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  Good readers, I have waited long enough. I have three new original drawings for you. I like them, and hope you will too! The first is a sketch for a more detailed work called Panic in the Streets, it is  rough, but it captures the panic of the figures about to be trapped underfoot. The next two drawings are complete, and speak for themselves.
       I promised you a color detail of a large scale work. It is in process, and as yet is not ready for viewing. It is a Monster work and if you like my drawing page 1, you will
love this piece. It should be ready by the end of next month.  I also have a few more pencil drawings  in the works. Hang tight, and enjoy the rush.
A swirl of motion,
    a rush of bodies
       a crushing doom,
Panic in the streets.
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A City Lad
What fun, Mega boy came across a small hillside community as he walked across the country. Getting down on his knees, he observed the pretty houses as the village spread out before him, a large game board ready to be played with. He stood up and gingerly placed his foot on one of the small structures, it gave easily beneath his foot. He was delighted as the population, aware of his presence, started to flee their homes. They  looked up in sheer panic as the colossus squashed their houses. Then the  boy got back down on his knees and reached down to closer examine the tiny town folk.
Hillside Boy
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