Mount Sinai Researchers Study Most Lethal Flu Virus

Adolfo García-Sastre, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology, along with researchers from three other laboratories, has successfully recovered an influenza virus containing one of the genes from the virus responsible for the devastating influenza of 1918, known as the Spanish Flu.

[Email: [email protected] Phone: 212-241-7769 Fax: 212-534-1684]

This illustration depicts the Spanish Flu virus of 1918.

Adolfo García-Sastre, PhD

Christopher Basler, PhD

The researchers used tissue from an Inuit woman who succumbed to the flu and whose body was buried and preserved under the permafrost in Alaska. Amplification of small pieces of RNA from the 1918 virus that were left in the frozen lung tissues allowed the reconstruction of several of the genes of the Spanish Flu virus. Working in a high containment facility at the Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens, Georgia, Dr. García-Sastre and Christopher Basler, PhD, Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology, used a newly developed technique to recover a live influenza virus containing one of the genes that may have been responsible for the deadliness of the 1918 virus.

"It is important to understand why the influenza of 1918 was so virulent," said Dr. García-Sastre. "It was the most devastating disease in human history. It killed more than 20 million people worldwide in one year," he explained.

"Since 1919, we have not witnessed a similarly devastating influenza virus strain," said Dr. Palese, Professor and Chairman of the Microbiology Department. "Nevertheless, it is likely that emergence of a similar influenza virus strain may occur in the future."

The hope is to learn from the reconstructed genetic information of the 1918 virus. "If we understand the molecular mechanism that makes the Spanish Flu highly virulent, then we can try to inhibit the virulence if a second pandemic should occur," said Dr. García-Sastre. He added, "Because of the highly infectious nature of influenza viruses and the ability of large numbers of people to travel rapidly throughout the world, a new pandemic of Spanish-Flu-like influenza would have tremendous consequences for human health." This new research may prevent such grave consequences.

The research was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

SARS and Biological Warfare

"Small is the number of them who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts."
                                               Albert Einstein

Week of Sept. 28, 2002; Vol. 162, No. 13

New Drugs Beat Old Flu: Antiviral agents counter deadly 1918 influenza
John Travis  (

When I find volital articles like this, I repost them and usually send the content to others because the seem to disappear quite quickly.  I can no longer access this page: facultyInfo.epl?objname=microbiology&user=baslec01

[NOTE: We have a code called SOS among nerds. It's call Sound of Silence. This is an indication that something very wrong is happening and a scientist or engineer is being GAGGED.  It's one of those things the MBAs and Administrators don't understand. But we take it very seriously. SO?

I've seen faculty disappear from a college, but not the documents they publis in a department unless something terrible wrong is going on. Now these guys won awards. You don't remove your most prestegist people unless there is a problem. I think there is a link between this and SARS because the information came via an Angel--the search I did was for Bloodworm not SARS and I got the reference to Christopher Basler below.  

Taming of the flu

Scientists who want to reconstruct the flu virus that killed 50 million people in 1918 to learn why it was so deadly got a dose of reassurance last week. A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that today's antiflu drugs could treat accidental infections.

Christopher Basler of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and his colleagues took a mouse flu virus and engineered it to have three 1918 flu genes. They then infected mice and tissue cultures with the modified viruses and tested several drugs against them. The drugs' success means that scientists working with a resurrected virus could take them as a safety precaution. It might also reassure critics of such work, who fear that bioterrorists could unleash the virus. - N.B.

Science & Technology 10/21/02

I did a virus scan on my computer using Norton. The program locked up when I clicked on the first one making the Window go blank.   Since it took all night to perform the virus scan, I was pretty upset. I couldn't find out where the worm was and only could remember blood.  So I tired some combinations eventually trying bloodworm and virus. It took less than a few minutes to get this. And Goggle gave me this as the first credible link--US News--on bloodworm virus. :-) This is how the Angels work.  I feel like a dog in fetching a ball. Like this dog I do math naturally--looking for the path of least resistance. My microwave has been arching too.  When this happens I know they want my attention. They were really upset about the pornography in the mid 90s. One that blew up is in my storage unit. I hate when that happens. I've never had a hallucination or heard voices, but know math and this is way beyond any coincidence. I still haven't found where the blood worm is on my computer yet but it's not on C: so that only leaves 7 other drives to check. God Help Me! So I say a prayer and think... I did find a file scanning my Programs files. It was in Norton SystemWorks--Incoming directory.   They called the file AP0.VBS and it's listed as Bloodhound.VBS.Worm, the name that Symantec give undocumented virus.  So far I've had only 5 since I got Symantec and they were found by McAfee. One was a documented virus. One! So they downloaded them and deleted them from my machine. So I must be getting hacked by Microsoft via one of their undocumented backdoors which is allowing them to get past the virus detection.  We call these ROGUE programs. Most of the virus and worms are coming out of the very corporations that make the products you are suppose to trust. I wrote to Gates about his engineers bragging about this.

