Montage page 9
     This month, you may notice that my works are darker than usual,  the  destruction depicted is violent, and bloody.  I do not know why, but these pictures are more graphic than any I have done before.  If you are squeemish, I do not recommend that you view these works. They are terrifying in their destruction.
      I bear no malice toward the cities, or their populations.  As I have stated before, these are mirror cities, in another dimention.  All the inhabitants are evil, and deserve their gruesome fate.
      My Mega boys are pleased to carry out their terrible  task, they totally enjoy their work.
      Channel all your anger and rage, and join vicariously the boys as they act out, the unthinkable. When evil is crushed and justice  prevails, then may you leave in peace.
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     A human earthquake hits the west coast
Dallas revisited
Bloody fun, down under, What a mess, I'm going to need a bath after this.
      You have been very very bad, and now I have to destroy you.
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