"Small is the number of them
who see with their own eyes and
feel with their own hearts."

Albert Einstein 


I just found this large mass growing in a gallon bottle of vinegar. I've used vinegar as a preservative my whole life and never knew anything could grow in something 5% acid! There was a lot of it too. It was definitely a jelly type mass and a lot of it. it may have been an algae... that is what it felt like. It was totally colorless. Evidently, Safeway's Cider Vinegar doesn't have a 5% acidity. That is the last time I buy it. I guess I'm going to go with the distilled from now on.. 

20 million French use a Minitel--computer invented 20 years ago compared to only 7 million who use the Internet.  Why?
PRIVACY and Simplicity!!!
The US Phone companies can bring this one along to compete with those cable companies.

Colossus  at Midlife--they watched that movie baby...
Yours truly The Guardian...

Minitel -- Lovely and so very Sexy and French.

Being buff is more important than being anything else... NOT!

Hey Match Box 20 I like your

T-Shirt in the video...
Remember this Super Cool Valentine?

Thick necks only care about appearances. As long as it appears as your mate and things are OK, they don't care about it... That is why they accessorize!  You are only an accessory to their fact?

Crash Test Dummies - Thick-Necked lyrics

thick neck... but change the he to she... :-)

AND there is a difference between
fat necks and thick necks--almost 180°!

That bring up Ralph's Law again...
Most think necks get through college cheating.

Murphy's Law vs. Ralph's Law

Murphy's Law -- "If there is any way to do it wrong, he'll find it."  Interesting how Bill Gates frequently expresses this in the computer industry. My father worked on many Lockheed project at Edward's, the Skunk Works in Palmdale CA and area 51 in Nevada where they tested Stealth technology revere engineered from something they got due to a crash.

Ralph had a reverse of this Murphy's Law, "If the engineers can screw it up, they will." Literally, on the other side of the fence from Murphy was that technician given math generate designs that simply didn't work according to REAL common sense... This is what I call, Ralph's Law. "If a college boy is involved and he will screw it up." That had several rants to it: "If they have a BS they are full of SH!T. If they have an MS, they give you More Shit (pompous asp holes with a college degree and NO REAL experience!) and if they have a Ph.D. they simply Piled it Higher and Deeper... (the pompous shit that is--marketing and political hype that is... )

Patches don't fix software. They only make it worse. 

In the Computer industry, Jimmy AllChin (does that make him like Jay Leno?  Yes he is a joke among the researchers.) has become the epitome  of Ralph's Law. Those Allchin Vines seem to be strangling the life out of Windows. Yep, even Einstein knew about Ralph's Law. Like most people with genius, he didn't do well in college. I didn't either the first time. But the second time I learned it was a game and ACED it all. So Redmond Rose's law is: "If Jimmy the Wrench Allchin can screw it up, he will!  No Bill needed for this mess." No FIX here baby...

Traveling  Yeah, Star Babies all know who the other's are... We can see it. Consumer economic soon to destroy the whole world economic system.... Change must happen quickly. Conservative thinking.

Yes, I'm the daughter of "Ralph." He isn't my natural father but the only one I knew just the same. In about 1998--shortly after Clinton cut the U2 project--Ralph made a trip from Southern CA to Issaquah WA to see me--Star Baby. (Once in the CIA you never get to leave.) He had previously sent me this: Peg of my Heart--my parent were very romantic.  He was so paranoid that he didn't call so I was very shocked.

Ralph was always easy for me to read and lean from. I started sucking his brain (and that of anyone around) from the time I was born.  It sound's kind of crazy, but it's exactly what we Star Babies do. We don't do books or computers. We melt with other people. We don't need language. Words are to confuse... :-)  Mind to mind learning. What a kick college was. Boy do I know some things about IBM.

Ralph is dead now so I can say what I want without any harm to him.  From Ralph I know have a problem with our surveillance--spying. We don't know who is messing with our space technology, but it is being messed with. The last Shuttle Crashed I predicted. The politicians want a Shield but they don't tell you why.  It's not the Russians or Iraqi's that they fear. It is that unknown that is out there.... It's something they don't know, can't understand, or even communicate with.... They are afraid.... They are very afraid.  "You have nothing to fear, but fear itself." FDR.  "Fear is the mind killer..." Herbert--Dune. Well they are all brain dead in D.C. now... :-)  How many times did they play Dune on the cable--both the old vision and new-- and we still attacked Afghanistan and Iraq?

