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Hitler in the Cupboard,
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       Aaron bounded down the stairs, he was late, all the guys were waiting. It was just like his Mom to get the idea, just as he was about to leave,  that she  wanted him to pick up and sort the laundry  that was strewn all over his room.  He had to grovel and accept garbage chores for the week, just so he could get out of the house to meet his friends.
"it's not fair," he thought,  they never made his younger brother Mark pick up after himself,    ...the little goody goody did it by himself anyway.
               The screen door slammed shut as Aaron leaped down the three steps that led up to the porch door. The sun was out, and early spring buds were pushing from out  the ground.  The afternoon air held just a taste of chill, and as he rode his bike to town, the wind felt good on his face. 
            Randy and Buzz were seated on their bikes in front of Stu's place, when Aaron skidded in. 
             "Hey, where you been ? you're late", said Buzz,
                 "Hey, I'm here aren't I ?  I'm ready to ride,  Let's go!"
             "We can't" said Randy, "we gotta wait up for Stu"
                  "Where is he?" Aaron asked impatiently.
             "His mom made him pick up his room" said Randy,  Aaron rolled his eyes up,  It must be catching, he thought to himself.
      "Man, we're never going to catch anything, it's gonna be far too late" said Buzz, looking at his watch.
      "the guy at the reservoir said they won't start biting until an hour before sundown, We got time, but not much" answered Aaron.
          The door slammed open as Stu came bounding out, he had a bag snack his mother had prepared for him. He threw it into his bikes basket, almost like he was ashamed to carry it,
       "Well," he said, "are you guys going to stand around all day? Lets get started"

          Aaron was the first to spot the cupboard.  It was sitting by the trash in front of a old brownstone townhouse.  There was all kinds of neat stuff piled out in front of the place,  and a large "Sold" sign was hammered onto the old," For Sale" sign, that had been on the place for months.  The boys peddled their bikes up to the pile. There were crates and boxes of things. The contents of a young boys room.
           "Oh Cool, look at this" said Buzz excitedly, "A box of Comic books", it's mine!"
Stu got off his bike, and rummaged through the pile, he picked out a worn catchers mitt, that was still in good shape, and there was a slightly ragged softball..
          "Hey guys look at this, I claim this one, one two three!" Randy had found a box of toy action figures, there were cowboys and Indians, and soldiers.
The boys were somewhat startled when the window on the second floor was suddenly jammed opened.  They didn't think anybody was there. 
           "You," a ladies voice called, "You boys by the trash, what are you doing?
Aaron, the oldest spoke up,
         "Excuse me Ma'am, is this stuff all being thrown out ?"
As if thinking over the question , the lady paused for a short while, then she said,
          "Yes, you can take what you want, anything except the Cupboard, that must be thrown out, the trash man will pick up everything that's left, in the morning"
      "Alright!," said Buzz, high fiving Randy and Stu, "Christmas in July!"
Aaron was disappointed, he really wanted the Cupboard, there  was something about it, something mysterious, that seemed to call to him. It was then that he made up his mind to sneak back after dark, to pick it up, besides, he thought to himself, his mom would appreciate it, he'd actually have a place to store his stuff, and make the room look cleaner.
           "Hey Aaron, don't you want any of this stuff?  You better look at it before Buzz grabs everything up"

Time to meet the boys..
contine to next page.
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