Re-edited Old Page...
No one listened a couple years ago when I first did this.

OK Harry Potter... What?

I tried to warn you and you didn't listen last time. I tried to warn Bush and he did listen either. You were both so easily set up. Do you remember the TV show Bonanza? There was a Chinese houseboy. Remember how he acted.  True and dutiful, obedient and always bowing and complementing his master. How about I Dream of Gene?

So let's get back to the Subtle Chinese War Strategies.

You have two enemies you want to get rid of but you have no power. The Chinese Saying is "Tie two grasshopper together." What does this do? It creates Chaos! Even if they are both trying to get the same place, being bound to someone actually restrains you.

You Grasshopper are Bound. In every relationship you have formed a NOT, you are now restrained--Ballmer, Father, Microsoft, Wife 1.0 (that the guys still call the Joan Clone but I now call her a Lady Diana Wannabie with a little Madonna Eva in there.  Why did Eva die of cancer?) <giggle> In fact, once you have too many of those NOT, you are actually caught in the web of your own making. 

This is you! And I'm looking right back at you
Don't you love the French!

You play games. I play GO! Hit me through third parties if you like but that will never make you a man.

And Microsoft is bound to the US Military.  So you both struggle in Chaos. These relationship are intended to distract you from your focused intentions.  Your Vision.

George Bush is also BOUND. You see those Iraqi that wave and praise the Americans...  I'm laughing. He and Tony Blair are in big trouble.  I wonder how many children Hitler had?  And I wonder who it was that I did a dance with on the Internet that did this?  I never could figure out why so many people know about something coming down in NY around 9/11 and the FBI didn't? They seemed to be spending their time on pornography web site scanning through dirty pictures looking for hidden messages. Oh, please. Can this truly be the case? I put it right out there myself... and nothing! We were covering your OWN foreign agents ass... Why?

alpha delta charlie echo...

And here is the second War Strategy:

Taking down the Mega Monoliths: The Asian Way

In order to deplete it,
   It must be thoroughly extended.
In order to weaken it,
   It must be thoroughly strengthened.
In order to reject it,
   It must be thoroughly promoted. (key)
In order to take away from it,
   It must be thoroughly endowed.

This is called Subtle Insight
   The yielding can triumph over the inflexible;
   The weak can triumph over the strong.
Fish should never be taken from deep water;
Nor should organizations make obvious their advantages.

George Bush and Tony Blair are not doing the right reverse strategy. I noticed that Prince Charles seems to have a handle on it and is trying to clean up the mess.

Prince Charles is going to make an excellent king.  And with any luck, he will and some of the other remaining monarch in the world who were raised to understand the rule, will help fix the mess we are in world wide do to the arrogance and greed of common men.  You would never see a Prince doing this:

This is NOT Vogue. Very bad face. He should be indignant and concerned about the possible mistake. He should be back stepping and trying to learn from a mistake. "I'm not worthy if I can't fix this." 

I really shook them up in the White House with this.
No one ever considered Microsoft monopoly and their Millions of Developers in their network as an army. But it sure is. And it dwarf the US and anyone else.

The same is true for Microsoft. You have many of these bound.  When YOU bound IE and the MediaPlayer to the Windows OS, you created Chaos. Now they are like two struggling grasshoppers and getting NOWHERE FAST!

For God's sake learn to shut up and talk candidly about your mistakes. It was a mistake to integrate IE and the Media Play because it causes security problems. You didn't know how sinister  people were going to use the Internet when YOU made that decision, if it was yours. Even if it wasn't, take responsibility for it.

Now come up with a strategy to fix the problem. I think you already have a version that has limped along in parallel just incase. Don't lie, just do the thing with the embedded version that was recommended in the first place and use IE and the MediaPlayer as a client shell to create better security.  YOU KNOW! CLIENT NOT SERVER.

Take a look at this embedded system from Siemans

Microsoft went after the tablet PC, but the really big market is in flat panel PC.  I believe they will get into the home too. With speech recognition the need for a keyboard will disappear.  These machines will be able to even move into some application like customer service and support. These are the REAL PC that will begin to propagate that can do your web surfing, e-mail, control an appliance or environment.  I remember that system Paul Allen had in his pool area that a whole group of us engineers could figure out how to make work.. He can now replace it with something easy to use. You may want to consider doing this yourself. hee hee..

