The Chair



The French Connection
This is one of my most popular pages now.

Again I ask what the Burning Bush means? It's a metaphor. The language is old.  We should say, it is like a bush that is on fire. What does that look like? What does that feel like? We always paint and depict angels with bird wings. This is because in the old langue it would be written, they move like the birds. This is not to be taken literally.

Humans have been given many warnings. They were given many rules to live by. This was for their safe and healthy evolution. AIDS? Cancer? Heart Attack? Arthritis? Insanity? Mental retardation? These things are all avoidable if the rules are followed. The species has so degenerated due to breaking the rules than most of the population has to be exterminated.

Man's attempts to become gods has really messed things up. The food God has give to man isn't good enough? The genes God has given man isn't good enough? YOU ARE NOT GODS! You are stupid humans. You feel your minds with evil though--sex, violence and greed? No wonder you get sick and have wars.

Yes. You can have your war. And you can continue to indulge in excess. And you can continue to over breed. Neglect your parents and in old age find yourself alone and in need.

So again. What is the Burning BUSH! Perhaps it's an angel with a very bad temper because as in Moses day, the Egyptian did the same as you do today... This led to the fall of the major civilization at that time also. So as I understand it from my own encounters with a few Burning Bushes this is the way it's going to be. Odd as it may seem, it would appear that God may be selecting from the Moslems who still know how to kneel and pray.

They do have a question... 'Why would a human want to live as a human for eternity when they could become a spirit them us?' Yes, much of what has been written with respect to Christ and the way they have exploited his existence has also been for power, greed and lust. The Burning Bushes aren't happy about this either.

I tried today to do a happy angel and this is the best I can do.


The Ten Commandments

"God spake all these words, saying, I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

  • ONE: Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
  • TWO: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
  • THREE: Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
  • FOUR: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.
  • FIVE: Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
  • SIX: Thou shalt not kill.
  • SEVEN: Thou shalt not commit adultery.
  • EIGHT: Thou shalt not steal.
  • NINE: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
  • TEN: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's"

It is only for GOD to judge.

Thou shalt NOT Kill...  This goes for all men. It is only give for one to defend themselves and families against others. And to use GOD as an excuse for WAR? Don't be insane. Neither Christian, Jew or Moslem has this right.

And TEN... You can translate HOUSE to mean LAND and all the resources it bears, including OIL.

Making false claims? How is it that in a land like Iraq, with it's primitive conditions, that the government could possibly know all things? The US government with the most sophisticated of machines and technologies can't even keep tack of desktop computers in their own military. They have stuff so scattered that weapons even end up in garbage dumps or lost in some old warehouse. Hanford is a very good example. They can't even keep track of their own nuclear waste and chemical hazards. NOR would they destroy empty rock canisters when it is salvable steal.

And the atrocities committed against the Afghans... Do we now have abuse against women, child neglect, political prosecution, false sentence due to a lack of legal representation and even murder of falsely accused who are later vindicated  in the Unites States? The media is full of it.

The US says we are going to emancipate various counties... I had a home helper who was Vietnamese. Twenty years later and it was still a mess. Do you know how to cook a rat? One day he locked his keys in his car so I took him on the bus to get his other set. I got to see how he was living working in the US on what is essentially slave wages.

I also tutored a Somalia. He had been upper middle class. Now they too were working for slave wages in the US. They lost every thing mostly to to US Soldiers. He was really studying hard so he could go back and reclaim his country and try and fix it. I've heard many such stories and the anger is very apparent... they feel like slaves and many really HATE the us.

Did not the Afghans have the same right as the Unites States and any other nation to form an army and store food and weapons in caves for their own defense against foreign invasion? This guilt by association is NOT justification.



The wrath of God can be very hard and swift. What happened on 9/11 was not by the hand of man. It was by the will of GOD! In December of 1991 I was in New York. Hardcore pornography right on the street and every imaginable deviance. The streets were dirty. Shops with sex toys right downtown. And the BUSH WAS BURNING. Then we heard the sirens begin to howl.  And a city gym came tumbling down just like that. True story.

What is the mark of the BEAST?  It's GREEK. The BEAST is an evil society. Their are many different times. Most have many head and wanton lusts. To simply follow such lust like a pack animal without thought will always bring disaster. And the numbers is a counting of things in your hand or in your head. It's from the numbers in the old times.

The swift wrath of GOD can befall any man who follows the herd when he know in his heart is is wrong. This should be a warning to the JEWS. Is it justice to let the sins of a father or son fall on the whole family? I hope not or there wouldn't be much around.


Jesus Christ said love your enemy. 

Turn the other cheek.

