan Warrior


Spirit Caller

Yakuza Dragon
Ninja Lion
Bushi Phoenix
Barbarian Scorpion


Wu'Jen Lesser Clans
Shugenja Non-Humans
Kensai Clan less Humans


Initial Campaign Logs

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4 (Short)

Session 5 (2 New Players)

Session 6 (Ability Damage All Around)

Session 7 (At it again!)

Session 8 (Short Session)


2nd Campaign Logs

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7

Session 8

Session 9

Session 9 Mitsuki (Initiation)

Session 10

Session 10 Ryuunosuke (Intro)