Art by me... The Maze    I don't even own a CD player... This all comes to me -- music links and all. I do the art.




Name: Joan Lee Grove
Born: 11 January 1951
Upland, California
Mother: Margaret Elizabeth Hook
Father: Ralph Wesley Grove
U.S. Navy Station out of San Diego
Name Mother called me by:
Joan Lee Francis Patrick

Baptized January 1951
Godmother: Jean Lazenby
Godfather:  Robert W. Lazenby
Employer: Lockeed Aircarft now Lockeed Martin
His son Robert still works there.


Joan's first snow fall in So, California
April 1951
age 3 months


The Jabberwolky
July of 1951

Long arms and fingers for a 6month old baby?

My mother she claimed I was talking in sentence at 6 months almost endlessly. We didn't have TV back then so she read to me all the time.  Mostly poetry.  I have always loved poetry and rhymes. I didn't understand why she called me this until my own children started to talk in a babies slurred early speech. One of my fond memories was  of my son saying: "E won Eat!" Which as a mother I understood to me, "I want to eat."  So Jabberwolky does seem appropriate.

By Lewis Carrol

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogroves,
And the mome raths outbrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought---
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in uffish thought he stood,
That Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphin back.

"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
He chortled in his joy.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and grimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

February 1953 at age 2. I was tall for my age due to my long limbs. This would become a problem my whole life. Some call it Marfan Syndrome. I call it messing with our genetics.

My mother said they did tell her what they had done.  She said they told her I was going to be a genius.

Well that did become true, I also had other genetic differences--some good and some bad. What I do know for sure is that the government has always been way too interested in me for this situation to be totally normal.

At age 4 they hospitalized me because of a heart problem. I had mild seizers only when I was hurt. Pain caused me to have them. When I was about 12-13 I was going to the hospital daily for repertory therapy. I've spent most of my life learning how to repair this. I do OK as long as I don't have outsider interference.

I've managed to regenerate my nerves yet again. This is the third time.  My medical records are a mess because a doctor will say I'm wasted and nothing can be done, and then I regenerate. I wasn't suppose to be able to have children and then had three without complications of any kind. I just do it.

Everyone can do this. Humans have just forgotten how to do it. We are lazy and easily brain washed. It's all about FAITH!

My favorite book was Popular Mechanics.  Before Long I was imitating my father who was an aviation technician in the Navy  and trying to get hired by Lookeed. You can see his creative work in the picture below. He turned my stroller into a wheelchair.  It was the way my father was.

August 1953: I spent the whole summer, about 5 months, in a cast with a broken leg. They had to replace that cast many times. Back then they stayed on much longer. I can still remember our wading pool, which was a sand box in the winter time. I kept going into it with the cast on when my mother wasn't around. Then they would have to remove it and redo it. I can still remember that saw and the noise. Pain would cause me to have a minor seizure. It' was a very scary time in my life. Sometimes having a photographic memory isn't fun. There are many things in my life I would love to forget. The doctor sawing my cast off and the sound of that noise is one of them. 

"Do not worry about your difficulties with mathematics; I can assure that mine are still greater."

Albert Einstein,
Nobel Prize In Physic 1921

I grew up very enigmatic and gifted. :-) I started out reading Popular Mechanics at about 2. My toys as a small child were in the bottom drawer in the kitchen--a flat head and Philips screw driver and pliers. I would take anything I could apart. What shook everyone up was that I could also put this back together right and they worked. And well you know... the government gets interested in you when you can do things like that.... :-)  That is were the politics get involve. Instead of allowing the natural evolution of genius, they try to shove us into their way of things. They destroy the very thing that they want to exploit.
Genius can't evolve without integration and constant movement.

So before long, my father who was an aviation technician was working as a government contractor on secret projects. We had G-men coming around the school and bothering the neighbor. I know they do this to all of us.

Normal people are scared of what they don't understand and don't understand. They need to learn their own survival as a species on this planet depends on us being left alone to work together on problems. We can't do anything as long as they keep meddling in our lives.

