Letters to Ivor, page |
Drawing Page, |
Montage Pages, |
Story Pages, Hitler in the Cupboard |
Pages : |
just added,Drawing page 4, Check it out ! New Montage Page13, |
Guest Artists work; |
New: |
Page: |
Welcome to Volume two of MEGA BOYS WORLD. Due to the popularity of my first web site: Ivor Presents Mega Boys World, Found at: www.geocities.com/ivor_12/ |
And also due to the fact that I was running out of room, and I have so much more to share with you, I decided to add this second volume. |
These pages will be just like a continuation of my original site. Here you will find a Montage gallery, a Drawing gallery, A new story being written, I have also added, letter pages, and a Guest Artist gallery. WARNING ! |
As on my original web site, there will be Graphic Violence Depicted |
Please avoid this site if you are : * squeemish, * Offended by the idea of Giant Children, * Offended that they are as dressed down as the internet will allow, * Offended that most of the Mega Boys, are Boys! Avoid this site also, if you are underage, Parental guidence is suggested I do not consider my work pornographic, but it is, because of the violence, not sutable for all viewers. My page is R rated (or worse) |
A disclaimer, of sorts: My pictures are pure fantasy, Should the terrible destruction New York has suffered, make me question my art form? It occured to me to do so! Do I really wish anyone the death and destruction as my scenes depict? Emphatically NO! (except maybe for the terrorists) I never want to see people killed for real, as I have wittnessed on the News. It made me sick. Special Effects and Art are my arenas. Play acting and fake blood, my specialty is illusion, like the magician who doesn't really saw a lady in half. My images are dark and violent, but they are only make believe. I believe it is alright to have dark fantasys, as long as they don't become mixed with your everyday reality. As an artist, I am compelled to create what I create. It fills a need I have, I don't know why. |
Check over here for updates, This website was last updated: January 10th 2005 |
Number of visitors to this page: |
I take questions from my readers, as well as your suggestions. Contact me at: [email protected] Thank you for your interest |
A Cool link: If you are into ANIME, there is a really neat Japanese giant boy page, try this link: http://asagao.sakura.ne.jp/~torajima/fuguri/ |
a tip of the hat to http://www.boylinks.net/art.html for getting the word out! |
last Story page, "Aaron's turn" |
Drawing Page 4 |
Good readers, MSN following the lead of Yahoo, has canceled my group I will keep you posted about my new site. |