Montage Page 12
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Good readers, A just war has begun, and Ivor rolls out his secret weapons. I like to call this montage page, Shock and Awe
And it is written, He shall Trample the enemy.
"It's the hammer of justice,"
In the process of creation, I often make experimental copies, variations on existing pictures. Here is one such variation. to see the original, you can click on the image. When you do, you will see the original picture, from the last montage page. note the differences,   sometimes it pays to experiment.
The boy loved to explore new cities, he toyed with the buildings before bringing them to rubble, by his feet.  The face of buildings peeled away like a fine thin skin, those exposed to the open air, would usually plumet stories below. . The handfull of squashed victims, stuck like paste coating his  palms, and the red juice ran down his wrist. 
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