I could draw in 3D prior to kindergarten.  They had to take me out of public school almost at once. I was  put me in a private Catholic school mostly on scholarship. My family was poor so my father would do odd jobs when he was laid off from Lockheed, which occurred until he was willing to take a position at the Top Secret Palmdale facility to work on top secret government project.

Dad: This is odd....:-) My dad use to babble a lot when I was working on project with him...  I was just a kid--right? He was a trouble shooter who repaired the design flaws the engineers couldn't figure out. He was really good at figuring out how things work that no one else could. I learn to do this from him.  My father worked on early spy plan technology out of Palmdale and the which produced some of the best stealth technologies. Maybe this is why the government harasses me. They are worried about a women knowing too much. I know way more than they do. :-) By the time I was 13, I was over my own father's head.  We had a parting of the ways then.

(I am sometimes called Lady Hawk the fastest Raptor in the Rock--avion fantasma de ataque)

My earliest memories of kindergarten was of being scolded for telling other children their pictures were wrong. Mine had purple mountains, 3D objects like houses and the sky touched the top of them. My rivers and road were in perspective.

It's a shame my parents weren't more intelligent about my giftedness. I was always winning awards. In a Christmas contest while in first grade I won a pair of free shoes. This was wonderful. They replaced my shoes which were very expensive because I had to wear orthopedic shoes.  I remember the shoes cost $13 my father said. That was in the mid 50, about 45 years ago. The same shoes would cost more than $100 today easily. Pretty good for a 6 year old.

I remember the picture. It was a holly wreath. My grand mother had a holly bush in the back of her house. I can still see it in my mine now. It had shinny dark green leaves that pricked you. So I had this wreath and on the top was a red bow drawn in 3D. I always drew each leave or object and outlined it in crayon, so that when I colored it in the outline would keep the crayon from going out of the line. This was a well thought out process I developed at a much  younger age.  I never like the fact that things didn't fill in well with crayon so I had this other process. I would take my finished drawing and stand over the floor heater and warm the paper and that would cause the wax from the crayon to bleed into the paper, creating a very smooth appearance.

I challenged everything. My biggest problem at 5 was the so called Pagan Baby program. We were suppose to bring in dimes and quarter for this slotted poster
on the wall. I can till  see it on the wall in my mind. You know what I mean. You can slip the coin in a half circle behind a think poster board front.  Anyway... Once we raised $5 then another pagan could be Baptized. :-)

Well, the theology and the Catholic Church's need for money didn't fit together. I would argue about Jesus saying to baptize everyone. Isn't water free?  I was certain this was wrong and that he would be upset about it.

As a child,  I would come up with one persistent argument about one thing or the other in either politics, war, theology, etc. on a regular basis. The nuns would eventually call the priest up and we would be having an intellectual discussion in a private room.  I was never intimidated by them. That really scared everyone. 

I never acted out or had fits like other kids. It was always very debate. I only got into trouble once. In kindergarten, the teacher's son was in our class. He as not nice. He harassed and teased everyone. And his mother never did a thing. So after he had terrorized everyone rally bad, one day I got into it with him and told him to stop. He got nasty and I decked him. This was to set the tone for the rest of my life. I got in trouble but he never messed with anyone ever again. :-) Who won? I did!

My whole life people have been this way with me--scared. There is a kind of politics about genius.  Most people are jealous of what you can do. I have had bureaucrats in this community even to day say absolutely nasty thing to me... Like... You must thing your so special because your so smart. I always say no. It's a handicap.  I have never had a real peer group. I have never known a time when I wasn't harassed by someone. It's not fun. At 51, I've never even been in love. What is that? I've spent the past 20 years single and that is just fine. It's a very lonely life.

The ones not jealous want to exploit your talent. Then you are dealing with the manipulating, cheating and lying.  That is crazy making stuff. I laugh when as a women they don't exploit me the same as a man. They only want to take me to lunch and expect me to fix their computer in return for a meal. I don't even like to go out to eat so that sucks. I'm not interested in most of what normal people like.  But what is really funny... As a female  I can go to a college and study male technology. But there is no place where men can study female technology is.

