Montage Page five        Volume 2
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It is a New Year, and Ivor has been very busy creating these new pictures.  I hope that you, my readers find them as exciting as I do.   As always, feel free to contact me via E-mail. Let me know what you like, and I will see what I can do.   In the meantime,  enjoy !
    Mega Boy liked to wade upstream, the water was cool, and splashed up the banks, as the boy walked past.
Walking Upriver
Edit boy in Tokyo,  below
Mega boy's, Have fun with your very ownToy City.                                I really like this one!
it's a Power thing.
Warning:   the picture below displays a bodily function. I have used this pose before, in a different city.  If you are offended by "the power of water"  DO NOT LOOK  below.   You have been warned.
visitor number:
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