The day before Bill Gates announce he was marrying a women on my witness list, he also signed a declaration in my potential sexual harassment/handicap discrimination court case.



I love Gates dearly.  He is such a nut case. He was actually coerced to sign this, which was a total lie. He had tried to head hunt me for years.  There were articles in the Seattle Times, Journal American and PC Week about Gates and I and I was interviewed on KOMO news with the story going International. They were obsessed with the first example of a REAL female nerd. This is because Mr. Gates considered my attempt to get rehired in the company after getting injured, harassment. It was only e-mail about my research. But like Carol Patton of PC Week pointed out, he has a delete button just like the rest of us and even then had the ability to filter his e-mail. 

Does this e-mail to an old acquaintance look threatening to you?  Certainly not to Bill. But to the Fascist Feminist inside of Microsoft and perhaps his feminist mother it surely was. I thought these women were crazy due to their attempt to be like men, including promiscuous sexual contact with male co-workers. What I considered harassment they considered equal equality. Well, men doing get vaginal infections or pregnant. I didn't consider it equality at all.

I couldn't believe he did this.  There were no depositions in the case--not even of the victim, no hearings or testimony. AND numerous women and other's submitted fabricated evidence and simply said they knew me, when in fact they only knew the internal gossip conjured up by the men. And the aging judge in the case showed just how sexist our state's legal system is. So when the antitrust case came, I knew he was lying again. He is a very poor liar.

When I attempted to move away because they had blackballed me from working locally with all the defamation, I tried to get a antiharassment order removed in Connecticut so I could work. I thought Microsoft would allow this given that they thought I was doing surveillance on people, which I never did, and didn't like the gossip by the women regarding my situation which has only gotten worse over the years.  So I filed a Complaint to this effect in Connecticut. Here is their response. My original complaint is here:

Connecticut page 1

Connecticut page 2

This case was a question of law and required no trial. I just wanted to go back to work. At the end of the PDF below, is the modification from 1992 after I got a pro bono attorney, that Microsoft eventually made so I could work.

Microsoft's response--request to move case to Washington were Mr. Gates' father is a powerful legal influence on ground that it was a hardship on them.
large PDF 5.3M  They didn't want me outside of their manipulative control and that hasn't changed. I have 13 years of retaliation, harassment, stalking, lost income, loss of my children and major physical damages from this obsession to control a women who filed a sexual harassment complaint with the EEOC.  This web is an attempt to model what women will go through if they file these cases. It's also an attempt to make the males understand what can happen to them too, when they don't deal with this and get closure on the issues. The wealthiest man in the world has NO prenuptial agreement with a women he was force to marry fearing she could testify against him. The really sad part was he was the one being sexually harassed by the women. It's that way with all the nerds, male or female.

They claim that Mary Gates and Bill Gates would have to testify as to phone contact?  I never called anyone until 1994 when the harassment with pornography got way out of hand it was only by phone messages asking that they contact me.  I was too traumatized by what happened to me that I couldn't go near then. They didn't know anything real about me so they just made things up. They projected their own motivations on to me, a women who had live in a rural environments for almost 20 year.

I'm on welfare at this time living from hand to mouth after having my L&I cute off less than a week after Microsoft was served.  Microsoft security had posted my picture like a wanted poster in their security building. They were giving out my personal information and I was being stalked. They  were making up false allegation about me that were totally outside my own personality profile that I was making threats to illegally get information on me.

This is the main document used to get the first antiharassment order. They got it illegally from an insurance adjuster. They had no release of information for Kelly, Continental Adjusting or Labor and Industry. My case manager, Diana Rutt said she was force to sign this and didn't write it. That is apparent from the grammar. And as it indicates, a man named Gib Goff, was the one who called them making allegations. My ex-husbands were even being contacted, and my children stalked. We had police parking in our apartment parking lot... things like this.