You could say that this is the Clash of the Titans. :-) My computer and the math is broken yet again. :-)  We made these tools for people and now they think they don't need us to fix them? How do we change this?


I’m a 51 year old with a mind that functions better than most half my age and about 10 times faster.  I live at 650 NW Juniper St. Apt 650, Issaquah, WA.  I am a retired computer systems engineer.  I graduated from Oregon Institution of Technology in multiple technologies--AI/robotics, electronics, lasers, and computer programming.  I worked my way through college with three children, living on $320 a month child support and Pell Grants. 

I had to give up welfare to go to college and I budgeted it myself.  I was eventually able to get work study and spent my last two years in college teaching computer systems engineering part-time. I graduated in 1988 cum lade -- with a 3.7 GPA in AI/robotics, electronics, computer systems and laser technology.  I was the only female in curriculum. And people are trying to call me crazy?  Taxpayers paid out about $60,000 for my education.  And I've only made $52,000 in taxable income because it was in my husband's name. I lost everything just because of these bizarre people.  And I don't know why.

My college transcripts are here:
Oregon Institute Of Technology Cum Lade Graduate

Prior to college I was a rancher in Sprague River, Oregon. That was my Leonardo Da Vinci period.  That was such a long time ago. I don’t have much respect greedy people who don’t work. And before that I did a lot of other things.  I worked on my first computer in 1969.  I was the human hired to double check it's calculation.  I grew up with a photographic memory and even after all this harassment it's still quite good.

My father worked on secret government project for Lockeed aircraft during most of his life.  We had FBI files in my family.  I've been tested to death my whole life.  The government keeps track of their child prodigies.  I’m not a typical female.  My IQ has ranged from 136 to in the mid 150s in my life. You can't statistically test me because I'm in a group that is so small to make a mathematical rating. And having someone who is IQ of 115 test me doesn't work either.  That puts me way outside the norm of society. I'm not the one with the communications problem. I can read and write at Ph.D. level and most of my friends are Ph.D.

I don't count backward by 7 or repeat 10 3 digit numbers in reverse anymore. NOT because I can't but because I won't! On IQ test they dump puzzle out with no picture on them and I can tell them what it is before I even touch one piece.  Think about it. I am extremely well documented by the Federal government for over 50 years.

All in the Family

My whole life has been strange at best. I was born while my father was in Korea. My grandmother claimed he wasn't may father. My mother claimed she didn't have an affair with anyone. But the fact remained. I was out of season as they say.

Then later in life my ant gave me a lot of old pictures and told me a story... I really appreciate the honesty. Fact is, one of my ants had 5 miscarriages and her only daughter had a hysterectomy in her early 20s. Another one of my female cosines was born with both sex organs.  Most of my male and now female relative work for government contractor on critical military projects at Boeing, General Dynamic, McDonnell Douglas, Lockeed Martin, General Electric, etc.

My development, both physical and psychological was accelerated. I was on the move and into things almost at once.  Part of this is due to freedom. My family has always raised children quite differently than the norm.  So we tend to be a bit more active at a younger age. 

I had unusually long legs and arms compared to my trunk. Today at 5'7" my inseam on pants is 34" and the breath of my arms is about 5'8". I have small joints and long fingers. Simply put, I was genetically engineered to be an artist and scientist, not a mule or someone's luggage carrier.

They tested me the whole time I was growing up. On one occassion I had a psychologist say that I was not right because I didn't have a brain dominance. I looked at her and said, "You me that it's better if you use only HALF of your brain instead of all of it." That is when I learned how stupid psychologist were.

From about 10 on, I was on a search. It was about this time that I learned to speed read. I wanted to know why I was so different. I had an older sister that just hated me.  She was a good student but she had to work so hard at it. I always did what I wanted and did as well as she id without reading or studying.  And I wanted to know exactly what was so different and how it effected me.  Once I figured it out, I wanted to develop my difference.

Robert Hooke (1635 - 1703)

His interests knew no bounds, ranging from physics and astronomy, to chemistry, biology, and geology, to architecture and naval technology; he collaborated or corresponded with scientists as diverse as Christian Huygens, Antony van Leeuwenhoek, Christopher Wren, Robert Boyle, and Isaac Newton.

