Letters to Mega
Hello good readers, I just thought it would be interesting to share some of the neat letters sent to me.
Let me know what you have on your mind, You may see your letter posted.   This is a Letter I got from  a reader just recently;

Hiya Ivor,

            I want to ask you a question. Will Mega Boy get any bigger
than he is or is he done growing? I mean, I know he's 1,000 feet tall or
more but wow, imagine him even bigger!! I still would like to see Mega Boy
have a father. If his father did appear, imagine the destruction HE could
do, and the tiny people thought Mega Boy was hard to stop. If his father
showed up they wouldn't know what hit them! I was thinking that if you add a
"Mega Dad" to your mega boy site, he would be like Mega Boy and allow mega
boy to do what he wanted. Mega Dad wouldn't be like a normal Dad because he
would be doing the same things Mega Boy does, only he would be assisting
Mega Boy in the destruction. Well, I must close for now. Please take my Mega
Dad idea into consideration because I would sure like to see it. Oh one more
thing, have you done any drawings of Mega Boy where he is friendly with the
tiny people he meets or is he always destructive?, just wondering. E-mail
again soon.

A Big Fan Of Your Site,

I replied something like;
            My biggest giant can be found on my early  Montage pages. I show one Mega Tot walking Through Queens,  New York,  The tiny circle by his heel, is Shae Stadium , If I made my Mega Boy's even larger, they would be walking on maps,  Most of my Boy's do get rather large. 
       As for the Father, and Mother, It didn't work. The Mega process only works with the body chemistry of an adolescent.  The Age group best suited is from five years old to early thirteen, although there have been a few Mega boys as old as fifteen.  
        I suppose it would be safe to say that all my Mega boy's are orphan's.  That is, until they wake up. Mom, Dad, and sister and brother are just not a part of their Mega world. This way they have full liberty to do whatever they want. I have thought of maybe giving one of them either a Mega friend, or maybe even a regular friend from their everyday world.  I should also mention, that while the cities are recognizable places, the inhabitants are wicked people.(there are no children or innocents being hurt)Thank you for writing,
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