It's time to move on--beyond this limited human physics. There is more to experience in the Universe. Time for a reboot. I think they will do it cold. We all know--basic instincts.


Web Blog

Who Am I? Whistle Blower. This is what they do to you in the United States. Censor the intellectual and defame them.

Microsoft recently did something and now all these fonts are displaying very small on my computer. This is from a screen shot from Microsoft's Web.

IE is the only program I have that is doing this that I know of.  This page now only looks decent if you are using the large/120dpi fonts on your computer if this is too small or if Microsoft's web site is also bad for you. I can't even get MSN to come up in 800x600 at 96dpi.  This is set in Control Panel:

Display>Setting>Advanced select large fonts and reboot

You have to restart your computer to have it work. Her is more about Microsoft's Monopoly and discriminatory practices against just plain middle class people trying to get buy. The fonts below are suppose to be 12 point, but... I have no idea how they will look on someone else's computer now. Obviously, Microsoft doesn't either. Now Mr. Ballmer and Mr. Raikes have egg in their face too!  So much for Section 508 that Mr. Ballmer says he is so committed to.

I'm now being SPAMMED by my State Government -
These screen shots of my mail box are great... so are the pictures of this old white haired physically disabled women whose been literally beat to a pulp by Microsoft and their stooges like these people in the local bureaucracy.
2004-01-10  Happy Birthday Gaelan

When I'm not being attacked by people I don't know and who don't know me, I'm very committed to children's issues.

So what got me into this big mess? Complaining about racial profiling by Washington State Patrol! This ex-rancher from Sprague River Or is still being amazed by "Man's Inhumanity to woman."

Sex Crimes at Microsoft... articles from the Seattle Times.

There is a group of people inside the computer industry that are totally committed to this violence against women.  

At Microsoft the boys consider picture like this their civil right and actively promoted this stuff in the developers network.. When I was harassed with this, it was just as horrifying as a Jew having a swastika put in their face. Why isn't this considered Malicious Harassment the same as a swastika.

I put the black squares on.  I've seen worse--women with wooden stake up their vagina and with mouse traps on their genitals. Yeah, Bill Gates, this is really super cool stuff baby. I wonder what your daughter would think about this. And when these software engineers could have their child porn they went out and created sex animations with 3D graphics! That's OK because no one is really getting hurt.  No one until one of these guy loose himself and assaults a child that is flesh and blood.

We have always had technical ways to block pornography and SPAM. Here is one of the technical proposals to self-censor the Internet I attempted to submit in the computer industry that can do it. Unfortunately, Microsoft's sexism is now all over the industry and they don't want to block this. They see this as their civil rights.  What about yours? I like taking pot shots at Bill Gates because he is a very brilliant man and should know better than to let these guys run him around. :-)  You fool...

Antitrust Case against Microsoft for Women in Computing 
-- this is to educate other women. We can do this. And if we do, it will bring down Microsoft and that will change the way men treat women in the work place from now on. I already cost them an antitrust case, but the penalties were not enough to curtail their lust for retaliation.  We need more. If I'm going to die from their harassment, there will be nothing left of that company after I'm gone.

I'm filing an antitrust complaint against Microsoft regarding their sexual discrimination, abuse of women and promotion of pornography with the Federal Government. This is a PDF file (about 10M) of parts of a court document that was used by Microsoft to black ball me from working in the computer Industry and will be part of what I use. This is an excellent example of HOW contractor's and mid-level management at Microsoft attempt to censor the upper level management from finding out about their mistakes.

I was trying to find a political way to stop the proliferation of unwanted spam and pornography on the Internet 1994--especailly child porn. This was a major security issue for the government, because Microsoft used the porn to sell their product.  The porn was all over the place. There was so much of it at Microsoft, that I didn't think they were ever going to get Win 95 (I was beta testing it) out the door. When the police, FBI and even the media failed to respond, I decided to contact women in my community who had money or power and might be tied to the industry. 

Jeff Raikes wife Patricia and Mike Maples wife Jane were two of the executives wives at Microsoft who received this letter. There were others, but they didn't seem to see this as harassment, especially since the complaint was about AOL--a Microsoft competitor--and their violation of Washington State pornography laws. I also express concern about how pornography in the work place was degrading technical performance and creating a security problem. In fact, the engineers told me that they did exactly what I suggested. LOL Brad Silverberg is now gone.