Leslie Groves
Director of the Manhattan project

The Manhattan Project was not just a nuclear bomb project. Leslie Groves also over saw the building of the Pentagon and a genetics project. As far as I know, the genetics project was on the west cost out of Seattle--University of Washington and Swedish Hospital, and in San Diego.  Both had major Naval bases. Their was a sperm bank in San Diego run by a man who I've been told is Ginsberg. I'm not sure how that is spelt. This project was a breeding and genetic manipulation program.

The Gates family seem to be very involved in this project out of the University of Washington. There are all kinds of taps at the UW regarding their involvement. Bill Gates has given huge amounts of money to this organization. You can find you how much the UW get at The Gates Foundation. (I use to be able to search for the grants to the UW at this site but now that is blocked. You have to do it manually. I wonder why they are covering this up? Q When ever you find something on these people, save the pages to your computer! :-) I was able to come up with over $80 million in grants to the UW.

The 'e' 'r' and 's' at the end of many sir names are from cursive writing. People put little loops and curls on the end of their signatures. When we converted names to type, some stayed and others didn't. Hooke and Hook and Grove and Groves are the same family trees, genetically. So I guess when you set out to breed people you have to consider this kind of thing.

My mother was a Hook. She was very smart in school. She also was in college for a time until the war forced an end to that. She was also a very beautiful women. And she was a very loving and caring mother who encouraged my curiosity and artistic development.  She was my roll model for my own children. I guess she was good breeding material for the Manhattan project.

My father went to work for Lockeed and worked on many top secret government project, sometimes in the desert. We had FBI agents in our neighborhood and at my school from time to time to gather information. He was offered a better job once as a lead at LAX and my mother wouldn't let him take it. It was way more money so why not? I still don't now if my father is my real father or not.  At the end of his death he was having a problem with this.  So when I was cut out of his will I figured maybe not.

Bill Gates' mother, was able to be placed on Corporate Boards at a time when you never saw any other women. When I showed up in Seattle I attracted way too much of this women's attention. I keep wondering if it was because Gates' father was in the program also. Was he as sperm donor? Just what is going on. Why did he call me after his wife die so many times. He left messages that I still have from my answering machine, yet never called me back when I returned the call. I wonder what he found in Mary's belongings after she died? Just what was this families obsession with my son and me?

At one time, when I was attempting to get a job, the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation had me assessed at the UW. It went of for a year and a half. They did three psychological test on me and had me interviewed by a psychologist 10 times. I felt like a bug under a microscope. I was constantly asked about Bill Gates. Weird. It was during this time that Mary Gates died of cancer. Then they dropped the whole thing.  These people are so lame that while they are trying to find out about our genetic differences and ways to control us, they leave themselves wide open for a psychic scan! 

Mary Gates' obsession with me was pretty wild. It involved her son.  I even tried to move to Connecticut and she interfered with that. I file a short thing in court called a question of law, so I could contact Microsoft from Connecticut or White Plains NY work.  She had them fight to have the case changed to Seattle--claiming a hardship on her billionaire son to travel to Connecticut for this and testify. The court papers on this are about an inch think. Bill Gates goes all the way to Florida for luncheon and I was piss poor, but they sure didn't want me moving away. 

Next thing I knew I was being harassed by Police all the time. I had never been in trouble in my life. And now after graduating from college with honors as a single mother of 3, I have this older women going nuts all over the place. WHY?  People made things up, especially Microsoft security in order to attempt to get information on me and what they got was not about me. But! I saved all these documents with all the nice little names on them... Most are here! But there are more.... and they are all going up on this web site so the people I'm working for can do an investigation on them.

I'm espeically interested in the EEOC and people in the Federal Building who made up a false criminal break in complaint against me and the FBI didn't charge them either. I suppose the FBI was also in on that one to? Yes the Seattle Branch of the FBI needs looking into.

Ciao baby.

This was really interesting!  And someone changed my son's attendance record at his school too.