I did report to L&I that a women named Jean Emeny, who did an assessment on me for my L&I, had attempted to convince me to drive my car into Bill Gates when he was leaving work.  I was concerned about people trying to get people they assumed would have mental problem, to do harm to Bill Gates, who I was now prohibited from reporting this to. They do it to me all the time.  I was really worried about his safety because the harassment was coming from his own company and underlings executives.

Microsoft also gave out my personal e-mail to Bill Gates to Dr. Jack Reiter in my child custody case. He did an MMPI but couldn't find anything wrong with me mentally so he said that because I was a programmer I MUST have an attention deficit. They wish.  Not true. They did the same thing with the UW. Because my e-mail is sometimes in nerd linguistics and over their heads, they think it's harassment of Gates. I think he like that e-mail and they don't because they can't understand it.

I was so devastated by the assault and hazing by this guy who was 12 years younger than me, the injuries and the company firing me after being left like this I wasn't even capable of picking up a phone to call anyone, which is why I went to the EEOC.  Then due to the gossip inside of Microsoft and by people like Brian Valentine--Sr. VP Windows, who defamed me in internal e-mail, I became the focus of hate by other males and this was openly expressed on internal closed male list.  I was literally being stalked both on the Internet and in my local community. My credit cares and records were all hacked. The harassment is what prevented me from recovering from spinal surgery and left me physically disabled for life.

It was OK for Microsoft to stalk me, violate my right to privacy in this matter, spread malicious gossip about my rape, interfere with my insurance, intimidate my employer, Kelly Services, and hack my life, but I can't move away from them and attempt to get my life back... The stalking, intimidation of people working with me, now involving my need for social services as disabled women and harassment has never stopped. Using my disability has made this like a form of torture.

I am denied medical treatment for a dislocated elbow and broken arm and abandoned in my apartment without the ability to use the phone or open a can of soup. May 2003.

I'm illegally restrained, detained, given drugs, and denied the right to go home when not treated for a head injury at Overlake Hospital.

Microsoft employees still attempting to intimidate me using a people in my apartment building.

[NOTE:  Bill, women are the ones who will make the break in the next technology age.  I'm a women and know what they want. AND I just discovered that the iMac ships with the development tools. That makes buying a Mac cheaper than buying a PC if you are a Linux hack or like me, a black balled Window's Developer.  Just think about it. HOW MANY DEVELOPERS DID YOU BLACK BALL? Well, it  must have been quite a lot for Jobs to do this.  Well at least I have one original signature of Gates and his finger prints on the document! He was a little sweaty at the time so they are quite good. I wonder how much someone would pay for that?]

He had been trying to get me to work for him for years--starting in 1988. I rejected the jobs because of the commitment and long hours.  The women in HR--Beth Davis, who was at  Penny's now, who handled his  request in 1989, was mentioned in their response to my Connecticut complaint-large PDF 5.3M on page 13 in a declaration by Chris Enslein--who has never talked to me or met me either.  This also mentions Susan Sullivan-Sibert, a women I didn't mention by name but told Gates about in e-mail because she was spreading malicious gossip about him and his sexual relationship as part of her training classes.  She used a temp named Rick, whom I met, to get records from the Redmond Police about me. Problem was that I was from Oregon and didn't have records. I was a nerd and never had any problem in my past.  So they got records on another Joan Brewer, and I became the victim of mistaken identity.

These people lied about everything.  These are the women and men who hurt Bill Gates. They are totally sick. They forced this marriage too.   So sad. If Gates was subpoenaed, it would be all over. And it eventually was when he quit as CEO due to their invasion of his private communications and life.  It's amazing how many people were force to quit or fired over this case.

I was a mother with 3 children who desperately needed to move away to work and protect my children and these wealthy people came first. So much for the Gates' foundation's Charity...  He didn't get the thing about children back then. He understands that now that he is a father.  What goes around comes around. I have 13 years of lost income, a permanent physical disability and am still harassed.  So here I am with what was a potentially high paying career living as a disabled women on $572 a month social security fighting with Medicare for the basics in health care.  Now I'm just one of the living dead, waiting to die, which would be preferable to being harassed to death.