Who's On First?


Fascist Alleanza Nazionale
Italy 1994

Joan's Law: There is NO SUCH THING AS QUALITY ASSURANCE! To Error is human, no matter who you are. Stop lying about your flaws. Be honest about it and show your human side. 

Comcast and Microsoft Consortium

 I knew with Microsoft having a Billion invested in Comcast that I was going to be screwed with yet again.  Seems I'm never surprised. Check this out!  Once Comcast is labeled as a censor who abuses their power and sucks up to Microsoft, they will go under like FirstWorld, Excite and AT&T. And just look what happened to AOL Time-Warner.  That's OK Turner. You have the best content.

Dancing with Wolf... What a wonderful pi--that is from the square root.  Love that book... Binary speaking. Gold Framed didn't get it!

Nah Dah...

I did the trinity. Your children are part my children. They showed me how to do it.  Falther Mother and Holy Ghost is a metaphor for how to manipulate genetics the Angel way... Katchup My Drift Wood Yew. WhiteWave.RedKing  Genetic engineering is so simple. :-)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder
(NPD) : How to recognize a narcissist

Look In My Eyes

African  QUEEN

On Q with Bill Gates--USA Today

Tracy and Hepburn in "The Desk Set"

It would seem that the problems they had  this old Tracy-Hepburn movie The Desk Set still plague us today in the computer industry. . On the internet, you never know what kind of bizarre information you will get when you do a search. After all this time, NO ONE has come up with a solution... but perhaps me. People think I sit in front of a computer all day doing searches or that I'm more than one person. I'm neither. I have my own tools.

Katharine Hepburn dies at age 96 almost 20 years after the death of Spencer Tracy the true love of her life of her love that lasted 20 years without marriage. You don't need a legal contract when there is real love.  I always admired her greatly as one of the greatest women of all times because of the way she was willing to defy convention--seeing with her own eyes and feeling with her own heart as Einstein did.

Many women claim to be feminist, yet I watch them count their dollars and keep track of those positions, including the men in their life. That wasn't Hepburn's way and it's not mine either. I was even willing to let my children go rather than to allow anyone to use them as a manipulative weapon against me.  If you really love someone you let them go. If they come back to you they are your and if not they never were.  I've always hoped this would happen with my children eventually--perhaps in my older age.

May Tracy and Hepburn find each other in the phase of existence.

I posted this back when I first picked up on Janus and the insider trading on MSFT... Devil Haircut--IBM

Computing History

Red Shiva Dance
Nerd Bashing By Bureaucrats
Last Update: 6/11/03

I Like the Shiva Dance...
Especially the part about stomping on ignorance.

Number of Iraqi civilians killed

Attorney General John Ashcroft: Unplugged
He likes Eugene Field's poem the Duel also...

alpha delta Charlie echo...

3 + 4 = 7 + 3 = 10 = 1 = Al1?

especially those female dogs...

Well, my ordeal that almost killed me due to being denied medial treatment is not a Human Rights issue according to the state of Washington  and the Justice Department. They hang up on me when I call about my complaint.  I still don't have the hospital bed with the alternating pressure release mattress so I don't get bed sores and can sleep through the night. That is OK.  Pain has become a motivator for me.  It has left me fearless of death because living like this isn't a life. I'm willing to die for what I believe now. Take another hit at me Bill Gates. Kill me and see if I don't just end up still hanging around. Hit me baby. You like beating on women. Hit me again boys. Let's have one of your hate attack this month too.

Einstein use to argue that if all the countries in the world had NO secrets, we wouldn't have any more WARS!  Well, I've always said that Bill Gates would go down in history as the great Peace Maker due to all the back doors in Microsoft's Windows.  That reality is finally coming true.