I was clueless at first as to why I had attracted so much attention. But this situation was so bad that in 1992 CPS went to my son's school without my knowledge. He was about 10.  They did an interrogation on him. They told him not to tell me.  I found out several years later when some of these documents ended up in a child custody suit. These are some of the questions he was asked:

Does your mother tell you fairy tails?

Does your mother tell you about the Druids?

Do you think Bill Gates is your father?

Then Bill Gates family became actively involved in taking my children. His father did this and it was later put in my custody case. His law firm started investigating me and assisting my ex-husband to take my kids. They harassed my mother too. They literally were trying to convince her to lock me up in a nut house just for trying to get hired back at Microsoft and saying I would pray for their son.

After watching part of Steven Spielberg's Taken. I'm beginning to understand what is going on now.

This is a picture of me in 1981 around the time I became pregnant with my son Gaelan. I'm at Crater Lake. I was living in Sprague River Oregon.

I was doing research back then in electro-magnetic fields around the Cascades. There aren't many volcano in the Pacific Northwest I haven't been to. I've done this since 1972, starting with Mount Saint Helen which later exploded.

Why? I was running from something like a lot of others--the U.S. Government--FBI. They wanted us to make weapons of mass destruction. After watching numerous others, get setup in LA I split north too in 1972. 


My family seemed of interested due to the work my father had done on secret government stealth jets. The testing for this was out across the Mojave Desert at a place called The Ranch.  The Ranch is where Lockheed was doing some testing on what they call those U2s and Black Birds... Paul  McCartney hit that song again :-)  Just like he had Hey Jude--my Confirmed name in the Church from 62/63. I'm  sure that the Beattles had the government going nuts.

CIA U-2 So who do I do I work with? It's not these idiot in the FBI.  Ciao baby!

So what is  The Ranch? Well, some people like to call it Area  51

There has always be a major clash between the FBI and CIA. The FBI has really screwed up this time. The guys over seas and under cover are not very pleased. The FBI has never investigated the attack on my family by Microsoft!  I was cushioned by a ex-CIA agent NOT to go into a hospital. If they (FBI) wanted to get rid of me that is where they could kill you.  Cool man. 

This is one of my last letters from my father before my mother died. I called up to find out what was going on and couldn't find anyone who could speak decent English.  He later came all the way to Washington, without calling or sending me a letter out of fear. My nephew Donald Martin also had a freak accident and was killed just before fininshing college.

Donald Martin born in 1976 
died on Jan 17th, 1999

In the NAME OF MY FATHER and MY MOTHER and MY CHILDREN, I want to know why these people can do this to may family. Most of the harassment has been by racial minorities or nationals sucking up to Microsoft and certain people in the government. I had several letters from Vice President Gore's office, Ted Kennedy and the Justice Department. And I've repeatedly be told it would be done. Because of Mono Locke's relationship with Gates' wife and her remarks that discredited U.S. children in favor of Mainland China, and illegal campaign donations, I did some test. She and her husband did NOT do an investigation of my situtation. However she did become engaged in other things... like my DVR program as a disabled person.

Ex-FBI Director Freeh should really be investigated for possible conflict of interest.

Bill Gates' Father's Law Firm is an International Firm with Offices in other countries and a high population of foreign attorneys. You would be surprised how many background checks I did on people on this web who have suddenly split. The specialized in manipulation the INS rules.... One of their Pro Bono specialties is for foreign workers.

The security in Microsoft's products is so bad, I think the President should consider a special executive order to draft some of the engineers who worked on it. Espeically, if they have military background. This happened to my father in Korea. I can see no reason why we can't do this now. 

I also believe that Microsoft and some of their partners should pay the expense of this added military cost. These guy can fix a Microsoft problem really fast because they know where all the back doors really are. We need specialized engineers and perhaps even some of the designers responsible for the Design of NT/Win2000/XP and also the associated applications.

Only a skilled designer can do a valid test. I hear David Cutler has a real hot group of macho men over there. I am local. These guys are top shape from mountain climbing, skiing, dirt biking, etc. I mean it. They are buff.  About a year working in Military gear it the stinking heat of the Arab desert or below deck on a carrier would improve their design techniques.

