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At some point in the late 1980s I decided that I would translate the entire collected works of Dario Fo and Franca Rame.


The project has been proceeding well. In the intervening years these translations have been performed all around the world, sometimes in small amateur venues, sometimes in London’s West End. I am happy to have made this small contribution to theatrical culture.


The plays archived in this site are all available for performance.


Please be aware that these translations can only be performed with explicit permission in writing from the agency representing Dario Fo and Franca Rame, the Danese-Tolnay agency in Rome.


For inquiries related to these translations please contact


ed.emery [@]


Also, by way of historical interest, a photographic account of the Caravan of Truth and Memory organised by Fo and Rame in 1999 to commemorate the fascist bombings of December 1969.




LIST OF TEXTS [in alphabetical order]


Accidental Death of an Anarchist  [Morte Accidentale di un Anarchico]

An Arab Woman Speaks [Una Donna Araba Parla]

Archangels Don’t Play Pinball [Gli Arcangeli Non Giocano al Flipper]

The Brothel Madam: The Christian Democrat party in Chile

Corpse for Sale  [Un Morto da Vendere]

The Devil in Drag [Il Diavolo con le Zinne]

The Doll Story

Dump the Lady [La Signora è da Buttare]

The Eel Woman [La fiocinina]

Fascism 1922 [Fascismo 1922]

The First Miracle of the Infant Jesus [Il Primo Miracolo di Gesù Bambino]

The Good that a Burglar Can Bring  [Non Tutti i Ladri Vengono per Nuocere]

Housepainters Have No Memories [Gli Imbianchini non Hanno Ricordi]

Isabella, Three Sailing Ships and a Con Man [Isabella, Tre Caravelle e un Cacciaballe]

Johan Padan [Johan Padan]

Knock, Knock – Who’s There? Police! [Pum Pum! Chi è? La Polizia!]

Mamma Togni [Mamma Togni]

Michele Lu Lanzone [Michele Lu Lanzone]

Mistero Buffo [Mistero Buffo]

The Mother [Una Madre]

Nadia Pasini [Nadia Pasini]

One Was Nude and One Wore Tails [L’Uomo Nudo e l’Uomo in Frak]

The Pope and the Witch [Il Papa e la Strega]

The Rape [Lo Stupro]

San Francesco [San Francesco]

Sex...? I Don’t Mind if I Do...!  [Sesso: Tanto per Gradire]

The Slaughter of the Innocents  [La Strage degli Innocenti]

The Tale of a Tiger [La Storia della Tigre]

Trumpets and Raspberries [Clacson, trombette e pernacchi]

The Tumult of Bologna [Il Tumulto di Bologna]


For information relating to any of the above texts, please consult the annotated commentary on the plays of Dario Fo and Franca Rame at


The following translations are currently in my archive awaiting transcription into electronic format:

The Opera of Guffaws (L'Opera dello Sghignazzo)

The Open Couple (La Coppia Aperta)

Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay! (Non si paga! Non si paga!)

I'd Rather Die Tonght If I Had to Think It Had All Been in Vain (Vorrei Morire...)

He Who Steals a Foot is Lucky in Love (Chi Ruba un Piede e' Fortunato in Amore)

Marino at Large (Marino Libero)

The Butterfly Mouse (La Parpaja Topola)

Marcolfa (La Marcolfa)

Three Bold Lads (I Tre Bravi)