They say a picture is worth 1000 words. How is a letter with a LOVE stamp on the front harassment? These people and their lust for pornography are crazy just as I said.  I get Microsoft junk all the time. I don't have to read it, but can do nothing to stop it.

They should put up a sign at Microsoft saying desperately seeking good developers.  Women need not apply. This is a sexually hostile work place... with hot porno all over the place. 

I was not successful however.

At the time I wrote this I was doing beta testing on Win 95. The issue of pornography was so bad both inside Microsoft and within the developer network that I didn't think the product was ever going to be released if something wasn't done to stop it. There was actually a faction inside the company promoting this.  I've been denied developer support just for writing this and I'm a disabled women too! They assaulted me. They left me disabled. Then they use my disability and need for medical and social services to threaten and intimidate. It's never stopped.  Why can they do this to me?  This web site went up because of this document and legal action. I was promised a criminal investigation by the Justice Department. I guess John Ashcroft and President Bush are now supporters of pornography too. Go figure.

A year later the first Microsoft engineer was fired for child pornography in the work place and criminally charged. Two other's followed.  One was a Big Brother who molested an 8 year old boy in my community-Issaquah, WA. My career was destroyed and I came under vicious harassment. This turned into a hate crime and I can do nothing to stop it. 

 Microsoft is only now beginning to do something to deal with this. How many children have been violated and damaged for live over the past 10 years while they promoted this stuff?  If they can black ball me for my moral or religious ideals, they can do it to you too. This whole situation makes me sick.

Bill Gates attorney, Bruce Butcher even had a lunch with my business pattern in 1994 in an attempt to convince him to give up developing multimedia for children and do pornography instead. I was amazed. That ended my attempt to start a business.  I've got a database of this kind of thing that has extended over 13 years and it continues to this day. It's a crime of hate.  I'm certain that some of the porno guys are still harassing me.

I've been harassed for 13 years and this has left me disabled physically. Why?  Because of my moral, ethical and spiritual values. In 1991, I said I would pray for you Mr. Gates and I still do. If you had heeded my concern when I first suggested this, we wouldn't have the national security problem we have now or all the bugs in your software.

And the Caucus-Race Continues... I served the state on Dec. 5th and they were to reply on Dec. 15th. I got noting and I'm the one with the medical problems and physical disability. Take a look at what I was force to submit! This is yet another example of how Microsoft  manipulates the legal system. 2003-12-29

Is it really possible that the people doing all this complex technical stuff are the ones with mental disorder? Or is it possible that the ones in these professions are the real mentally disabled?

It always helps to be well connected.  Yours Truly Alice in Chains.

For the EU and the Guys at Linux
It should also be noted that NO enterprise system can ever be secure using only one OS! Right Billg?

My True Vision by Bill Gates: 1990!

This is a 42 page white paper I was to send our client's engineers in 1990. Back then I use to think he was a genius... Now? Excellent marketing for Linux now. Who could sell it better than Bill Gates himself... Oh you forgot to copyright this one Bill... What a pity that is. I still have those old articles with your speeches about this stuff.  There was a reason we for our Sun/SCO e-mail Servers, Mini-accounting system, OS/2 distributed data/print servers and IBM service bureau, Macs, Dos and Windows. Who turned Microsoft into IBM monolith anyway?  Jimmy Allchin? Dave Cole still digging in the dirt I see... You know that turkeys can't fly so why you keeping them?  Off with their head or tails... what every... LOL  2003-12-26

Happy 10th Anniversary Bill and Melinda Gates

Say Cheese Burger Good-buy

House Wife


Veni, Creator Spiritus

State Harassment
last updated 2003-12-15

My old website is coming down on the New Years.
Anyone wanting it should mirror it now. I am no longer using broadband for web services because they keep changing their ownership and Microsoft has $1 bil. invested in Comcast--the best reason NOT to use it.  I'm getting almost NO e-mail at this time on that service. This has lost me a lot of time and money. I'm paying $46 a month just for connection. My e-mail is on Yahoo now because of the same problem but I rarely use it due to Microsoft harassment and censorship. Sometimes snail mail work best if you really want privacy.

Love to all the Children
old page

The Prohibition of Discrimination in Human Rights Conventions

Certain human rights conventions have been written especially to prevent discrimination. The UN convention that prohibits all forms of racial discrimination and the UN convention that prohibits discrimination against women are examples of these kinds of conventions. The central motive for drafting these conventions has been to prohibit discrimination against certain groups that are in weaker positions--say physically disabled people and the poor--especially women. Is the US government that held up the Taliban and other Islamic groups on these issues, also guilty of committing similar human rights violation against the disabled American Vets, women and the poor? How many innocent people are being killed in Iraq? How many denied legal representation are imprisoned? 