I got this one in April 2001 prior to the Code Red, via what seemed to be an under cover operative. I have to really wonder with what I was putting  on this web why the FBI didn't do a thing.

Fragilidad -- Sting
Nada Como El Sol

Manana ya la sangre no estara
Al caer la lluvia se la llevara
Acero y piel combinacion tan cruel
Pero algo en nuestras mentes quedara

Un acto asi terminara
Con una vida y nada mas
Nada se logra con violencia
Ni se lograra
Aquellos que han nacido en un mundo asi
No olviden su fragilidad

Lloras tu y lloro yo
Y el cielo tambien, y el cielo tambien
Lloras tu y lloro yo
Que fragilidad, que fragilidad

Lloras tu y lloro yo
Y el cielo tambien, y el cielo tambien
Lloras tu y lloro yo
Que fragilidad, que fragilidad

I love that last string Sting!

Both my ex-husband never understood a thing about me or what I was doing research on and still am. They both use to fall asleep. In fact, after my divorce I was doing some research with a geophysics around the Cascades. While on the north side of Mt. Shasta (I named my daughter Shasta for a reason) he fell asleep also and lost over 2 hours. I never fall asleep. And I've never had an encounter with those bug eyed creepy thing in the movies.

Now why was Mary Gates so obsessed with this child?  Well it became very clear to me that someone one was feeding her false information.  But why did the Gates' help my husband take my kids and Why did the UW mess with my daughter and denies me medical treatment in 1996 and 2000 and drop my DVR in 1995?

I named him Gaelan because we were from Celtic decent. And he was a Sunday's Child. Even before he was born, I knew he was going to be what his name implies--extremely bright and loving. He was loving to a fault, just like I was. I've never hated anyone, even when they have hurt me. I can fell others pain very intensely so I can't handle being around evil and hateful people. I've also been known to blow up Microwaves, light blabs, electronic devices, make florescent light go out  when I walked under them. Of course, after so much harassment, I don't have that kind of energy any more. I'm spent.

Below is my son Gaelan doing one of his favorite things. He like to sleep under the kitchen table. Why? Well, I had a fan sitting behind the heater which was between our laundry room/hallway and kitchen. I couldn't afford heat so we had to wear jackets in the house in the winter. He like to crawl under things like this. Even in other peoples houses. I think it must be genetic. :-)


As he grew older this didn't change. Even after his father was able to take him away from me-with the help of the government and these friends of Mary Gates--he would visit and he would still want to sleep on the floor by the fan. The last time I saw him was in 1994 and that is what I remembered most.

When Gaelan was 10 he won an award from Boeing for his innovative creativity. It was a saucer like aerodynamic device. I still have the original and it's kind of funky kids stuff. My daughter was every bit as talented. She graduated with honors from the UW and then couldn't even get a job except at the UW.  So I went head hunting for her. These people around the Gates' money are sick. They all had had free range of all my tools just as I had my father's tools.

This is a 3D graphic I did of his project. I still have his original as well as  his other invention. The green part is from 7UP liter bottles cut into propellers and the small circles are led weights from my led solder I used for stain glass. On the original, the weights are not circular but coils.  Hear is the color graphic.

He made something more than twice it's original weight move faster and go higher for longer.  Yet he is not going to college. His father is sabotaging him. Why?

What I can make I am not allowed to explain. There is no scientific or language explanation. You just have to see it and experience it.

When they took him away from me there was no prior notice. I found out by accident that his father was taking him and a local judge had signed an order without a hearing. She was a racial minority. My son was just taken from me. I had previously won custody from his father because of his abuse of my children. Now without hearing he took them back. I suppose I must be unfit if my children are winning award for being gifted? One word.

Sycophant is: A servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people. (Greek: Sukophantes - informant ) I'm almost dead from their harassment. It was amazing to see how Mr. Gates would use his money and local power to trash a kid. Jealousy. Gates has never done anything like me or my son have. He is a tool user not creator.

He was only allowed to see me twice after that. The last time was in 1994.  Bill Gates' father had left numerous phone messages on my answering machine. I still have the tapes.