No damages from his major lie?  I think he is more damaged than I am. He is the one living with the psychotic not me.  And instead of loosing his children he has to worry about a divorce that would give her the kids!  It must be fun putting up with her affairs and trying to placate her to keep the family together. One of his other governess was telling local governesses that his wife was abusing his oldest daughter. Sad. He isn't there all the time and I guess when he is away she has her say.

I only took the job because I as attempting to start a business of my own and thought this was just a 40 hour week job that wouldn't interfere with my after hours work. When you go into a small business you usually set up a network or work on it after hours any way--like on the week-end or after 6:00 PM.

I've seen a lot of people make sacrifices for their goals but this was way out there. He had major money and I didn't think a settlement in my case would be that much. At the time only about $100,000. Not much for someone building a $50 million home. But what I really wanted was just to clear my name and go back to work. That never happened. I'm still being retaliated against.

In March of 1993 many strange things happened. First, on March 5th Steve Ballmer who was at the time the Executive VP of Microsoft's sales, was sent on a three month tour.   Then all hell broke loose.

I had a lawsuit filed in Federal court against Microsoft for civil rights violation. I thought it would be settled out of court, but these people wouldn't even talk to me. They wouldn't even do a deposition. I was suing because  I managed to get a broken neck on a business trip with two men.

I was left disabled for life, not because of the original accident, but because of the retaliation and political manipulation that people at Microsoft managed to throw at me. I was being harassed really badly in my community. I was being harassed by an ex-husband about my children.  He was getting help from Microsoft.

I eventually let my children go to protect them from more harassment. I haven't seen them since 1994-95.  In the summer of 1994, I remember taking my son Gaelan to Hood Canal on a camping trip. That was the last contact I had with him.  We sat in the airport when he left. I was so paranoid that I rescued his flight out of Seattle for fear... of what ever...  I put my arms around him and told him I would probably never see him again. And I cried when he got on that plan knowing it was true.

There is NO amount of money to compensate me for the 13 years of lost wages, lose of bodily functions, loss of my children and my family or the pain that I feel daily due to having NO real medical care even now. It's been like being in a Nazi prisoner of war camp and being tortured. Why?

No one wants to get in evolved with my situation so I'm becoming a quadriplegic. When this is preventable and it's being done to you intentionally you know you are dealing with psychotics. 

Yesterday I took the bus to Redmond. The one that I get drops me off at the Overlake Transfer Station. I've been having problems with Access Transportation through the King County Metro System. So Overlake Hospital is right there.

I got off the bus and to my surprise there was no handicapped access. No little concrete ramps to get me off the concrete curb. NON.  So I saw a drive way and it had a ramp of about 45 degrees. I need about 7 degrees. It was the best I could do. I was literally trapped unless I wanted to get another bus to get out. I won't be bared from any place. So I saw that there were a few buses and drivers watching me and decided to go for it.

It's kind of cool really. I can recline my chair back so that my center of gravity is to the back. This keeps me from going over to the front. I backed up and went for it.  I also made it down some other really steep hills in Redmond, like the one on 20th by Fred Meyers. 

Microsoft is about a block away.



This was so funny. He was in the house and they knew it, but wouldn't open the door. Eventually I paid to have them put the papers on the back entrance. I included in the papers a hand written note. I also threatened Microsoft that if he didn't accept service at his home we would do it in a MORE PUBLIC PLACE, like when he was giving a speech somewhere.  A few days later he accepted service after about two months.  That was a good thing. A male engineer friend of mine who had a copy of the complaint had photo copied it and given it to many people in the industry like himself and the media... with the order to just throw it on stage when you are at a speech he is giving. 


I never got the bed. Instead I spent 3 week in a fetal position in excruciation pain, without even any bedding on my bed and not able to pull up a blanket up.