Usually the so-called general human rights conventions also contain an article that prohibits discrimination. There is such an article in the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 14) in the UN Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Article 2) and in the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Articles 2 and 26). The latter stipulation is the most extensive, since it is independent by nature. Whereas human rights conventions generally prohibit discrimination in connection with the rights and freedoms they guarantee, the prohibition of discrimination in the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights covers all the fields of life and is thus an independent human right. In the interpretation of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights discrimination has, for instance, been seen to include the worse treatment of women in the granting of unemployment benefits in the Netherlands and the different pensions paid by the state of France to her own citizens and to the citizens of Senegal who have served in the French military.

Issaquah Schools Survey link:
Password:   101030  I've already done it so it will not allow you to submit the data, but it's amazing what they are asking. People who were not asked to do the survey may want to look at it. Remember this school district, without an application or interview, rejected me as a volunteer to help their teachers. 2003-12-13

Gold Dust Women... Take you silver spoon and dig your grave.

High Hopes midi -- Bus Life     
High Hopes Lyrics

Still have my friends on the net baby...

What happens when you tie two grasshoppers together?

Alice in Wonderland
How do you get to Wonderland
Over the hill or underland
Or just behind a tree

For the price of a new PC you can buy a truly wonderful antic model boat kit... 2003-12-10 Look at this baby!

No one does this to me and gets away with it! Not even Bill Gates. If I die from this harassment, I'm taking a lot of people with me.

This situation is like torture. Do you get off on it Bill? I have experience with medical practices myself, so I'm not dead  and that is kind of scary for these boys. The two books that I use as a mouse stand are the "Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine and Nursing" and "Medical Physiology."  I've done a hell of a lot more in my life than sit in front of a computer like the rest of you. So don't count me out just yet--bad arm, broken body or not.

I'm a mother. I have other cognitive abilities that you don't.  Excessive pain and suffering does this to a person. 

Once you have nothing to loose there is NO RISK in trying anything. So I take RISK other's won't. I've learned to live with pain at a level most people would pass out from and instead, I fix myself, and evolve ny psyche. Deal with that boys.

Hit me again and see what you get. Prove your manhood? No one respects men who abuse women, especially one who has a physical disability. Your competitors figured it out Bill... When all else fails, use women.  It psychologically disables a male every time. AND you boys can't see the end to it. This is an indicated of how well it's working. You lost an antitrust case boys! Sexual harassment isn't about sex, it's about power.  You see me as a harasser.  Hey, just like Melinda and Connie, I'm just being used. LOL 2003-12-10

This is the Response to the State Motion to Dismiss
The ultimate in defamation of character by Microsoft
2003-12-05 What you doing to do about this Brad? LOL
last updated 2003-12-08

I dislocated my elbow again on Sat. and then throw my back out again and spent Sunday night crawling on the floor trying to figure out ho to get into my bed or wheelchair. New page about just nothing...  with some exciting Gift suggestions. I'm now working on a new web with the intent of trashing my last one on the first of the year.

I'm still being defamed and hacked by Microsoft!  We really need an investigation of what this monopolist is doing to just plain folks. Microsoft will pay for what they do.  So will the US Government who is using Microsoft products in Iraq for communications--with holes all over that worms can crawl through. Just a little bit of bribery.  Why is Boeing  getting hit while Microsoft never does? First rule of war boys is KNOW WHO YOU ARE FIGHTING! You don't even know who I am, let alone a real threat. Now this turkey attorney is really making a mess. He is all over the internet with his story about Longhorn theft. Oh, and just who is on the "legitimate software developer" on the white list getting free copies that Microsoft  just lost an antitrust case over and what the percentage of women is? LOL I wonder if the EU knows Microsoft is still doing this? 2003-12-02

 Love to all the children--Redmond Rose~ 

Medicare and Medicaid fraud unchecked by the States!
This page help pass the Medicare reform--it's kind of graphic. 
Were does the buck $top NOW?
We need the Washington Attorney General's Office
and local Seattle FBI investigated here!


Ur My Shining Star--Wind Beneath My Wings

Don't be so square. Get into the Round Table... Merlin
When you take the edge off of TIME and bring it back around many thing will become very clear and back into balance. Like the earth & Solar System--no square edges.
03-11-25 Love to all the children--Mystic...

