was an animated gif with a head spinning around

3D Graphic by Joan of Art~

Protecting the Vegtables?
Oct 28, 1998


Never let it be said that a ScareCrow's job is worthless. While a thankless job it may be, protecting the Vegetable garden is a worthy job,,,:-) or so the Vegetables think. They hang out there all cozy in that fenced in garden protected from the dear, rabbits and the crows. And you stand perched there on a post, right in the middle for all of the world to see, a fool to the carrying crow.

Those Old Black Crows will perch on your tattered form, peck at that Pumpkin you wear as a head, rip at your weathered clothes and shriek at you until you are half deaf, BUT they will not venture into your garden. NO, your Vegetables are quite safe. Hey, they may be pretty buggy, but with a few Chickens scratching around, a Turkey or two and a Garden snake here and there those BUGS coexist-exist quite well. Besides, eventually the Chickens eat the snakes and you will eat the Chickens in the end. Yep, this is no BED of ROSES Baby or a Rosarium.

Yes ScareCrow, your garden is doing quite well. While you hang there, staked to a post, living the LIME life, your Vegetables grow bigger and bigger. But in the end, they will all be eaten. And you, well ScareCrow, next year, we just add a bit more stuffin, get you a new Pumpkin or a Burlap Sack stuffed with Straw (No BRAINS need Apply) for a HEAD, and the Garden will prosper with a whole new crop of Vegetables once again.

You may be my Pumpkin, but a Burlap Sack Head will do just as well. I'd much rather MAKE you a Sweety Pie. I can bake you in my oven in time for Thanksgiving. Some sweet wipped cream will help to make you tast much sweeter.:-) Perhaps another cream pie can bite the dust?

GESTURE BASIC FAX BABY! How do you like my little Birthday Greeting Notice the word GREED in the Birthday.

I noticed the Stock Exchange did a spin the other day. FOOLS! Oh, it was a hardware error HEAD! NOT! They still don't get that network routers and bridges are embedded software systems with data and time codes! How else can they tell if a header is bouncing around and time it out? No Y2K problem here? Don't want to think about that one...:-) The satellites are a big enough mess....:-)

I put off this for a day because I want my timing right.:-) You know I can dance. My e-mail is a mess as usual. You know, if your folks are going to hack my account and read my e-mail they could at least leave it on the server so I can read it too. I lost several days of news list. Poof. So then I find there is a new Bellevue Server for Transport and try as I may it isn't accepting my password. Go figure. Do these brain dead idiots know that they are dealing with a REEL engineer. I may be unemployed due to your obsessions but, hey, I work every day.

This files structure is looking worse and worse. To many back doors. I laugh. I bet these back doors are there so your own people can spy on each other and you. You know, read your e-mail, sabotages each others work, etc. Makes the best sense.

I did get comp.risks to finally show in my sublist.dat file. It was in the grplist.dat all the time but with some odd encryption. So I added it via Yahoo, and then I use the Tool Newsgroup Filter to filter the only poster, [email protected] . Then I exited the program. When I came back it was still in the list. The encryption in the grplist.dat files had changed. So I removed the filter and while the files remained in the sublist.dat, it never showed any post. Odd...

This filter thing has some interesting attributes. I guess it's a feature to allow a corporation to filter groups or special posters. I'm sure that is how your sales reps are selling this feature and that one that allows them to spy on employees by grabbing their e-mail and INTERNET history. You know, this is coming back on you and it's going to bite you in the ass boy. Sure I know what is going on here, but it looks very different to the outside world.

By the way, I noticed that several (depostion) e-mails don't sound like the way you write. Do you have a split personality with different grammars.:-) Why didn't you bring up the e-mail forgery problem in your deposition? There isn't one e-mail document that should be allowed in court unless that person is brought in to verify that they really did send it! (IT'S THE LAW) With Outlook Express you can even forge the encryption key and signature. Whose great idea was this one. This isn't a bug and you know it... :-)

WIN 2000?


So Hugo First? Play Fool On The Hill--I attached it. Become pray for these Carrying Crows. A REEL disease might go good right now. DIS .RA is really making me sick. OR! UB43 Sweety Pie n I play CAT. No Mousin Around hear! This C AT can rip the throat RITE out of a CROW! CASE in POINT--->

BTW, you think CHAT is where it's at. I laugh. Funny TOON of Jeffy. NOW I may have to have some fun wit DAT. Perhaps I could start a CHATTER BOX! A REEL Babbling Brook? More like White Water GATES! U no it's almost Turkey Time. You need some BUCK SHOT! <grin><grin>

KISSeS -- Jpony~ wit WingZ!

not on my web now


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