Due to greed in the US government and corporate America, we have swung our doors wide open to cheaper foreign labor.  Thus giving free access to our government's actions, motives and plans to almost everyone in the whole world. No more secrets as Einstein said has lead to a major move towards world PEACE!

And along with that, we have open a siphon into the wealth of the United States via extortion, fraud and pilfering by criminal syndicates around the world.  This will finally allow for a more equal distribution of the world's wealth. 

Go Bill... Big Brother has a Little Syster and boys can she make you pay. We finally did it. It took 30 years but I think we finally have Power To The People... everywhere.


6-27-03: Update on the following story... Microsoft is cutting 160 consulting jobs...    1 + 6 + 0 = 7

My neighbor had decided to go on vacation for a while. He said something about a Government agent... He didn't even have enough money to buy milk the other day and said that someone was banking his trip. I'm not sure if the agent is real or a fraud. Given that Microsoft Security Consultant has retired FBI agents working for them you never know. We do know who ever is pulling this scam, they do have access to critical medical and legal document regarding Feussner--the deceased ex-employ accused extortionist who stole from Microsoft.

Update: 6-30-03Ý The backing for Klaus' trip has disappeared?

For some reason Sharon McDaniel from COPES, has a Russian agency called Elite sending a women to my home. Ilona Avanesyan who just changed her name to Lizunova... (giggle Lunanova? I think she has memory problems...) Whose husband works in network administration... ??? for Suntara. I'm not sure who she is but she keeps calling someone on the cell phone and talking in Russian. She has one hell of a story... which changes on a regular basis. AND her husband abuses her... Yeah right...  So trying to pint this person down, led me to some interesting research Verticillium spp., a fungus I'm familiar with as an ex-rancher--when I was studying microbiology and many other empirical sciences. Is this a circus act or what.

I'm kind of waiting for the Russian Traipse act and a hurdy-gurdy man next... Now they want me to work also with this group?  I would be remiss not to believe that these COPES people are getting some kind of kick-back from fraudulent contractors. They over staff and then look the other way when clients complain they aren't showing up or watch TV in their homes.  

6-23-03: Is this suppose to be a threat? Yeah.... yet another from someone associated with Microsoft's white collar criminal group.  Oh, Oh Oh... I'm so scared.... NOT!

Microsoft thief Feussner Deceased
DOB 5/6/70 SSN 533-39-0331

On 6-22-03 a neighbor, KLAUS ROTHIG RISTAV also RISTAU, whose family is from Medina and has been in contact with Melinda Gates' entourage, showed it to me. He was a real mess. He wanted to know if he could copy it on my machine. He was really shaken because he didn't know where he got it from or so he said, but was packed full of information on Feussner and how he died --problems with his medications. Some female doctor had given too high a dose of pain medications, and it didn't seem like an accident.Ý

I tried to calm him down. This isn't the first time I've been through it. This obsession with me has causes a lot of people to go after anyone with access. Usually, more than one at a time. After 13 years, it's pretty simple to see the attempted intimidation.

He said he thought some guys at the 24 hour Fitness Club did it.  I know all about this place. For years some of these folks were messing with a friend of mine--Rod Van Mechelen. I went with him once to scan the place.  It's where some of the Microsoft contractor thugs/wan-a-bees neo-Nazis hang out... It use to be called Hearts and they get a LOT of Microsoft contractors there.

When I looked at this FAX from Overlake I laughed. I thought April Gibb and April 1, 2003 was a bit of a joke. We do a lot of these April Fools jokes in the computer industry. I told him someone was having fun with him. Then I put a paper on top and wrote April Fools.

This morning (6/24/03) I noticed he forgot the last page of the 4 page FAX to Overlake Hospital. I set it a side.  I though... how did these guys get this FAX from Overlake Hospital so I did a check.

Then I saw the Seattle Times article on Richard Gregg.

He is accused of stealing $17 million (Fuesnner was accused of stealing $9 mil.) from Microsoft in software. The story in the media is too mathematically incorrect... Cops can't do math and neither can the FBI apparently.  giggle. I mean I just can't imagine where the money is or how he could do this... $120,000 condo here is about one years wages. Whoopee... Definitely Not a high rent district... John McKay? I wonder if he is related to Mary Kay... cosmetically speaking.  Well, seems something is pretty weird here.  If someone is moving Billions of dollars, even planting a few million in someone else accounts would be good insurance... relatively speaking if it will keep him out of jail.

