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Hitler in the Cupboard
             Chapter five
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      Aaron  tossed and turned  in bed, thinking about Marks vivid description,  Then he heard the noises.  He was not quite sure he really heard it, it was a muffled sound, a soft knocking and falling, and it was coming from the direction of his bookshelf.
       A moth banging on the window ?  A mouse ? there use to be a family of them, a few years back, maybe they found their way back in?  Then he heard the noise again, it was real, and it was coming from inside his cupboard.
       Now he was startled, and  truthfully, somewhat afraid, but he was also curious. How could anything have gotten into the cupboard ? it was locked.!
       "Mom come here!" he called out loudly, but just as soon as he did, he hoped she didn't hear him.
       "What's the matter dear?" It was his mothers voice, he glanced at the clock, it was 11:15 and she must have been up, watching TV downstairs.
        "Um, nothing, I just was having a nightmare again," he replied, "I'm alright now, never mind".   Thump! came the sound from the cupboard, Aaron who was standing by the door, startled back, knocking over a chair.
        "Whoa!" he said aloud.  There was something moving in there for real!
         "Are you alright up there?"
            "Yeah, I'm OK, I just got up to go to the bathroom, and tripped on the chair"  he listened for her response,
         "Well dear, just be careful"
Now there was a gentle knocking on his door,
        "Yeah, who is it, as if I didn't know"   It was Mark in his PJ's,  He was smiling standing in the door,
       "Did you make some more Squiggly clay ? he asked,  "You did! I knew it, it's in your cabinet, open it up, and see"
       "Well of all the stupid things" Aaron stammered, the thumping sounded again.
       "I don't know what's in there, but I don't want to find a rat or anything, besides, what ever got in there could be dangerous"  Aaron was stalling, but actually felt better that Mark was there to witness whatever was going to happen,
       "Open it!   Come on, you'll see what I mean, it's  your magic clay.   Aaron opened his desk draw,  and pulled out the brass key, he inserted it, hesitatingly into the lock. Whatever it was, was making a lot more noise.
       "Come on, open it" Mark said,  "You want me to?"
        "No" snapped Aaron, "I can do it."  The bolt clicked open as the door was unlocked. The sound stopped.  Mark turned on the light, as Aaron opened the door.
          "Holy crap! What the hell is that?"
       Standing on the second shelf, was the clay man he had made,  it raised it's arms, and turned and bumped into the back of the shelf, it fell down, then it lifted itself back up.
       "I'm dreaming" said Aaron, slapping his hand across his face, Mark giggled, and said,
       "That's a cool one" he reached his stubby little hand to grasp at the figure.
        "No" Aaron said, "Don't touch it, it could be .."
        "It's OK, here look" Mark said, gingerly grasping the little figure" Aaron shied back from touching it, he didn't like big bugs, and he was not fond of mice either.
       "Don't touch it, put it down" Aaron said, a touch of fear still in his voice"
       "Here, it's not going to hurt you" said Mark, "take a look at him, you made it"
      The little figure squirmed in Marks grasp, almost like it was trying to free itself.  It was indeed the clay man Aaron had made, only now it was animated. Mark  held it before his older brother, and Aaron reached out to let it rest in his hand.
       "Eww" he said.  It squiggled like worms in his hand, and his first impulse was to throw it to the floor. It did not feel warm, like living things do, there was however a fuzzy sensation, about it, a slight tingle in Aaron's hand.
         " I can't believe this, this is so cool" he said, building up his courage,  "Look at it, it's moving by itself,"  he laughed.
         "Yeah, Squiggly Clay" Mark repeated.
      Aaron held the clay figure closer up to his face, then he took it over to his desk, turned on the desk lamp, and set the figure down.  It tumbled and stood up again.  Aaron's grasp of anatomy was good, but the figure was still crude, one leg was thicker then the other, the arms had no real joints, and did not look right in proportion to the figure, One arm was longer.  Finger prints and impressions molded the shape of the figure, giving it a lumpy look. It's hands were flattened disks, and it's feet were squenched in, and heavy at the bottom to give it balance.  Aaron looked at the figure, then turned to Mark
      "You have some more clay?" Mark nodded
       "Bring it in, and I'll make another one, but be quiet, don't tell Mom" Mark nodded again.   This is Too much, Aaron thought to himself,  He couldn't wait to show this trick to Randy.  Mark ran off to his room, and Aaron dialed up Randy's private phone number.
       "Hello?" came the sleepy voice on the other end of the line.
"Randy, It's me, Aaron, get dressed and sneak on over here, park your bike in the alley, and don't wake my Mom, She 's in the TV room, I'll meet you by the garage and sneak you in"  He eyed the antics of the little clay figure on his desk,  "You won't believe what I've got to show you."

to be continued.
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