The last time I saw Gaelan he said that Boeing had these completion so they could steal your creative ideas. H said that made them able to take out the completion at a very early stage. I think he is right. How much innovation was lost when my family couldn't for three generation create a engineless transport vehicle? I still can't believe we are shooting people into space on top of Roman Candles and moving around in iron horses that weigh many times our own weight.

I don't know anything about what happened to my son. I've been denied even telephone calls. All this just because of some bizarre obsession about manipulating genetics. They are all so stupid.

Most of what I now know about the genetics program and have been able to verify has come from their stupidity.  I'm sure I'm not alone in this. I've meant others like myself. We all seem to have the same problem with the government too. Right Bill? Both the FBI and Military have continued to investigate me, and it never fails. I always get more than they get.  What is interesting is they are afraid to come to my door, and use stooges. If you know someone is trying to spy on you, use them to give back false information.

Any way, sometime later I found out that both my ex-husbands had ties to the FBI. Dennis Salmon was a narc after being busted crossing the Mexican boarder with a back pack of marijuana. David, was busted also in La Joha and somehow did a deal to get off. It wasn't until I meant David's Uncle and then his father that I found out about this.  Both of them had the same genetic traits that I had. But David wasn't too smart.  He was easily manipulated.

My mother in-law told me that the government got involved almost as soon as I was in the media. She was really upset with me.  So I know they help take my kids. And my daughter and I are still telepathically linked the way I my with all my  children.  So when the UW started messing with her, I started to mess with them. I have a network of artist and many know how to cast a glamour on someone. For a time I was in complete control of the programming at the UW TV station. I had every piece of video ever shot of Mary Gates and her family on UW TV for a while. I did the same thing with the State TV. I was able to get Melinda Gates from them. They were pulling out archives for me left and right.

"Your not alone. Your never alone." ... I like that one Sting. So what do we do with these people. They are messing up the gene pool by trying to tamper with it.

More than 50 percent of what you are is from your environmental factors! What ever my children could have become, my not occur now because of the trauma they went through as these people trying to get control of them. Mary Gates was taking her son to a psychiatrist when he was just a kid?  Why? These people are damaging these gifted kids. Anyone who has seen Bill Gates rock knows!

My ex-husband did the same thing to my daughter! He sent her to a shrink. She was a mess when she came back to me.  And God only knows what David has done to my son. The man's own psychologist told me he was a functional psychotic. I had won custody of my children from him in court because of this. Yet with the help of the government they took my children and gave them to him?  Who is sane. The person doing high level math and science and art or the bureaucrat who paws his daughter and smokes pot?

No matter how brilliant someone is, if they mate with a moron that child will be damage that that parent.  I'm totally opposed to artificial insemination and all this other fertility methods.  Look what it did to animals!  Look at what it did to sheep and turkeys! We are turing the human race into morons because we are trying to make hybrids and they will not breed correctly.

So maybe there are aliens.  I've seen the lights.  I've studied all kinds of phenomena. Do I see fairies? No but I can see how some unintelligent and fearful person might see those fast flickering lights and think they are a fairy.  Do I see aliens? No. I've never seen a ghost or angel either. But I can see how people without enough sleep might be started by light or sound, how the normal interference patterns in one's environment could cause one to think that. When the night gets cold the wood and materials begin to contract and that house begins to creak.

Still, I'm like Steven Spielberg. I believe there are other species.  I also believe they may be studying us.  After all, we did get into nuclear weapons and that is really bad.



So what is my interest in Bill Gates? Well the same as my interest in Bono, Sting, Paul McCartney, Madonna, Spielberg, and many others. I want the madness to stop. It's obvious, that HIV/AIDS is a genetically engineered Virus.  And it's obvious that we weren't giving polio and TB shots to people in foreign countries because someone wanted them to die out.

I've suggested to Mr. Gates that we have so totally destroyed the psyche and genetics of the Western world that by the time we are done with our dugs and excess, the only hope for society my be those who have survived in this third world. It's really quite BASIC.  Survival of the Fittest. I just don't believe that in the U.S. many would survive if anything terrible happened to his planet.