Overlake is where Gates' children were born. Covering up Melinda Gates' background has been a big deal. After all, Microsoft remade her and finding her SSN would lead to some backgroud info she wouldn't like out there. :-)  Given that Gates doesn't have a prenuptial, I wonder how much his father and family would pay for better background info on Bill's Angelic wife that was portrait as a very GOOD Catholic School Girl. As things stand now, if he dies she gets every single penny. If he gets divorce she get half of everything by state law.

Lets do some math on that.... Gates is worth. . .  The Gates Foundation alone is about $24 billion. Add to that the Microsoft stock... about $58 Billion and all kinds of UNKNOWN investments and assets... You get up words of $80 Billion dollars all in the hand of a single female. I hope those sexist males who are trying to bring him down keep this in mind. And she is in her mid 30s! Still of age to get remarried. But to who? She wouldn't do it. She would be like Katherine Graham, her mentor. And who would get those kids? Someone who coerce Bill's dying mother with talk of sexual harassment into pushing a marriage? Better keep me alive also.

So these thugs from Microsoft had these document from Overlake with Feussner's SSN. What other personal information did they have. Remember, University of Washington Rehabilitation got easily hack. My electronic document were modified there. I have a habit of always keeping my medical documents so I can even prove it.

 I've been hacked so badly I feel like two people...  With all these backdoors in Windows it's pretty simple to do things, but now without a trace.  Let the GAME begin. Let's have the truth!

When my daughter told me about the crap she put up with at the University of Washington I was really pissed. Well, I think Melinda and her use of male thugs would make her a very unfit mother in deed. After all, anyone who would use a physical disability and pain to harass and attack me or Mary Gates would by clinical definition be psychotic. Definitely an unfit mother. Her little obsession with money and power moves may kill me too, but my children will at least know the truth. Then we will have the NeXT Generation!

I'm an engineer. You can totally remake someone with that kind of information. There are NO finger prints. BUT there are always some old hard copy documents somewhere or microfiche. With our new technologies, they are now, even now as we speak, getting converted into text readable documents. So there may not ever be a way to totally erase someone's past not matter how hard you try Mr. FBI!

I remember when they tried to setup a women at Asymetrix? She was a HOT engineer and very attractive too. Too hot for Asymetrix. Those fools actually broke into house and attempted to plant old out of date software on her home computer. But she was HOT alright. She had her house wired and caught them. All the nerds knew too and said nothing. I learned a lot from her case. I wonder if Shabbir is still around? Bait and hook. This game has been the best Paul.

I would sincerely like to apologize to Paul Allen for my mistaken judgement about her and this case.

I always wondered how much money she got when she sued in Seattle's Federal Court. I wonder how A-1 Fire is doing these days. Someone actually came in and tapped our intercom system here. It was pretty cool being able to listen to my neighbor in their  apartments for awhile. I think they fixed that problem now.  I mean, what do they expect from a women whose father worked on top secret project for the CIA. There are your moles and there are your shrews.  Very fishy but hey, I'm the daughter of a HOOK. Perfect bait. 

I would like to know more about Feussner too. Decoy conveniently dies before trial so he couldn't testify. They wouldn't let me into court either.  So they made up bogus psychiatric reports and claimed I wasn't competent. Then they appointed me a guardian et litem, without even having a competency hearing. I never got to even see the judge!  At least I'm not dead.. yet. 

Feussner was most likely murdered. You would be surprise how many people with minor illnesses end up dead here at Overlake Hospital, Harborview, UW and other's locally. He may have been setup. One psychiatrist who was to testify at my Labor and Industry hearing, had his breaks go out on his motor cycle just a few weeks before court. It landed him in intensive care for over 3 months due to his head injuries.