And Martin Luther King Jr. said
"And eye for and eye leave everyone blind."

For 13 years I've been under attack by the wealthiest men in the world. Did I steal from them? NO. Did I do any harm to them? NO. Have they ever meant me? NO. In fact, without even a conversation about whatever they think is justified, they continued to attack me and my children without money or any power. And even after they left me physically disabled, they continued to attack and do so to this day.

I kept turning the other cheek and they kept hitting me. Instead of hating them, I began to love them. NOT for their strikes but because their own guilt was causing them a lot of pain. I began to understand the reason you turn the other cheek and learn to love these pathetic men.

Jesus was right.

One of the Greatest world empires has crashed, loosing 2/3 of their asset value. The CEO quit after losing about $60 billion dollars due to this mess. Not only that but in the process of attacking a defenseless women, they lost a lot of peoples respect.

To me, if I die from  this that is will be right. I would rather die following GOD'S LAW instead of playing by their rules of lust. There is no honor in a suicide death. You are better to let them make you the martyr via starvation or something first. This is the law of GOD.

Jesus eventual brought down the whole Roman Empire by teaching this. Now if a poor defenseless disabled women can bring down Microsoft, so can others like me.

The Chair

It took me 4 years of unnecessary suffering with a broken neck to get a powered wheelchair. It was delivered in 4 pieces and has to be assembled. I keep looking at it and laughing. I have absolutely NO support or social services. In fact, the very welfare and charitable services that are suppose to help have harassed and threatened me. So I keep looking at this hug mess and laughing. It's like being a starving man and having a can of food and no way to open it. Yep. I laugh at all of this all the time.  And then I go back to doing my art work. 

Because of the Gates family, I've been left at times so close to death. I was just praying it will  happen very soon. I've had several heat attacks but didn't die. I know I have an angel watching over me because I'm still alive. Because I can translate old language and think they still want me to continue GOD'S work. GOD IS VERY UPSET!

When I went to the hospital they wouldn't even keep me for observation. Bill Gates' and Microsoft's name are all over my medical records because when I attempted to sue for the damages, they demand releases. They didn't just as get my records. I ended up defamed in the process. It's so bad that people literally think I was making threats on Bill live! Now tell me, with all the creative work I do am I the type of person who would kill anyone? I laugh at this also. I think I learned about this from Buddha.  What insanity is this? Because of Microsoft's reputation and all that Gates money, people are afraid to treat me. To make matters worse, their PR people and wives are always trying to keep track of me. This makes me laugh also.

To night I was laughing again. I'm an artist. So I read faces.

March 18, 2003

This forehead has deep worry lines. He is not sure. His lips are thin meaning he is afraid to say what he wants. His ears are red meaning he feels it's a lie. This is a GO game. If Saddam Hussein were to leave, every other country in the world would be wondering if they are going to be next. The US would find themselves under attack by everyone else.  One of the best GO strategies is to defeat your enemy with their own people... SO?

Back to my funny story.

If I move too fast my spinal cord gets compressed. I'm on the ground. I collapsed in my bathroom the other day. I couldn't get up. Every time I moved I felt like I was falling and had to just lie there on the cold floor. And I started to laugh and caught myself. I knew I had injured my upper spinal cord and cranial nerves.  This causes gagging and then I get chest pains.

After about a half hour, I very slowly, inch by inch, drug myself to my bed. I couldn't even get to the phone. It wouldn't do much good since I've been taken to the ER several times thinking I was dying and they wouldn't even keep me for observation.  I know that the symptoms are of a heart attack. They keep putting them on the News. So when I get dizzy and begin to sweat, then get that tightening in my chest that becomes a pain that goes down my left arm, I know it's a heart attack.

 I'm 52 and with all this stress and having to eat out of cans, I know I'm not in good shape. I can't get medical treatment any way so I keep my aspirin close by... and throw myself into a meditative trance. I am so lucky to have studied this in my youth because it's keeping me alive now.  :-) I lay there and kept saying to myself... don't move. If I move I begin to gag and then the pain in my chest starts up... Even the slightest movement when my spinal cord is swollen is really bad.

I thought--I'm going to die at last. And it didn't happen. It took a few days to get a bit more stable--enough to open a can of food and attempt to get something down. I was drinking sugar water for about 5-6 days trying to keep my head about me. There is one thing I do understand now--sleep depravation. Every time the frig comes on or the neighbors run the water I feel like my head will explode.

My oldest son told me they were frightened of me, essentially because I wasn't dead yet. He suggest I try to get in jail so I could get care. I've tried to figure out how to do that.  Fact is, I'm really ready to die. With everyone of these pages I ask God if my work is now done.  Can I come Home now?  Not yet. So here I sit struggling to type and put up a web page because Bush is determined to go to war. (March 18 2003) Can't anyone stop this?