When I'm on the Internet I never want to be a "SERVANT" to anyone else. What an insane concept.  I want to be "served." That is what I'm paying for. 

Take a Q from Prince Charles. He handled the Diana mess with dignity and grace. The women had affairs, confided in the servants, made unseemly political and sexual relationship. And then she got herself killed.  I'm pretty sure she was the victim of one of those "suicide thing." That driver of the car was just like those pilots in the jets that flew into the WTC or the car bombers in Iraq right now.

It was very sad that she was mostlikely used so easily. Anyone in power is extremely vulnerable to the same manipulation... Think about that house boy in Bonanza. I've had domestics associated with your household trying to pass me information for so long it's insane.  Just how did they get the idea I was the other women in your life? I always thought it was Anne. After all I'm from a lower class. "I'm not worthy" I'm just a Mystic.  Sometimes you compensate people like me for our wisdom.

Now if you really wanted to fulfill your true destiny, which I know to be mysticism I'm still willing. After all that tornado you created when you were only seven was quite an amazing natural gift. Your mother must have really upset you over that dinner party thing. But to master an element at such a young age to the point of ripping the carport roof off and creating a water spout over Lake Washington?  I don't think it's happened since.

I've done similar things so I know what you are really about. It took a few days but that Clinton Inauguration storm locally was one that I create after loosing my job,  I was awake for a few days in one of my major furriers. 


Here is my latest math problem... I decided to test out the spread sheet in MS  WORKS-NOT! LOL I was getting some really strange number that didn't look right. So I ended up with two out of three... It was amazing.  And I also was able to calculate empty cells. I've read about this on the Risk Forum but this is even more insane that I could have imagined. What you see on that spread sheet isn't always what is underneath. Anyway, it was Bill Gates' insider trading. One calculation showed him loosing almost $60 million while another showed him gaining $1.7+ Billion. Whoa... What an error. I wonder if Microsoft really has $53 Billion in cash. You know the more you edit and format and reedit  these spread sheets the worse it gets. 2004-02-19

The Fool -- Love Me Knot... LOL I love these guys.

Leaky Code... ???

Oh no... You aren't going to attack ISP and sue for your leaked code! This is brain dead. They aren't doing anything stupid like this, are they? Hacker share servers, use Kermit, burn CD-ROMS and send via snail mail, call the pizza delivery guy and swap the pizza for a CD-ROM, walk out of work with your portable CD player loaded with a CD-ROM of code, load the drive on your iTune player and exit Microsoft or post in public on Webs--like code hanging off the end of a video or audio file in some kind of compression format. That is how they are moving everything. I found this wonderful bug that allows you to record a CD into Windows format and record voice right along with it.  It's so eerie. But these bugs are kind of cool. And you know hackers always find a way to use them. But this is more likely organized crime, not hackers. You know, industrial espionage. If you are doing this they are all doing it too... What goes around, comes around.  Your code has been on the Internet forever... especially in Russia and Eastern Europa. And your own engineers were backing up the code to CD-ROM for safe keeping in their homes for as long as I can remember CD-ROM burners. You have no real security at Microsoft. NONE! Besides, these hacker use webots and you can't see them. 2004-02-18

Microsoft IPSA International... must be on the job with this one...

This is one of the stooges Microsoft legal use to stalk me.
After I complained about being drugged and assaulted by a co-worker at Microsoft I was fired. Then they were paranoid so they decided to post my picture and personal information in their security building. This subjected me to years of harassment and stalking. In doing their investigation they also were attempting to try and get other personal information.  So they were making up stories about me making threats! Because I was from Oregon and had no record in this state and they didn't have an SSN or Driver License number, they got the wrong Joan Brewer from Redmond Police. This person had a psychiatric disorder and police record. I've been two people ever since. The only thing I ever did was attempt to get a meeting with HR and send some e-mail to Bill Gates in an attempt to get rehired. Because I knew Gates from when he was younger I was writing to him about my adventures as a Rancher in Oregon. It was funny stuff. I never even called these people.  They didn't want me writing him so they made things up so they could get an antiharassment order.  For years I've been stalked by a Redmond Police Officer named Brian K. Steinbis. He is living quite well for only making $35,000 a year.