So do you want this up on the Internet or not? Let's see.... Gates signs a declaration that was a total lie... He had been head hunting me since 1988. They even told me he was the one interested in me in 1989.  Beth Davis was obsessed in knowing how he even knew about me. So maybe he didn't call on the phone and say, I want you to work for me. But he did have others doing things for him.  AND because of his interest in my these guys decided to have some fun with me on a business trip--causing my injuries and permanent disability.

You can wear a red rose but you can't have the real one? I thought you were the wealthiest man in the world. Evidently not. Instead of a Red Rose you have a thorn bush with all it's briers. Hope you don't bleed to death....


Lets see what Mr. Gates and Company are costing the taxpayers for my disability that is due to his company's retaliation...  Do you like to pay taxes for their cruelty? Evidently this is how the rich make their money. This is what I call the associative cost of discrimination. 

Their should be laws in this state making it mandatory that a person be put back to work at the employer who caused the Labor and Industry accident. Microsoft had all kind of jobs I could have done and still could do.  They've hired 50,000 people and it is considered harassment for me to even attempt to get a job working for them.  But in Washington State, we protect the wealthy and the middle class gets burdened with supporting the disabled... 

Microsoft, you don't like what is on this web. If you had hired me back it wouldn't be hear.  And if you had hired me back you would have been able to get a non-disclosure contract with me and gag me. Why didn't you do this? If I had a job I would have had medical insurance and never would have ended up this severely disabled.


The cost of long-term care is extremely high. The statewide average cost for nursing home care currently is $163.00 per day, depending on several factors, such as private or semi-private room, and the extra medical needs or supplies in a given case.

It is also possible for a person to receive long-term care services in his or her home, an assisted living facility, or an adult family home. Generally, long term care in these places is less expensive than in a nursing home; however, if a person needs full-time skilled services, this would probably be more expensive than a nursing home.

Medicare does not cover most long term care costs -- Medicaid does.

Changes in Rules

Medicaid rules can change or, at a minimum, are updated twice yearly, typically in April and October. Please be sure to review the most current information.

Medicaid Qualification Rules

Medicaid is an income assistance program funded by both federal and state dollars and administered in the State of Washington by the Department of Social and Health Services ("DSHS").

To determine financial eligibility for the Nursing Home and COPES (in-home, Assisted Living or Adult Family Home care) programs, DSHS looks at two categories: income and resources.

Income rules

Income Rules for Applicant.

With regard to the income rules, it is only income in the name of the person who is applying for Medicaid (the "applicant") that is considered. If a person seeks Medicaid eligibility in a nursing home, the applicant's income must be less than (1) the Medicaid monthly payment rate for the nursing home, and (2) the applicant's regular monthly medical expenses. As a general rule, as long as the income in the applicant's name is less than $4,000 a month, this standard is met.

If a person seeks Medicaid eligibility for services in his or her home, an adult family home, or an assisted living facility under the COPES program, the applicant's income must be $1,656.00 per month or less.

In the COPES program, the person receiving services, if single, can keep $749.00 per month as an income allowance, but if the person receiving services is married, he or she can only keep $571.00 per month as an icnome allowance.

In a nursing home, a person receiving Medicaid can only keep $41.62 per month as an income allowance whether he or she is married or single.

Non-Applicant Spouse's Income.

In addition, the spouse who is not applying for Medicaid (the non-applicant spouse), may keep the greater of (1) all income paid in the non-applicant spouse's name, or (2) all income paid in the non-applicant spouse's name plus as much of the applicant spouse's income as is necessary to bring the non-applicant spouse's income up to $1,515.00 per month.

If housing costs (rent or mortgage, taxes, insurance and utilities) exceed $455.00 per month, the $1,515.00 can be increased by the amount of this excess, up to a maximum of $2,267.00 permonth. In calculating housing costs, the actual cost for rent, mortgage, insurance and taxes is used; however, for utilities DSHS uses a standard figure of $300.00 per month.


Within the resource category, there are two kinds of resources: exempt and non-exempt.

Exempt resources are simply not considered by DSHS in determining whether a person is financially eligible for Medicaid. For married couples, exempt resources include their house, household goods, one automobile of any value, and either $1,500 set aside as a burial fund or a life insurance plicy or policies with a total face value of $1,500 or less.