And of course my son says his father, who is an FBI stooge having been a NARK when he was young, told him "they" want me in jail. So was this some attempt to shake me down or set me up? I would like to have this FBI agent Ted Miller and the others who have continually attempted to entrap me  investigated too.  They can't possible be as naive as to believe that most of the crime in the computer industry is coming from this kind of thing. A minor Excel error which made a bill 10 times is real value--$25 million--went totally unnoticed until it was too late. So who pays for this Boo Boo. So these number are NO BIG DEAL in Billion Dollar Business or government. They are just BOO BOO!

So why am I under suspicion? I don't hack computer. Show me the money boys! I aint got non! :-) I don't even own a CD player.  What is my crime? Love?

Now you would think that with all I know, Microsoft and the FBI would have come to me. But instead, they continue to attempt to entrap me? What do they have to hide? iCash? You are so sexy when you are bad Billy Idol.

Hay babies, they are still gunning for U2! My son also said they are afraid because of our psychic abilities.  Got something to Hyde Mr. *?  Everyone has psychic abilities.  But if you spend your whole life trying to cheat, steal, obsessed with what everyone else is doing and comparing yourself with everyone, worrying about what they think instead of what you think. It's very simple. People who lie, have not third eye.

alpha delta Charlie echo... :-)

You got the message... Good.  Find away to get close... Don't analyze-scan. The same with the rest of my Star Babies... Spy Game--Hunt for RED October! Remember. They don't know who you are. Shark...

Foo... Fight  

Microsoft Gets Biggest Military Contract Yet... NOT
Give them what they want and the WILL always get what they deserve. I was wondering what all this harassment was over me lately...

Microsoft espionage in the Middle East.

Timing is everything.

As I said... timing.  So what happened to the security contractor who meant with Cohen prior to this meeting? Is he still alive?


Microsoft Military Contract

$450M Microsoft deal garnered by Softmart

... and your comments


Privately held software vendor Softmart has landed one of the biggest contracts ever to resell Microsoft software. The company's Softmart Government Services Inc. subsidiary last month was awarded a six-year, $450 million contract to provide Microsoft products and upgrades to the U.S. Army. It also was awarded its first-year delivery order, which is worth $78 million, under the contract. "It's one of the biggest Microsoft ever did; one of the biggest the Army ever did," said Dean Picciotti, Softmart's president and chief executive officer."

Other names involved:

Sandra Sieber, director of the Army Contracting Agency

Dee Wardle, product leader for the Army Small Computer Program's software licensing agreements

Microsoft spokesman Keith Hodson, Cynthia Salmonson, Cathy MacCaul

The only kind of people looking to win honors and awards are Narcissistic. Narcissist Personality type was and still should be classed as a functional psychotic. You know this little joke really reminded me how fearless Bill Gates is...

Narcissistic Personality Disorder
(NPD) : How to recognize a narcissist


They had my home care worker in jury duty in Kent, WA all last week. I had to cancel a doctor's appointment that took a month to get, because I didn't have anyone to go to Seattle with.... Oh, foo.

I kind of get off on this pain and suffering thing.  I can go into totally altered states. Meditate. With any luck, all this harassment by Microsoft and the government, I'll eventually figure out how to go anywhere, any time and without my wheelchair. Peak experience can get addictive after a while. It's just meta-physics. Pure science and not weird at all.

Better get out my home made parabolic dish and see if I can pick up any new chatter on the apartment complex across the way... :-) It's amazing what young people don't know. I was explaining to a kid how to make a parabolic antenna with an umbrella.  No math needed--just trial and error experimentation. They don't know how to play with the electronics today. They think we have ones and zeros floating through the air...

Reel Big Fish -- Sell Out  

"This is a good thing."  Do the math on the military contract! Giggle... I love it. Not much profit but it will look good on their resume'. They are almost giving the military the software for free! And another company is doing the service support not Microsoft. No wonder Ballmer is freaking out... I would start selling stock like Gates if I were you Steve. ...  And over a 6 year period... Well, who know if it will be selling then? I wonder what kind of Dirt they have on each other.  :-) Seems Chaney is meeting with Gates... also.

He has his Exchange Server right in his pocket.

I'm definitely a shrew and so are you.