Western Humans are so domesticated that they are just what Christ said, Sheep. They are program able. Show them food and they salivate on Q. Now if a man isn't getting an erecting ever time he sees a nude women, there is something wrong with him? No, it's just a marketing scam like they did with Birth control pills. 

I like the Little Prince because of that ting about the Sheep. Now Bill, how are you going to keep your sheep from eating this rose. See they don't get it.  Now I want to go back to my own little planet with my perfect three volcanoes and my wonderful Little Prince to water me and keep me from the cold. If there are any aliens out there, please come and get me.

My Godmother had 5 miscarriages and her husband worked for Lockheed. My cosine, her only daughter,  had a hysterectomy in her early 20s. My older sister had the same thing happen to her after her last son who turned out to be a genius. Donny Martin is now dead due to a bizarre accident that no one in the family believes was an accident at all. I was the only women in the family to run away and my children were perfect and there were no complications at all.

My family still doesn't have access to secret files. We were used like guinea pigs for their genetics program and they try to make me, a once gifted person into a psychotic over night. I'm still alive. I don't know for how long. I thought I was dead about 7 years ago and still I go on and some kind of guardian protect me.

Genetic manipulation is against Gods' most important rules--The Ten Commandment. If you don't know what they are find out. It matter little whether this is a real god or just a land lord. we are at their mercy show respect.

Love to all the children

Redmond Rose~



So I did this for you and the others.  Spielberg is really starting to bug me. I have never had an encounter.  A lot of people want answers. I don't need disclosure from the government. I know what is going on. So I want to be left alone. I'm regenerating.  If I were in a safe place without this on going stress, I could do it and know who it is done.  My nerves seem OK but my muscles now need to be done.  I can't do it here.

What I know about is this.

Transient Vortex From Polar Satellite Images

This vortex phenomena can totally waste radio and satellite communications. This is the UFO phenomena people think are seeing. It can even cause plans to disappear right off the radar.   On the west cost you can some times fine the permanent ones, like the Oregon Vortex in Gold Hill right on aviation charts because of these problems.  So you are taking all mechanical backups out, depending totally on GPS and other electronic and optical sensory equipment. It's really amazing to go to the Oregon Vortex.  It bends light creating an optical lens. We do the same thing with lasers using electron lenses.


So when people argue that this is UV and not in the same frequencies as most of our radio and sensor equipment I just laugh.   There are seven vortexes that I was shown back in the 80s on a aviation chart of northern California and southern Oregon. I was working with a geophysics at the time around Mt Shasta and Crater Lake. This is most likely what is causing UFO sightings.  It's due to object displacement due to the lens effect.  Because these vortex move it can make a star or group of them appear to move also. :-) I've done so much research in this that I even named my daughter Shasta after the mountain.

The same plasma that is emitted from the earth that creates a Vortex, can also effect organics, including humans.  It can alter genetics, cause hallucinations and cause irrational behavior. The government obviously knows this or they wouldn't be spending the money sending up satellites to study it.

 So how do I get the folks in Hollywood off our backs? The others say that because they used Chromosome alterations that the genetics will not transfer to our children so they have nothing. So they have nothing but normal kids.Ý



Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company’s site in Palmdale, California, is headquarters of the company’s Advanced Development Programs (ADP), informally known as the "Skunk Works." It is also home to the U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, upgrades and enhancements to the F-117 Nighthawk stealth attack aircraft, and C-130 special missions aircraft. It is located 80 miles north of Los Angeles in the Antelope Valley.

This part of the company began as a research and development operation in 1943 when the War Department asked heritage Lockheed to build a prototype jet fighter to counter the German jet fighters appearing in the air war over Europe. Lockheed’s response was the P-80 Shooting Star. With that program, Lockheed set the standard for projects that are highly secret, very high priority, timely, and performed on a minimal budget.

The company went on to design, develop, and produce prototypes that became the U-2, SR-71 "Blackbird," and the F-117A. All Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company advanced development programs, such as electronic warfare simulation systems, detailed system/tactical simulation systems, and C4ISR hardware and software, are located in Palmdale.


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