With all  this harassment, the Department of Justice will do nothing.  The Bellevue Police won't investigate the assault at Overlake.  And the state won't investigate the fraud in my home care or Seattle King Co. Aging and Disabilities interference with my medical treatment and abandonment in my apartment when I needed to be in a nursing home. 2004-02-20

Hey, Senator John Edwards wants to have Sexless Marriages made legal.  Hah, I can walk now really pretty well. My arms are still pretty gimpy but... :-) I'm fixable. Three months with a pool and some equipment and I'll get it back. You will never fix this crap if you don't get a person like me who KNOW the problems. They don't even KNOW how to do valid test.   Is there something Ballmer doesn't get about this?  You should pay me $1,000 a day to work for you.  I've always been able to go into the code psychically.   Come on, do you want to go to your grave looking like an Ogre--from Latin Orcus, god of the underworld?

1 : a hideous giant of fairy tales and folklore that feeds on human beings : MONSTER
2 : a dreaded person or object

Gary Jules - Mad World

Buy this album!

From the album "Donny Darko Soundtrack"

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places – worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere – going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression – no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow – no tomorrow

And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it’s a very very
mad world mad world

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy birthday – happy birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen – sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me – no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what’s my lesson
Look right through me – look right through me

And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it’s a very very
Mad world . . . world
Enlarge your world
Mad world


2004-01-30   I was recently taken to Overlake Hospital after falling out of my wheelchair shortly after getting off a bus because I hit a bump in the shoulder of a road.  They didn't treat me very well. Knowing who I was they assaulted me instead. I'm so very weak from my physical condition and had a hug bruise on my forehead and left knee and had dislocated my elbow again.

They needed to assault and humiliate me taking my all clothes off and putting me in four point restraint with a dislocated elbow in nothing but a short gown with my leg spread.  It was like being naked and exposed. The didn't even attempt to give me a blanket to cover my genital area and I was in front of a window where people were looking in. I can't seem to stop crying about it. It was like being gang raped. It was intentional. Oh God.

It was so humiliating and they wouldn't do anything for me.  It was like I was a piece of meat or freak show. It was like, hey she isn't that beautiful women any more. Look at her fat body.  I'm over weight due to confinement so it was extremely upsetting after being so fit most of my life. That really seem to be the point. 

People know that I can't get any legal help due to Bill Gates  father and his law firm. So its been almost 13 years of this.  They even fought me when I attempted to move to Connecticut  to work for IBM as a contractor in 1992. And when I finally got a settlement, all be it only attorney fee, I had that taken and put in a group trust where I can't use it to move away and try to get away from them. Just really sick people. I'm sure my favorite harasser, Mrs. Melinda Gates was very delighted about this... The gossip must have been going the whole time I was there and then sum. So I decide to give them a really good show... LOL

So I began to scream at the top of my lungs. This really agitated them. A nurse came in and said I was scaring a child in the other room. I had a how hospital of people.  I was fearful that they would attempt to OD me and I would never wake up.  So I screamed even louder.  I'm pretty good at pitch and there are some that can really drive people crazy. I can really hit the high ones. It's almost like you can hear the humming of a swarm... and I sure know how to use that.

After awhile they had to do something.  Then to cover this all up, they made up some amazing claim that I was something like three times the limit for alcohol. So I was force to go to Swedish Hospital for alcohol treatment. I don't even drink alcohol ever day. I only use it for medical reason because I have chronic pain, muscle spasms and a sleep disorder. But I was really pumped and totally coherent.   They didn't want me because I said NO to drugs just like I did at Overlake.

They didn't assault me the way Overlake did however. They called the doctor and I talked to him on the phone about my concerns due to drug reaction I have and my medical condition. I was so tired I just wanted to stay and sleep.  But coherent people aren't treated for drug withdrawals.   Needless to say, by the time I was going home about midnight we were having a down poor that was like buckets.  The driver couldn't see and the traffic was really slow on the freeway. The cab driver was in shock and so were most people on the road.