SO?  Is this biological warfare or a microbiological experiment gone out of control? In either case, we definitely need to stop medaling with genetics research until we know.

Try and find anything on this guy?  What is disturbing here is the idea of Biological War. This started in China.  They started connecting it to chickens. We had a major computer worm called Code Red. Now bang! It's been my experience that people always project their own mode of behavior onto others.  With all the paranoia in D.C. and the Pentagon about biological war, we must be doing research on this ourselves. We have a lot of wild guns in our society and our governments. It's impossible to control these biological agent when they are turned loose. And it's also predictable that someone will use something this deadly if it's out there.  These projects always go out of control.]

A greater killer than the First World War, the influenza virus that swept the globe from 1918 to 1919 took the lives of 20 million to 40 million people. After partially recreating that deadly virus, a research team has now shown that available flu drugs could probably prevent a new pandemic of the 1918 influenza strain or a similar flu.

In recent years, scientists studying tissue preserved since 1918 have pieced together several genes from this deadly influenza strain, also commonly known as the Spanish flu (SN: 3/22/97, p. 172: ;My name taken at Confirmation in the Catholic Church is Jude. I sign my name Jude from time to time when I am doing that kind of work.). Virologists are investigating why that virus was so lethal compared with typical influenza strains, but its genes and the proteins they encode haven't offered any obvious answer.

OLD-STYLE MEDICINE. Emergency hospitals, such as this one in Kansas, dealt with the 1918 flu epidemic that killed more than 20 million people.
National Museum of Health and Medicine, AFIP


Christopher F. Basler of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and his colleagues have now incorporated several genes from the 1918 flu into an influenza strain that has adapted to mice and typically kills the rodents. The introduced viral genes encode a surface protein called hemagglutinin (HA), an enzyme known as neuraminidase (NA), and two proteins dubbed M1 and M2.

The researchers expected that those genes would reduce the virulence of the mouse-adapted virus. Flu viruses isolated from people rarely prove lethal to rodents, and genes from human-adapted strains typically weaken rodent-influenza viruses.

Not so for the HA and NA genes of the 1918 flu. The engineered virus containing both of these genes readily killed mice, the scientists report in an upcoming issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The HA and NA genes, when each was present alone, lowered virulence. This suggests that the specific combination of HA and NA may underlie the 1918 flu disaster. "In any influenza [strain], the HA and NA have to be compatible for the virus to grow well," says Basler.

The researchers also tested whether the two recently approved classes of flu drugs combat pseudo-1918 viruses. Starting treatment with NA inhibitors before introducing the HA-NA engineered virus prevented 90 percent of the mice from dying, they found. And all mice infected with a flu strain carrying the 1918 gene for M2 survived when treated with M2 inhibitors, even if treatment began 6 hours after infection.

"The drugs appear to be effective against viruses with the 1918 genes," says Basler.

In people, these antiviral drugs are more effective at preventing infections than at treating people already afflicted, notes Basler. Consequently, he says, public health officials would probably advocate precautionary use of the drugs if they foresaw a major influenza outbreak.

Basler notes that the mouse work was done in a facility especially designed for studying dangerous influenza strains. Virologists at the same facility study a 1997 flu strain that originated in Hong Kong chickens and sparked fears of a new worldwide epidemic (SN: 12/13/97, p. 372:

[in 1991 when I was writing to Gates about my research in Chickens it was because  I had learned what causes cancer and deceases like AIDS. But more importantly, I knew how to cure it.  And the methods being used today are more danger than a cure. I can use computer technology to do this and there is no threat to more infections or mutation of the cancer or virtual disease. For my research and attempts to find funding, I came under attack but the University of Washington and other so called research institutes. You can't cure a cancer. You have to placate it. Humans instinctually know this. So some AIDS people survive due to instincts. It is true of cancer also. People lacking these instincts can learn to placate their illnesses. The reason I support Martha Stewart is because she instinctually know what I'm about and is doing a GOOD THING with her business. Some survive and others die because they don't know what a GOOD THING a nurturing women or protective male is any more. This may be the only reason that Gays get AIDS more and that it's so rampant in Africa. It's all mixed up. The duelality of Yin-Yang is very important. Children are Important. Families are important. In essence, It's NOT A GOOD THING to go against Mother Nature.]

