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The Summer past, was a difficult one for Ivor, I apologize for the time it took for me to get this page up and running.  I fell behind in my writing, and just could not find acceptible models for my pictures.  As soon as Summer ended, I felt a rush to create new works. I did these over the course of four consecutive nights. I hope you find them to your liking.
       As always, you can drop off your suggestions and comments over at my Hotmail site. 
           my address is;    
[email protected]
   I look forward to getting your message.                                         
now, on to the pictures!
I started off easy enough, just a nice sunny day, fine weather to take a walk through the city
The background is recycled, but the model is new.  This is just what I wanted to do, when I was his age.
Visitor number:
Little Joshua here, is demonstrating the gig he pulled in Jericho so many centuries ago,
      All you sinners out there, better ammend your wicked ways.
No blood, just a breath taking view from the towers.    A blessing on your houses, for the new year.
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