I spent over seven hours in the custody of these people against my will. I wasn't charged with any crime. I was just injured and got no treatment for my injuries, just assault.

This got really bad.  The next day the hill side down the street from me gave way, and it was total chaos.  When I got my wheelchair from the police, the rain had stopped as I made my way home.   Issaquah Creek was lapping at the bridge behind the milk bottling plant as I mad my way home. 

That evening I went behind my apartment by the preschool and was amazed to see that their was a line of media vehicles watching the creek. So I calmed things down.

When I'm in a lot of pain I can loose it too Trey. You should suggest to your people NOT to harass me any more or we could end up with water lapping at mansion door on Lake Washington.  Ballmer might find that really expensive yacht of his capsized or we could have one of those really bad snows that collapse roof again--Yachts in the bottom of the Sound...


Do you ever think of Ray Norda these days? Remember when he said you didn't have a heart? I thought I had a bit of help with that one.

As I always say, YOU can control the stock market with your insider trading people, but NEVER forget who can control your weather! Besides I can sense a 7 year old who gets made at her mother and father when they leave too. So you are buying up the neighbor's houses?

By the way Trey, I'm still serious about starting the school and finding other like ourselves. We need more trained and disciplined wizard to help control this global warming issue. There is a lot of old technology that has been forgotten due to this obsession with the written word and numbers in the hands of frauds.  We can bring it back, but it can never ever be written. The humans don't get it yet but will when the grasshopper take over one field at the other.

Local News: Saturday, January 31, 2004

Eastside Digest
Flood chances fall as Eastside rivers subside

EASTSIDE — The National Weather Service has dropped most flood warnings in East King County and expects rivers to subside after Thursday's heavy rain swelled their banks.

Moderate flooding is still affecting pastures and roads in the Snoqualmie Valley, though there have been no evacuations. Several roads in the area remained closed yesterday.

The Snoqualmie River retained its flood warning after cresting almost 3 feet above flood stage yesterday morning. But it is receding slowly and was expected to subside by today.

The Tolt River and Issaquah Creek crested Thursday night, but flood warnings have been removed.

Now back to my latest horror story from the fascist pigs in this lame and greedy community....

When I got home, the first thing I did is get out my camera.  Yeah, I was so drunk I didn't pass out and could take pictures of my injuries. Want to see?  Here this should make your loving wife and Connie Ballmer who is on the Board of Directors of Overlake excited.

Injury to my head from fall




Meals On Wheels - I get one such daily ration of food. This is how they can justify my illegal imprisonment.

They are doing this to senior citizens in the United States.   They actually charge $3.50 for this and it's suppose to be a non-profit venture.  I ran a retail food store for 3 year. The typical mark-up is 50%.  Most are barely palatable and the meat is mostly textures soy protein.  I would get better in jail. It's suppose to be ready to heat and it but much of it is not and there is NO Quality control so some comes incomplete. I would normally not eat anything like this. With them claiming I have MS, this is going to kill me sooner than later. But I'm NOT afraid to die. So bring it on and see what I can bring back on you after I'm gone.

I'm going to do a web page on this too. How the United States takes care of their parents and disabled citizens, including their veterans, many who are like me locked away and force to wait to die eating shit. This is your thanks for fighting for your country. This is what I get for being a stay at home mother in my 20s and making sacrifices for my children.  You will be better off to get your head blown off in Iraq than to come home to this!  Oh and they get abused in the hospitals too. It's amazing how many are immigrants too. So white people are really getting it abused for the inequality here of foreign professional.   Rock n' Roll those bones.

You know, I look pretty mentally sober in these pictures... But the head injury wasn't treated and was very swollen. No matter. I can get through anything after the dislocated elbow and broken arm that didn't get treated at Valley Medical and three weeks of hell I went through last May.  Now what exactly is it about a physically disabled 53 year old women that would cause them to do this. Is it all the insider trading.  Funny, right before this happened I had been into the US Attorney's Office to file a formal complaint bout the abuse over the past 13 years, especially after the broken arm incident. I'm not sure if they will investigate, but couldn't help but notice that your people sold 8 million shares of MSFT.  You know, I think this is called insider trading.  Funny I mentioned I was tracking the insider trading and could prove it. Thanks so very much for this help.