"Clearly, once you start putting multiple 1918 genes into a virus, concerns about safety increase," says Basler. "There's no guarantee a 1918-like virus couldn't return, so it's important to understand what was going on back then."

Robert Krug of the University of Texas at Austin and other virologists have called for the global stockpiling of NA and M2 inhibitors to ward off a natural influenza pandemic or one started by terrorists. Still, he's fearful the new study could offer a false sense of security, especially since viruses quickly develop resistance to drugs. "Hong Kong–like viruses are a bigger threat than the 1918 virus, and we need additional antivirals," he says.

If you have a comment on this article that you would like considered for publication in Science News, please send it to [email protected].


Tumpey, T.M., et al. In press. Existing antivirals are effective against influenza viruses with genes from the 1918 pandemic virus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Further Readings:

Bower, B. 1997. Chicken flu virus raises concerns. Science News 152(Dec. 13):372. Available at

Sternberg, S. 1997. A doughboy's lungs yield 1918 flu virus. Science

Adolfo Garcia-Sastre, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
, Microbiology

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 212-241-7769
Fax: 212-534-1684

Mailing Address
One Gustave L. Levy Place
Box 1124
New York, NY 10029

Training and Education
PhD University of Salamanca, Spain

Current Research Virology

Our laboratory has developed several techniques which allow the genetic manipulation of negative strand RNA virus genomes. We are currently using this methodology in two major research areas.

1. Generation of negative strand RNA virus vectors: RNA viruses are effective inducers of humoral and cellular immune responses. Therefore, attenuated RNA viruses may be used to express protective antigens of other pathogens for which no safe attenuated strains are available. We are involved in the construction of recombinant influenza and Newcastle disease viruses expressing a variety of B-cell and T-cell epitopes from different pathogens. These recombinant viruses are being used to elicit immune responses against their expressed antigens. Specifically, we are interested in the generation of influenza virus vectors expressing selected antigens from HIV-1, malaria parasites, and tumor cells as a means to induce protective or therapeutic immune responses against these pathogenic agents.

2. Studies on the replication cycle of RNA viruses: The functions of cis- and trans-acting elements in the replication cycle of influenza virus and the interactions of such viral components among themselves and with host components are being investigated. For this purpose, we are introducing specific mutations into the genome of the virus, and the phenotypic characteristics of the generated virus mutants are being analyzed. These studies are also focused on the generation of attenuated influenza viruses with potential use as live vaccines against influenza. In addition, we are investigating the ability of different RNA viruses, including influenza, respiratory syncytial, dengue and SARS viruses, to inhibit the induction of innate antiviral immune responses in their hosts.

Why Mount Sinai?

Pope, in Egypt, decries misuse of religion

Mount Sinai--where GOD gave Moses the Ten Commandments

Exodus and Mount Sinai

Since 1995, I've ask repeatedly on my webs, "What is the Burning Bush?" Do you know Jewel?

There is an amazing parallel between our treatment of the Arabs in Iraq and the treatment of the Jews by Jahweh.

Liberated from an evil ruler, ordered to obey, given rations from that fall from the heavens like manna from God from beings that that fly like birds with wings--Angels. And the water, like magic that seems to appear. What is that about. Who dug the springs in the desert? Do we not seem like God to a primitive people?  Do we attempt to make our selves as gods in this world  by flaunting our technologies? Don't our presidents do this? Could it be that the water from a rock refers to a rock as a hard object just sitting there that Moses is able to hit with his staff and open it's spout?  Rock has many mean in in Chinese.  It's mostly a large immovable and hard object. In the New Testament, Jesus refers to St. Peter saying: "Upon this rock I will build my Church!" A large tank of water could be referred to as a ROCK that spouts water.

So my question is: Who is the Lord thy God and his Angels who don't like our meddling with genetics or nuclear weapon in space? And what kind of signs do they give us when we break their original commandments? (11? Columbia? Drought? AIDS? SARS? Computers that get viruses?

Some people just have faith... I didn't read this until 1991.

 1:1 Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:

1:2 Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.

1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

1:5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.

1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

1:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after  strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

1:8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he  disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

1:10 But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.

1:11 Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.

1:12 These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;

1:13 Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.

1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

1:15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

1:16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

1:17 But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;

1:18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.

1:19 These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.

1:20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,

1:21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

1:22 And of some have compassion, making a difference:

1:23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,

1:25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.





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