The Altar

Traditionally considered the table of the Goddess and God, 
your altar is your magic-working surface. It holds the 
tools and elements and is a primary focal in magic. Ideally, 
you would want to set up the altar in a forest clearing and 
make it of stone. The stone altar symbolizes the Earth and 
the north direction. Also, the stone and the earth work to 
ground or eliminate unwanted energies. In the Northern 
Tradition, a "Horgr"-meaning "holy pile of stones" makes 
the ideal altar. It consists of a large, flat stone, set 
upon a pile of smaller, gathered stones.

 Today altars can be everything from a table, chest, or desk, 
to a fireplace mantel, cardboard box, or even the bare ground. 
Most of the time, an altar cloth covers the altar. It can be 
made of any natural material such as linen, cotton, silk, or 
wool. Generally, it is left in its natural color, but it can 
also be red, green, or deep blue-any color. You can also em-
broider or paint rune symbols on it.

 You can carve or paint appropriate runes on your altar to 
create an even more sacred space. Altar runes are Berkana 
(for the Goddess), Ansuz (for Odin), Uruz (for strength, 
Algiz (for divine protection), and Ingwaz (designating the 
four quarters of the sacred circle/space).

 Altars are usually set up in the north point of the room. 
This is preferred placement in the Northern Tradition. Some 
set the altar in the east quarter to correspond with the rising 
sun. Still others place their altars in the center of their 
magical space. Try the different placements, and then select 
the one that feels right to you.

 The right side of the altar is the active, power side, dedicated 
to the God. The left half of the altar is the creative, nurturing 
side, dedicated to the Goddess. It's best to keep your magical 
altar fluid, changing certain items such as runes, candles, incense,
flowers, and gemstones to correspond with the seasons. Be sure to 
place all yout tools and altar items so you can reach them conveniently.

 To prepare this sacred space:Put sea salt in a bowl of water. 
Take a sprig of greenery and dip it into the salt water. Sprinkle 
your altar and ritual area in a sunwise (clockwise) motion as you 
say aloud with a clear voice, "Begone from here, all evil and foul-
ness and darkness! Begone from this place in the name of the Goddess 
Freyja!" (You may also use the name of any primary goddesses from 
other spiritual traditions such as Kerridwen, Isis, or the Mother 
Mary.) Say this three times while visualizing a white light, edged
with cobalt blue, that energetically clears out the area.

 Before beginning your ritual or magical work, set your altar up 
with everything you will need. Some people leave their altars set 
up; others put everything carefully away upon completion of the 

Rune Magic

Magical Timing

The Eight-Fold Moon Phase

The Elements

The Four Directions

Magical Focals

Rune Galdr Songs

Magical Tools

Making A Gandr (Runic Wand)

Consecrating Your Magical Tools

The Three Steps Of Magic

The Sacred Enclosure

Power Animals

Sending Runes

Runic Charms

Rune Cord or String Magic

Rune Script Magic

Rune Candle Magic

Essential Oils

The Talisman

The Runic Circle

The Runes


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