NE 37th Way ~ Sahalee...  Come around... The face of time should be round not angular. My watch is round and has hands not a digital print out for good reason.

Thanks for the Q Baby...   The inspection of my apartment by HUD was called off when they found out I didn't go to my MRI appointment and was still here.  I'm so sick of this. They just never stop.


My brother has a brain tumor and they think I do too. How weird....


You Are So Beautiful


The Dark Crystal Returns...
Dive into that Eastern Sea and Swim with Me


Nat King Cole
("An Affair To Remember")

We Are the Champions Queen
originally posted 2003-6-28


Social Security Act NOT Keeping PACE with America
2003-11-18 This is my life...


Frog In The Bottom Of A Well...

Who Am I?

One Pill makes you larger and One Pill makes you small...
Microsoft's dirty little red worm... Comdex Style
2003-11-17 the midi is cool... :-) Enjoy IBM/Linux


Here is one back at you boyz~


For REEL Comdex funnies goto
Corbis and type Bill Gates in the search Window...

BUY MSFT it's going to really get HOT! or NOT!

Comcast Services in Washington are so bad right now that it's taken days to get access to upload these pages--feels like a DOS attack or something. Perhaps my Angel wanted me to wait to include the part about the Pills? LOL


Microsoft puts bounty on virus writers

Scare The Crows You Fool!


Dreaming My Life Away...
Did you dream this one up Bill too?
2003-11-01 > 203-11-03-05

The Fool is Dancin

2003-10-31 - How is this for a Halloween Trick

Eye The Sky
Aurora daughter of Helios


My old web is still up and dated but the links will to work. 


[$$ - audio] Blogger gets booted at Microsoft [0.8 min]

Is Microsoft really firing employees with blogs?
You bet those Fascist/Neo-Nazis are.



Chinese War


Prelude to a kiss?

Solar Wildfire Storm
28 - 10 - 03

Devore Wildfire in California
NEW for my brother in California
28 - 10 - 03


alpha delta charlie ECHO  Fire in the hole

A Little Mystery...
about me



The prediction was correct in 1975 but who was the real psychic who made it?  The Web is MADE and it will never go back. Welcome to the NeXT Generation.


So what do you think Bill.  How is this for a wonderful life?
03-10-19  The Department of Health in Washington found nothing illegal about denying me medical treatment. But HHS and Medicare did. The hospital bill was $4,679.09 but Medicare only paid $632.40--I think this was for the hospital room.  I have a bill from VNS that COPES ordered in to cover their ass for PT, OT and Social worker--no nurse came--for $450.  A $251 bill for the Emergency room doctor.  $161 to see my doctor plus about $500 for specialist. The amount paid to Providence was $4,246.92 but they billed $2,778.00.  I guess that is the perk they got for turning in Valley Medical and COPES. Now add $13.45 an hour for 271 hours a month for COPES.  That is $3,645 a month.  Add it up. I fell because I didn't have a decent wheelchair for my condition. The wheelchair cost $6,105 and is total crap. 

SAFECO sure didn't pay much for the damages I have. This year alone my Medical Bills were over $12,000 in the first 6 months.  SAFECO and the UW doctors that did deposited claimed my injuries are all due to the Microsoft accident in 1990 which was a work related accident.  I didn't get any settlement from them either. I was denied the right to fight this case in court by Judge Mary Yu and signed off on this settlement. I suppose this is how she got into that position?  And Bill Jag isn't returning calls from DSHS about the hearing I have pending and getting him these documents that are now on my web. Seems to me that HHS in D.C. has already acknowledges the fraud in this state as it applies Medicaid and Medicare benefits to the elderly and disabled. So why won't the FBI investigate the state Medicare fraud?

Declare It  At 52, this is likely to get worse and the bills will just keep getting bigger. But Microsoft with it's $46 billion cash makes their money ripping off employees and contractors this way! Isn't that RIGHT BILL!  It's just sick.

I'm going to do everything I can to get the Inspector General of HHS in here to  evaluate the DOH!  This investigation was done without interviewing me, my doctor or Providence people who did the intervention. So they didn't know the results of the others. I want the Department of Health and it's director, investigated.

The COST of nursing home care because I didn't heal correctly from my elbow would be close to $60,000 a year!  Can I find a doctor willing to fix my elbow? And should any taxpayer be paying on my medical that is the result of an on the job accident at Microsoft?

 Here is what i needed as a disabled person in 1999. 