Request for criminal investigate for Hate Crime

Actually, the last page of this PDF is from a 4 page fax that was addressed to Overlake Hospital and brought to me by a psychotic neighbor last spring after my accident. How many of your employees and enemies have been either badly defamed or left dead in these situation? I know of so many it's sad. But when "they" did this to a women like me it was a mistake.  I never did the drinking, drugging party thing. I hardly ever date. I gradate with honors from college as a single mother with three children. I was gifted as a child, in special classes and taken out of public school and put in a private Catholic school because they didn't know what to do. You can't change my history.  And the biggest mistake you made was trusting third parties instead of your own instincts.

Your father is a fool and an idiot. Perhaps you should have a talk with your father and wife about getting a good criminal attorney. You may want to consider what to do about Cascade and Preston Gates and Ellis who you gave power of attorney too also. With such a good financial performance and over $53 Billion in Cash and Assets, what other reason can you give for selling so much of your stock right now. Just as with Martha Stewart, timing is everything. What they did in 1999 could land you behind bars for life. Or Melinda again. She is obviously NOT TOO BRIGHT or she wouldn't attack me using third parties and get caught all the time.

I can make the weather move just like you can but I know how it all works and YOU DON'T. Not exactly they type you can defame like this.   I went back to college, thinking I was going to give the world a cure for cancer, then watch your mother die of it while I was going through hell.

I believe this is The Lord's way of making understand that curing your virus, AIDS, or cancer is not in my cards. You will fail and The Lord will prevail.  I'm laughing about "Mad Cow Disease and the Bird Flu. Yes, let's kill off these animals.... That will work? NOT! I'm laughing at the stupidity. Please keep reinforcing the insanity. Give these idiots more money.  They are little better than the domesticated animals they are kill.  Never talk to people like me who have the empirical research to really help, because you are guided by a class difference.  Baby I have way more class than you do, even without any money and all Microsoft attempted defamation.

So what to do now?  I helped you in the past.  But you never reciprocate. So I can only assume you are a coward or guilty as hell yourself.

P: Pinocchio in the Belly of a Whale?

Q: How does he get out?

It's all about Alice's Mouse at that Caucus-Race that went absolutely know where... I want this race over or I will .... I'll think of something...

Disney had some tales to tell too...

Q:  What happens when a person grows a tale long enough for his own ears to listen? 

A: He turns into a half-ass man... :-)

The Greek Mythology around Priapus is also about this animal. I guess you have to know what an ass really is to get why we call people this.

Back to Pinocchio... :-)

OK so he is a half-ass man now... Is that good enough? So what is his father doing about it? Will it really help go join him in the stomach of a beast? Maybe but only if he can think like a real man.  And remember only the Blue Fairy can grant his father final wish in the end... ?

I will come back to this later... Remember Bobby Fisher. It's all really about "Looking Glasses" and "Smoking Guns."


For Pinocchio to get out of the  "Well-Whale" or the "Frog to become a Real Prince" and save his father he has to tell the whole truth. Their is a reason why they say, "The truth will set you free." Why is that? And why is ties that restrain you like they try to restrain me in the hospital preventing you from your true potential.

This is the consequences for ignoring your responsibility as a man and human being. How many children did you kill. The Lord Will Prevail.

Don't find yourself caught in public looking likethis tearful Rumsfeld... These men are becoming a disgrace to what America use to stand for. So they made a mistake.  Do something to fix it instead of crying about it and defending a stupid mistake. We all make mistakes.  I made a Royal one when I trusted a job offer from Microsoft to be true, instead of trusting my gut level instincts. At least Prince Charles is a man about it.

I still support and love Michael Jackson.

People with either wealth or power are often setup. Let's get real about it instead of making it into a media circus.  By the way, I use to get in bed and sleep with my parents and remember it very well. My children also did this too.


Love to all the Children
The Blue Fairy - with the power to make real men

Alias Wendy, Red, The Redrose, Redmond Rose, Bleeding Edge--the ultimate whistle blower on science and technology.



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