Magical Timing

Timing is all-important when doing any kind 
of magic. If the proper universal energies are 
lacking, doing magic can become as futile as 
trying to hammer a nail into a stone. On the 
other hand, with correct timing, magical works 
can spread wings of their own and really take 

 As mentioned before, the eight divisions of the 
year represent the traditional yearly cycle of 
Northern Europe. The best times for magic, 
including runic magic, are the eight seasonal 
solar festivals. Each of these days has tradi-
tions that have been passed down through the 
years. For example, Beltane, or Walpurgis 
Night, was sacred to Freyja. On the winter 
solstice in Holland, the midwinter horn was 
blown and a flaming (solar) wheel was rolled 
down a hill to celebrate the return of the sun.

The Eight Days of Power

These eight days of power occur on the equinoxes, 
solstices, and four cross-quarter days. The 
following are the runic correspondences for 
these magical days. 
 Remember to focus on the associated rune, 
depending upon the time of the year. This 
will make your rune magic more timely and 
guarantee better results.

Winter Solstice/Yule...Dec. 21...Isa, Jera, Eihwaz
Imbolc/Bridget's Day...Feb 2...Perdhro, Algiz, Sowilo
Spring Equinox/Hertha's Day...March 21...Tiwaz, Ehwaz, Berkana
Beltane...May 1-5...Mannaz, Laguz, Ingwaz
Summer Solstice/Midsummer...June 21...Othala, Dagaz, Fehu
Lughnassad...First Week August...Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz
Autumnal Equinox/Hellith's Day...Sept 22...Raidho, Kenaz, Gebo
Samhain...Nov 1-5...Wunjo, Hagalaz, Naudhiz

Rune Magic

The Eight-Fold Moon Phase

The Elements

The Four Directions

Magical Focals

Rune Galdr Songs

The Altar

Magical Tools

Making A Gandr (Runic Wand)

Consecrating Your Magical Tools

The Three Steps Of Magic

The Sacred Enclosure

Power Animals

Sending Runes

Runic Charms

Rune Cord or String Magic

Rune Script Magic

Rune Candle Magic

Essential Oils

The Talisman

The Runic Circle

The Runes


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