Now I'm like this:

This is the first part of the COPES care new plan.  It's post dated prior to my accident by three days.
 Please note the date on the letter. This is when this plan was actually written. I had NO care prior to the accident. Right no the first page they start in with defamation of character in an attempt to make my accident look like it's due to some mental disorder on my part.   Supposedly I'm paranoid and what they did to me at Valley Medical isn't justification to fear these people?  It's been one of these ordeal after the other for 13 years.  It's a neverending story. 
Yet on the last page of this first part you will see them mention the broken elbow and a date of 5-3-03. The accident occurred the evening of April 28th, 03. I was really in bad shape by the 3rd of May. They didn't even come to the hospital or my home to see what the situation was before doing this. AND we know that this is being done to me because of this allegation made by your company that I have a psychiatric disorder! Read this, especially at the bottom.  Sweetie, I'm having a VERY NORMAL reaction to being harassed and threatened by your people and your father's firm. So just what was it in 1991 that was so threatening about this e-mail?  Like I said, I'm still surprise you didn't sue your father's law firm for legal malpractice, especially when they did this to you!
This is the second part of the plan:
On page 10 you will see the 91 additional hours added due to my accident. I guess that they are now claiming I was getting 180 prior? I wasn't getting anything.  Prior to this accident before my COPES was stopped and my DSHS moved from Holgate to Eastgates DSHS, I was only get 24 hours a week and they never had anyone that did anything much more than surveillance.  
I want to define a term up front:
Sycophant: A servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people. (Greek: Sukophantes - informant )
This is my biggest problem.  It's about small minded suck ups who don't understand the underlying politics making up stuff about me, thinking it's what people want to hear. 

Gee Bill I would be sending this to you privately but your company consider it harassment for me to attempt to get you do do something about the sychophants around you and the company that think they can promote their agenda by doing this to me.

For years I've known that Microsoft was using my van transportation for my wheelchair to find out who and interfere with my doctors and ability to get medical treatment. How is this for good evidence. Laidlaw, who manages my van rides, is working right on Microsoft's campus

(screen shot for when they take this off the net.)


Overlake Transit Center on Microsoft Campus


Funding partnership
  • King County Metro, $1.15 million
  • City of Redmond, $400,000
  • Microsoft, $1.2 million in addition to Shuttle Building and dedication of nine-acre site-- I was unable to find out the value of the building or the approximate value of the nine-acres but it must be somewhere.  I wonder what year they expensed it in the financial report.
    Or maybe John Connor--CFO--would know?
  • Federal Transit Administration, $250,000 (for the bike station)
  • Sound Transit, approximately $8.1 million

Microsoft Commute Profile or mading $46 billion in Cash Asset ripping taxpayers off
You paid for this King County Metro and Sound Transit. Now I understand why the bus drivers are making jokes about the stupid people running King Co. Having worked inside and knowing how narcissistic they are about what THEY want and NEED... I can just see this. Take about cover-ups.

S A C R E D  L O V E
S T I N G  & Win iTunes
about our tactics

This is the elite digs of Preston Gates and Ellis. See bottom of page:




Preston Gates and Ellis are not doing so well these days. Seems that about  a year ago they had lost so many clients they had to move from the most spendy digs in Seattle--Columbia Towers--to this new place next to the YMCA. I guess the YMCA is the only health club they can afford now:-) Maybe some of their clients thought this document against a physically disabled women as a bit much?





For over 10 years Microsoft refused to support QT and Real on their MultiMedia Players, while supporting many other formats. NOW they are being shut out... _Sour Grapes of Wrath_

fester   1. To generate pus; suppurate. 2. To form an ulcer. 3. To decay; rot. 4. To be or become a source of irritation; rankle. —tr. To infect, inflame, or corrupt.
 [ME festren < festre, fistula < OFr. < Lat. fistula.]



New music on this page... what do you think?     



Simply Put U are a View2

You are... ONE and Al1



Echo The Ozone


Rock n' Roll the Bones


Henry Art Gallery - UW  Live Forever
Live Forever
 Microsoft Blog

For question about this blog you might want to consider the P-I.
I read it...  I will get a copy of the this whole white paper up. It was one of the thing I gave to the FTC when I was questioned in the first Antitrust investigation. It was proof they weren't intending to become a monopoly. Bill Gates cried out in one of their meetings in 1999 and said: "When did we become IBM!" They didn't get it. If they read my comments on the pi blog, I hope they do now. It goes a long way to really explain why IBM embraces Linux. What is the problem now?