For married couples, the non-applicant spouse can retain at least $40,000 in other resources and the applicant spouse can retain $2,000 in other resources, for a total of $42,000, in addition to those exempt resources mentioned above. In some cases, however, the non-applicant spouse can retain more than $40,000, up to a maximum of $90,660.00 (please ask your attorney about how much you are able to retain).

For single persons, the exempt resources are the same, except the automobile cannot be worth more than $5,000 and he or she must sign a statement of his or her subjective intent to return home in order for the home to be an exempt asset.

A single person can only have $2,000 in non exempt resources.

Transfer of Asset Rules

Effective August 1, 2003.

Any resources which are in addition to or over the resource amount described in the Resource section herein must be spent or used in some way before a person can qualify.

Under the Medicaid transfer of asset rules, there is a waiting period for transfers of assets of up to 36 months. However, a transfer of an asset by way of a gift does not automatically result in a 36 month period of ineligibility. The ineligibility period is determined by dividing the value of the asset transferred by the average daily private pay (daily nursing home rate in the state), which is currently $163.00 per day in Washington.

There are important rules and strategies which can qualify an applicant as soon as possible, without incurring, in many cases, a full 36 months' waiting period.

Particularly for married couples, the transfer of asset rules are quite liberal in allowing the non-applicant spouse to protect assets, over and above the amount of assets he or she is allowed to keep. For married couples, gifting of assets, the purchase of an immediate annuity or other strategies as recommended by your attorney can be used in certain circumstances to qualify an applicant sooner.

For a single person, some gifting is allowed, but the options are not as plentiful as they are for married persons.

COPES Program

 COPES is designed to help people who, without COPES, would need to be in a nursing home.

COPES services include help with basic activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing, and toileting, and such health related services as body care and meals. For persons who receive these services in their homes, COPES can also cover certain household maintenance tasks.

For services at home, COPES can pay up to $2,714.88 per month, based upon the level of need. COPES pays a private agency to provide these services, or whoever the applicant chooses to hire. Unfortunately, the cost of home health care is often greater than $2,714.88 per month. To stay at home, a person may have to supplement the COPES payment.

COPES can also cover the cost of care in an Adult Family Home or Assisted Living Facility, up to a maximum of $2,473.15, based on where the services are provided, but only if the provider accepts payment from Medicaid.

The above information was taken from the website of an estate lawyer. 

Some interesting documents:


This is suppose to be a pressure release mattress so I don't get bed sores. This is what I got:


This is the directory about the nightmare I went through following an accident in my home on April 28, 03 when I fell transferring between wheelchairs.

I was taken to the hospital strapped tightly to a back board with a hard neck collar and my head tapped to the board. I was that way for hours before they could even get me into X-ray. The X-ray machine wouldn't work because I have a problem with telekinetic when I am upset. They were eventually able to manually operate it. They could tell my arm was broken but the X-rays were not good. I was admitted to the hospital so I could be seen by specialist in the morning to determine what the extent of my injuries were. This never happened.  I was sent home with a temporary splint held on with Ace bandages on my left and dominant broken elbow which was still dislocated and very painful. I  denied access to either a neurosurgeon or orthopedist to do an extensive exam. My elbow has not healed and continues to dislocate. It's still very painful and this is now November 2003.

I was totally and completely alone without any help at all until May 5th. Then I only had this:

archive/COPES/Ilona-workorder.gif  I suppose I was only suppose to got to the toilet three days a week? And what about eating. I was totally and completely at risk. AND the people put into my home were Russian. I have a hearing problem and the communication was horrid. They certainly didn't do anything on this list. A second worker started at the end of the week.  She was a Pizza delivery worker who thought her job was to take me shopping at the mall. I'm not laughing. Turned out she was delivering Pizza to Microsoft RED  WEST and reporting on my condition to them.  Aside from the dishes, laundry and getting food for me, they do most of what was on this report:

The hours needed they claim was 271 a month. COPES is only allowed pay $2,714.88 month or about  200 hours a month. This plan cost $3,644.95 to Medicaid, and the short term nursing home care would have been paid for by Medicare at a rate of about $163 a day. 