Good work Angel. So did you get a digital cell phone yet? :-)

Code Red was know via the above defacement in April of 2001 and didn't get disclosed until July after Microsoft Password went down for about a week due to so called hardware problems... Yea boys. They main defacement for Code Red was made to look Chinese. Was someone trying to start a war after that spy plan went down? Well, what is our next war going to look like and with whom?  We just got kicked out of Korea...


Throw another one like Rick Hifler MR. *. . .  I do hope the Judge gets better soon... The last female judge who messed with me was taken from NW District Court in Redmond to Harborview in 4 point restraints. They typically try to make women look crazy.  But crazy people have poor memories and mine is excellent. They had a NARK on my daughter named Jeremy Hayes in Redmond years ago and I had to make her move out. And there were judges in all kinds of stupid things, one who gave my son to my ex-husband who did drugs and was a sexual pervert.  He didn't see a problem with my husband because he was that way himself I guess. Give me a break.

Look, this situation with the Internet and computers is pretty serious when it comes to money.  We are talking about billions and billions of dollars in the hands of terrorist, criminals, corrupt politicians and government, dictators--All Criminals.  And "They" (who ever they are) are harassing me for trying to do something about it? Yep, SAFECO is one H*LL of a company Mr. *.  How is Old King COLE? Seeing RED again? If you could hear me giggle... I mean you are dealing with a women who can do laser technology...  Yep, and I have NO human right in the United States. That is because I'm a women. And now I'm even more worthless. I'm physically disabled too.

Tip toe through the tulips

My mother use to sing this song when I was a baby... One of my favorites... I wish I could sing it to all of you.

You made me what I am today,
I hope you're satisfied,
You dragged and dragged me down
Until the soul within me died.
You've shattered each and every dream,
Fooled me right from the start.
And though you're not true,
May God bless you,
That's the curse of an aching heart.

You know I have my own fan club on the Internet Boys...
Here is one of the BEST on the WEB!

I really love it when I can find the midi too because I really think the younger people might love it too.

Thanks for the Memories Boys~

Once you've been married to a FBI stooge they are easy to spot and play. They will lie about anything to get their drugs, money feel important and still keep their freedom. That is what they do with me and Gates. Right Funny Face? But they don't have REEL Angels, just the demons that play in their heads. 


Who's On First?

Microsoft TV -- I like this Funny Face!

He's Back....  Let it rip Bill~
You've been hit by a Smooth Criminal...

Witch Burning 6/5/03
old webpage and new about Martha Stewart.

~ Mount Sinai's Most Lethal Virus -- SARS? ~
What came first? The Chicken in Hong Kong or the Virus at Mt. Sinai--biological debacle or biological warfare.
Did someone just get some sick chickens in
Main Land China? Last Update: 6/7/03


Fame, if not double-faced, is double-mouthed,
And with contrary blast proclaims most deeds;
On both his wings, one black, the other white,
Bears greatest names in his wild airy flight.

John Milton

AT&T switch to Comcast loosing customers
Must have something to do with cutting the web services by more than half,  those price in the TV adds that are $10 cheaper and offer 6 months at $19 a month. Who needs always on when there isn't anything out here to do. Talking to myself again I'm sure. 6/8/03

La Fée Verte

What happened to the economy Mike?

Why Artist have problems with Computer People
Read it all... but start here! I laughing.

Pretty baby...












Like the roses need their fragrance,
Like a sweetheart needs a kiss,
Like the summer needs the sunshine,
Like a laddie needs a miss,
Like a broken heart needs gladness,
Like the flowers need the dew,
Like a baby needs its mother,
That's how I need you.

You must remember this...A kiss is just a kiss :-)

As time goes by...

Raw Pages on this web site.

Trademark and copyright -- Joan L. Grove Brewer

 Redmond Rose alias/trademark copyright 1990-2003

Independent Living Service through Washington State

Denied to me due to this web site, my use of e-mail
and perceived psychiatric disorder. Actually, I'm just having a normal reaction to living in a death trap, being denied the right to work, have access to medical facilities and treatment, etc. all because i attempted to sue Microsoft for my disabling injuries. I have never had a vocational assessment on my professional skills or computer use, but must be pretty good at it if I can piss these people off so badly that they would write something like this.



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