Purpose of this Website

I Love it... 02 Oct 03


16 Oct 03


Neo-Nazis Rising... and not just in Europe
15 Oct o3

16-10-03     An Israeli soldier stands in front of a closed computer store with a Microsoft Windows operating system logo. Israel will not renew a government contract with Microsoft, a decision made after other office software companies offered more competitive prices, Eli Yosef, a spokesman of Israel's Finance Ministry said Thursday Oct. 16, 2003. 'Microsoft's prices were too high, so we decided to look elsewhere,' Yosef said. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis) Let's see where this house of card sharks fall! 

alpha delta charlie echo...







Raikes on the Rack

Microsoft is so tattered and torn, they are offering to buy back options.  Jeffy, your glass is almost empty...  Let is all go... leave the high way... take the side roads. It's usually faster if your memory serves you well.  14-10-03

Raikes Racks it up at Forbes

Here is a cool thing about Microsoft.... and Jeff Raikes.  It's a by a women from Nordstrom who is new.  I know these people. I get most of my insider info from using the bus.  It's really scary. I meant one nerd recently who was carrying a squash bag.  He was a REAL nerd, pale skin, long bonded and thin. I got to taking and he told me he was working on the MS Dick Tracy Watch  thing. I laughed and said: you know Microsoft can't make any money on that but Bill sure likes to play around a lot.  And then we started in about ...  These young people don't have a clue about anything. All they do is play, do e-mail and mess with the toys like Office.



Political Playing Card Games
26 Sept 03


Computer Industry Cards Games
Microsoft orders to take down their website. This is their response! 30 Sept 03
reposted 07 Oct 03 or 07 10 03



The Gambler
WTO 01 Oct  03

Helen Keller was once asked "What is worse than being blind?" Her answer:  "Being blind, and having no vision."



Show Me The Money!




P h a n t a s i e



Because I'm disabled, anyone of your competitors can use any of these in court under the hearsey laws. Gossip is only admissible when someone is dead or close to it.  Keep trying to kill me and see what you get.

Gravity Of Love                                      











Someone give Stevie a Crown and teach him how to wear it. If I were you I would be buying the chip for Linux and the X-BOX. This is stupid stuff.



My True Vision?



Remember what you really enjoy the most... The other can come too. Focus on the end result and it will come... but things need a frist step. Break that fear that keeps you so stuck. Are you going to save your father from the Belly of the Whale? That is first step. He made a mistake. I'm suffered for it. Rescue me! I am in REAL pain.



Your New Vision?



My technology is totally REAL.  It can save the children who are dying all over the world.  It is a gift you hold too. I can't do no more as we are now.


"Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."  You have been a slave to your father and other your whole life. Are you too so use to being a mule you can't even think of yourself too. Don't you love your children? Start thinking about them. Besides, the government is never going to leave either of us alone unless something changes. They know what we are. If you have the time, I'll explain it better. My mother explained it to me more. After all, I should have been a breeder. That is why they took my children. Will they take yours too?

U.S. Constitution: Thirteenth Amendment



My Butterfly


Because I'm disabled, anyone of your competitors can use any of these in court under the hearsey laws. Gossip is only admissible when someone is dead or close to it.  Keep trying to kill me and see what you get. i



Villa Firenze -- Bellevue Washington


Insider Looses!







Because I'm disabled, anyone of your competitors can use any of these in court under the hearsey laws. Gossip is only admissible when someone is dead or close to it.  Keep trying to kill me and see what you get.






Nothing is as it seems...









One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052

Can't hide behind me forever...  Which is it. United we stand. Divided we fall. And if your back is ever up against a wall...














U No Want?







Beck you are so bad baby... Astral Focus.... Devil's Hair Cut... OR?






     Get over it you fool!  It's not REAL.... Do it ... Pass through.




The above graphic was generated strangely right before the US went to war against Iraq...

To Error is ART!

Loonie Toons
White Rose...



Declare It!

Come on Steve... Gates has Mac's in his own home. PCs are for the masses not for the Elite~

我们 联系





Lock it up baby. It's time for you to learn to fly with the rest of us.  You have been grounded too long.






The prediction was correct in 1975 but who was the real psychic who made it?  The Web is MADE and it will never go back. Welcome to the NeXT Generation.





Taken U2 3?  We got to go!  We make really good pets... ruff ruff... meow... Whoo Whoo.... U2 and M3






Seven Year Itch


Hosted by