So with this much need, I should have been in a nursing home or assisted living center until this went down. I was only ever able to get 64 hours of untrained chore workers in my home placing me at more risk. The language problem was unbelievable too.  I asked the women to give me a bath and she didn't know how to help me. So when I asked her to help me wash my hair she didn't understand. I tried to gesture.  She grabbed some scissors from the shelf and was going to cut my hair off.  That was really scary.  The last time she came she did my laundry and some how in 4 hours was not able to get the laundry dry.  So she hung it all over my apartment. 

They made such a mess in my apartment that my condition was steadily going down hill so I started asking for help from neighbors and canceled their service. My doctor did an intervention when I was finally stable enough to get to her office using my wheelchair. That was on May 22, 2003. 

The Department of Health investigated this and found no problem at all?

DOH-Investigtion.pdf   What is this?  They didn't even interview me or consult with my doctor or the home healthcare agency she sent it when she did an intervention.  This is the way Gov. Gary Locke who has refuse to investigate this is cutting the budget. I had my COPES services cut after I fired a women who was coming into my home and sleeping on my couch.  They are doing it to everyone. It cost $13.45 for someone via an agency. And they only pay $7.68 when that person is hired by you. So they said I had to hire someone and I couldn't find anyone. So I was home alone without help for a really long time, dragging myself around on the floor when I couldn't get to my feet and surf the furniture to the bathroom. It was horrid. They are doing this to all the disabled and elderly. The first thing they did in Washington was to cut the SSI payment, homecare and utilities support to disabled and elderly people--the most at risk people in our society. 

The Department of Health in Washington found nothing illegal about denying me medical treatment. But HHS and Medicare did. The hospital bill was $4,679.09 but Medicare only paid $632.40--I think this was for the hospital room.  I have a bill from VNS that COPES ordered in to cover their ass for PT, OT and Social worker--no nurse came--for $450.  A $251 bill for the Emergency room doctor.  $161 and $145 to see my doctor plus about $500 for specialist. The amount paid to Providence was $4,246.92 but they billed $2,778.00.  I guess that is the perk they got for turning in Valley Medical and COPES. Now add $13.45 an hour for 271 hours a month for COPES.  That is $3,645 a month.  Add it up. I fell because I didn't have a decent wheelchair for my condition. The wheelchair cost $6,105 and is total crap. 

SAFECO sure didn't pay much for the damages I have. This year alone my Medical Bills were over $12,000 in the first 6 months.  SAFECO and the UW doctors the did deposited claimed my injuries are all due to the Microsoft accident in 1990 which was a work related accident.  I didn't get any settlement from them either. I was denied the right to fight this case in court by Judge Mary Yu and signed off on this settlement.

 Declare It  At 52, this is likely to get worse and the bills will just keep getting bigger. But Microsoft with it's $46 billion cash makes their money ripping off employees and contractors this way! Isn't that RIGHT BILL!

I'm going to do everything I can to get the Inspector General of HHS in here to  evaluate the DOH! This investigation was done without interviewing me. So they didn't know the results of the others.

The COST of nursing home care because I didn't heal correctly from my elbow would be close to $60,000 a year!  Can I find a doctor willing to fix my elbow? And should any taxpayer be paying on my medical that is the result of an on the job accident at Microsoft?

This is my main archive to other Microsoft documents. I'm sure that even though others are having some problems that mine are much worse and motivated by this situation with Bill Gates and his family and father's law firm--Preston Gates and Ellis.  I'm never went back to work after the assault at Microsoft because of Mr. Gates.  No discrimination or harassment? They don't like that I'm a live so they should try to kill me.

Marry to prevent a women from testifying against you? Are you insane? With all your money you could have paid her off. Sue your father's law firm of Legal Malpractic!









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