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Chiang Sheng Biography
Venoms Biographies --> Chiang Sheng Biography



Tea or Wine?

Weapon of Choice
Double Swords

Best Film
Crippled Avengers

    Chiang Sheng Biography

C hiang Sheng grew up in the Fu Shing Opera troupe in Taiwan. He was introduced as the Hybrid Venom in Five Deadly Venoms. His boyish charm and supreme agility - nicknaming him "cutie pie" by VenomsFans - got him casted in ALL 14 VenomsFilms during their era. He was a "light skills" martial arts expert who specialized in acrobatics (jumping, flipping, rolling) along with a various number of weapons. He cleverly incorporated this training with onscreen fight choreography to showcase the fastest, most nimble and most intricate fight routines ever seen onscreen.

A fter leaving the Shaw Studios in 1984, he followed Philip Kwok to Taiwan to star in Ninja in the Deadly Trap. Chiang continued work as director for The Ghosts - 1983, Atack of the Drunken Goddess - 1984 and Exciting Dragon - 1985. Afterwards, he remained in Taiwan - per the request of his wife. Unfortunately, it was difficult to find work in Taiwan at the time. Chiang became very depressed. And after the divorce, he began drinking heavily. He died in 1991 of a heart attack. His remarkable onscreen presence is still felt today. Several fansites have dedicated webpages to him. There is even a special 5 minute Video Tribute on this site in his loving memory.

Chiang Sheng Wallpaper

Chiang Sheng Wallpaper
800 x 600

Venoms Sitemap

Featured Films

2 Champions of Shaolin
Avenging Warriors of Shaolin
Chinatown Kid
Crippled Avengers
Five Deadly Venoms
Flag of Iron
Invincible Shaolin
Kid With the Golden Arm
Killer Army
Legend of the Fox
Magnificent Ruffians
Masked Avengers
Ninja in the Deadly Trap
Ten Tigers From Kwangtung

My Tribute to Chiang Sheng

Philip Kwok Interview: Brotherhood of the Wolf

Women of the Venoms Video Tribute

Wang Li: The Sixth Man

Music Samples & the Venoms

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Venoms: Philip Kwok, Chiang Sheng, Sun Chien, Lu Feng and Lo Meng
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