The joke's on you Trey.  It was my idea to give you all that money. It's that crystal ball effect. It's another GO strategy. I know you weren't motivated by money and would eventually put it to good use. John Lennon put it best... "Love is all we need" So in a loving way, I want to suggest that Larry Ellision and Scott McNealy would have a field day with this mess of mine.  I know how you hate that. It would most likely kill your father too. Think about it. I've tried to teach you how to GO! Now I left you a lot of Q on that page.  You've been a domesticated beast of burden your whole life long. Learn to Dance with the Wild Wolf.

When you wish upon a star...

The second star to the right...

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...

Well Pinoccho... as soon as you are brave enough to fix this mess,  your wish will come true. Trey your father is very old. It's time for you to start wearing the pants in your family. You are such a funny wooden head at times. You're suppose to be taking care of him now, not the other way around. Managing your financial affairs and personal messes is something YOU need to do. Read your Ten Commandments. What does it say about our parents? How about murder? Can you live with my death on your hands?

Cutting off someone's food supply and allowing them to die in this manner is murder by omission. I don't even get e-mail because your father's law firm demanded my e-mail and everyone became afraid to interact with me over the Internet. In fact, I go for days at a time without one message and I have 6 accounts. I get a few list just to make sure it still works. Without  credit cards I don't get much spam either.

I hear your wife is a Catholic. She knows what the sin of omission is. This is when you know about something very wrong and disregard it. Such as watching someone be murdered and failing to take ever possible action to help. Even if it's just calling the police. Right now most of the world is guilty of a SIN OF OMISSION regarding what is going on in Iraq and Palestine.

Perhaps you forgot those very special cognitive skills I have? I know she know my condition. The owners of the apartment are United Way funded. And people with low IQ are easy for me to scan. I really freak these poor people out.  My knew neighbors told me they were listing for me. I suppose they don't want my dead body to smell up the place.  It's amazing the kind of things I can get from these neighbors--like medical trial info at the UW.

Someone should put me in a private residence. I have 6 computers and 4 very tall book shelves with all kind of weird book --like the Molecular Biology of the Gene, all kinds of math, engineering, medical books and Latin, Chinese, etc... One of the more entertaining things in my life is watching everyone else's reaction to me. They aren't use to seeing someone type--fast or do 3D graphics.  I really stress people out. It really makes me laugh.

People slip up. The Landlord is fixing the place up real good to, so that if there is a media circus it would look like such dump.  I've been harassed so badly...  I was even told that they didn't want me leaving my apartment by a social worker from Seattle-King Co. So they were having me harassed by the police. And the police were very sure I must be a hacker. So they were trying to get my neighbors to find out. Ha... the only computer I've ever hacked is my own.

You know what it's like to be so physically frail,  to be attempting to get to the store in the pouring rain in a wheelchair and have the police pull you over? What is wrong with these Cops? I would give anything to be back on my ranch cooking on a wood stove and milking a cow in 20 degree weather. We didn't have cops.  We had guns! <grin><grin> You would love that life. Maybe it's this constant fear of the cops that has people so messed up? Can that TV please. I can't watch it.

I'm definitely ready to die. I'm tired of this roller coaster ride. But I know they will string you up if I die this way. They always do.  And it will be the files ax for Microsoft too.  Sun, Oracle and Lindows will make sure of that. They all were willing to use me to screw Microsoft, yet non of them were willing to help.

What is really sad about all of this is that much of the time I'm thinking that a lot of elderly people on the USA are living just like this too. And that makes me cry sometimes. I cry about the children too. And I talked to a homeless guy the other day. He has some brain damage and is sleeping under a bridge.  He told me he sassed of a cop last week just so he could go to jail too. What is wrong with everyone. Are you all living in some kind of trance. There is something called Divine Justice. What you do to others can come back on you.

But even if you don't believe in this. Be greedy.  Do the accounting. I cost the tax payers about $12,000 a year. I could be making about $100,000 and paying about half of that back into taxes. You loose something like $35,000 in tax revenue. Gee. I hear this state has a budge problem. I'm just one person. Think about it.

Hey Funny Face.... Is that really Paul?  Cute hair cut.Much more you.

I keep looking at that unassembled wheelchair and laughing. Perhaps GOD didn't mean for me to need or use it? You know Melinda's harassment is having a really interesting effect on my research. <grin><grin> 

When I traumatize my spinal cord due to the instability I have to figure how to get things back into equilibrium. At first I was making my own amino acids from chicken. It worked pretty good but I knew something was missing. Stephen Wolfram's theory. I mean, our bodies are just automata right? :-) How do I regenerate? This is really too cool. Today I can walk again.

So what I did was quite simple... It is a simple biological program theory.. I had the amino acids and now needed a seed! I use two things. An Orange and very RAW Beef. Has to be red meat because that is what my body is made of. Martha Stewart is right about really rare stake.

It's just amazing I can literally feel my nerves begin to tingle in my legs again. It's like my cells are cheer... I usually get very tired and fall into a deep sleep. This is amazing in that I have been only sleeping for short periods--3-4hours.

When I wake up I can WALK! Last week I was crawling on the floor and today i'm walking.

Of course, I still have to walk Ti Chi style because my neck is still broken and I have to be careful,  but walking at all with a broken neck is quite a feat--especially when you have a fascist feminist bitch who has never done anything but stair in the mirror and contemplate her importance to society....what ever that is. Mirror mirror on the wall.... I want to be Snow White.

Sure you don't want to become my patron for this kind of research? With the disc fusions and physical therapy, I won't need a wheelchair at all. Take a look at those X-rays.  It feels like the muscles are stronger now and seem to be holding these disc in better so they are pushing on my spinal cord.

This is the third time I've tried it and it works every time. After all, primitive man ate almost nothing but raw meats. It's so weird to feel so relaxed and calm. It's like all those little cells which were competing over certain nutrients are now satisfied. I wonder if  this could be applied to my disc? Raw fruits and vegetables would have the same effects. Interesting theory... half cooked meat a few times a week with raw fruits and vegetables for vitamins and things like bread or rice for energy. I can see it now. Now I see why all that processed food is killing people.

I've had a cure for cancer for over 20 years. I went back to college and got a computer systems engineering degree with minors in Lasers, Robotics, Software and AI. It was a med tech  application not a drug. My research was empirical and base first on animals and then validated with statistics on humans. I was hoping to get Bill Gates to back my research because to continue I needed money. So I was slowly trying to piece it together. Then out of nowhere all these women began to attack me.  Later I remember being on the Wangner-Enstrom web site and seeing that pink ribbon and thinking how very bizarre it all seemed. I remember getting this back from someone via fax about a proposal called

"MRX-coupled Radiative Catalysis
 for vivo photolytic cleavage with molecular specificity"


Hum... I wonder who at Microsoft sent this. Did they ever find out Trey? I would love to have a better copy. It's pretty good though. It's got elements of what I understand, but my application is more suited to Microsoft. This is the real reason I wanted you to start that Research Department. Why didn't you hire me? You know I think Bill Neukom could learn a lesson from this too.

This is what I wanted to discuss with Bill Gates. Instead, I've been punched and pounded to the point of almost being dead. I feel like a sprit in an old video game. The only reason I'm not dead, is that I'm using my own theory and technology. In fact, it's been a very good test. However, I would still like to hash this whole thing out with YOU Trey,  because you have the brain bandwidth to understand this. The fact that you  watched your own mother die of cancer will make it much easier to explain.

The fact that I don't have a Ph.D. is in my favor just as it was in Bill Gates'. Ph.D. come from a academic PROGRAM! They are still thinking in terms of destroy. It's a male thing. I don't. I'm a women. I understand creation. I've birth three children. AND I understand creation. So my approach is more in that direction.

I had total and complete freedom to do  independent and empirical research. I have way more than a Ph.D. in education and study. And I did it all the same way as Leonardo Da Vinci. Now someone said that someone bought a Codex... I was giggling about that.

William... we can't continue this way. It will never come together unless we do. This application addresses more than just cancer. It has the potential to also work for many other disease such as AIDS and even perhaps things like Malaria which is caused by a parasite. Of course, I won't know until the application is done for cancer first. I have another application for Malaria that I believe will work. ":-) And it is very simple.

There is a real advantage to having many different kinds of educational experiences. You can't see these connections unless you have experienced them all. After dissecting pigs, cattle, rabbits, chickens and many other animals you just learn how they really work. Unless you really understand HOW they really work you can't really be successful with any of these other theories.


Having lived at 4,500 feet for a very long time I had the opportunity to meet some unusual teachers.

BTW, you look kind of cute with your hair all messed up. :-) You should convince your wife and Patty to support this. They both look like they could use the application down the road.  Your mother missed out.

PS: I left a will filed with King Co. that give you all my intellectual property. There is more here in eccentric research about ancient things than even in the CODEX which I can also read. Talk about wizards :-)

Love to all the children, including you Funny Face.

Redmond Rose~



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